
Prussian innovations

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280 power stones extra chapter


-Third person

More days had passed in the small settlement and it had started to show changes, not only because there were new buildings, also the population had increased, something that was happening in many of the settlements with a permanent Prussian administration as they heard that the Prussians were building new houses for all the inhabitants in exchange for a payment every month

Which was quite affordable for all the Westerosi because nothing could be better than having a good roof over one's head, especially since the rainy season was approaching the reach.

Inside the village was Konrad checking one of the new cargoes that had arrived, the rivers that made up the mander were the arteries of Prussian logistics because all the major trade centers in the area could be reached by river.

Which allowed the Prussians to use ships to transport their products between all the towns, taking the products of the ashford steelworks to all corners of the new territories governed by the Prussians, which greatly facilitated the connection between the capital under construction and the governors.

Allowing all Prussian innovations to reach all parts of their new territory in a short time due to the use of navigable rivers.

Within the cargo that had been left by the Prussians on the river bank was a huge number of boxes.

Konrad began to take inventory of everything that had been sent to him.

''Thirty thousand silver coins for wages'' said Konrad to his a teenage boy who had the list and ticked off everything Konrad said

''Hammers, nails, shovels, axes, saws'' Konrad said as he began to move the heavy boxes without much difficulty.

Konrad's assistant followed closely behind with his notebook and quill.

''What this... utensils, spoons, forks and knives, Addam these were in the inventory?'', asked Konrad checking a box full of utensils

''Ehh... it says about copper coated steel items, which are to be delivered to the entire population, Herr Konrad'' said the young addam.

''Let's see, give me that''said Konrad extending his hand to the notebook.

Konrad began to read everything that was contained in the manifest that had been handed to him.

''Well, it seems that some doctors recommend to give objects with copper to avoid... diseases... we will have to ask the doctor what this is about... I must update my knowledge about that, I can't be ignorant'' said the knight thoughtfully.

the knight's assistant nodded and they continued going through the cargo that was his to carry

Nails, boards, bricks, cement, support bars, everything they needed so that the construction of new buildings would never stop and slowly change the style of the wooden village houses to brick and cement houses with a touch of German architecture.

When they verified that all the supplies were correct, Konrad called a group of villagers who helped them move them into a warehouse where they would be stored until the day they were to be used for construction.

As the knight and assistant duo moved towards the village, they were hit with one of the scents that had recently begun to normalize in the village.

The smell of freshly baked bread

One of the Prussian soldiers who had accompanied the administration had been retired at his own request and with the money, he had saved he started his own business with a bakery using the recipe that was used in the military

Unlike the Westerosis who used another type of grain such as rye or when it was scarce due to a bad harvest, oats, the Prussian bread was made exclusively from wheat flour, which called the attention of all the inhabitants, due to how rare it was to get bread from that grain even in the fertile the reach.

The Prussian bakery was crowded with people who wanted to buy bread or other products from the baker.

There was a long line waiting for him to start selling bread.

Addam, would you like something to eat before we call it a day?'', asked the knight to his assistant.

''I would be truly grateful, mein Herr'', replied the assistant.

''Well come on, with a bit of luck we will have some freshly baked bread'' said Konrad as he took long steps towards the bakery while carrying a bag of objects

''Jürgen, must increase the production or he will have problems, it seems that the whole town wants to buy bread'' said Konrad taking off his helmet.

Konrad looked at the line of almost a hundred people waiting their turn to buy bread that almost reached the end of the town

''It's because of the price, your subordinate offers the bread extremely cheap, I would say even too much it's cheaper than rye bread and it's wheat bread, nobleman's food, mein Herr''replied the assistant

''Wow, you never cease to amaze me, I knew it was a good idea to take you on as an apprentice, good to know, the flour is sold cheaper to the Prussians almost at production cost price, so what Jürgen is doing is offering the best he can at a fair price'' said the knight who stood at the special bakery row.

Prussians and government authorities were given preference in receiving attention from all Prussian or state-owned businesses

Konrad put his arms on the counter and caught the former soldier's attention.

''HERR KONRAD, my favorite customer, what do you want today, I have bread in the oven ready for you'' said the smiling Jürgen as he clasped his hands together.

''Ehh, give me a bread, slices of ham and cheese, to drink a glass of orange juice, the same for the boy'' said Konrad to the baker

''I have a beer I made recently, do you want to try it? it's perfect, just because of the weather we can't keep it cold'' said Jürgen showing him a barrel.

''*Tsh* you tempt me, you tempt me a lot Jürgen, but I can't, I'm on duty'' said Konrad rather hesitantly

''What about the boy?, do you want a drink?'', said Jürgen looking at the knight's assistant.

Konrad gave Jürgen a sarcastic look.

''Hey, it's safer than drinking water without vinegar, so it's no big deal either'' said Jürgen smilingly

''Nein danke''said the assistant.

''Ha, ha, ha, ha, the boy speaks German, where did you get such a good apprentice mine can barely understand my accent and I have to struggle a lot to get them to do what I say, but yours already understands our language'' said Jürgen ruffling the assistant's hair

''He is the best of my students and the most willing to learn'' said Konrad smiling at his apprentice.

''Well right away I'll bring you what you asked for'' said Jürgen going to the back of his bakery

''Well done Addam'' said Konrad looking at the long line of westerosi starting to buy bread.

After a short while Jürgen brought everything he had ordered

''Here you have what you ordered and this is a gift for our little genius'' said Jürgen putting down the food and adding a piece of cake to Addam's order

''What is it'', asked Konrad.

''Honey cake I stole the recipe from the westerosi, sugar is scarce, so I should have used honey, something that is readily available in the area'' said Jürgen.

''How much do I owe you for everything?'', said Konrad

''The bread, ham, cheese and juices, let's leave it at a silver stag'' said Jürgen.

''Sure, here you go'', said Konrad handing him the coin.

''Well enjoy, I'll leave you to help my workers'' said Jürgen.

''Ah wait Jürgen the king sent you something'' said Konrad taking something out of his bag

''The King?, what did he send me?'', said Jürgen in surprise

''A book for accounting, here you go, here you put your expenses, here your earnings and after checking your balances, your earnings should pay the five percent tax, you are expected to pay every month, but you can make the one-time payment every year'' said Konrad handing a book to Jürgen

''Oh, I see, thank you, I will have to learn how to add and subtract well, can I ask you for help if I have problems?'', asked Jürgen.

''Of course, that's what I'm here for, just take care of the book, paper is scarce and the engineer with me almost killed me to steal the book, he's tired of having to work on papyrus or parchment'' said Konrad smiling.

''Sure, thanks, I'll do my best not to waste your time'' said Jürgen returning to the back of the bakery.

Konrad with his assistant ate their food and prepared to continue their day

''Addam your help is no longer needed for today..... here, your pay for this month or moon as you prefer, go take care of your mother and don't spend it all remember...'' said Konrad

''Saving is important, as you should always be prepared for adversities or opportunities'' said Addam saying what Konrad was about to say

''You make me proud, boy'' said Konrad.

Konrad separated from his assistant and began to do other work.

He met with several inhabitants to discuss repairs that needed to be made to certain homes to be prepared for the coming rainy season and to prevent any houses from leaking and to continue with the construction of homes because with the increase in population that the town has received some of the new inhabitants have had to take over homes that were abandoned and were in terrible conditions.

All of this was added to the list of objectives that the construction squads that had been formed in the town were to accomplish.

Then Konrad with the help of the engineer and three other soldiers placed a manual water pumping system in the main well of the village, the inhabitants of the village watched with curiosity what the Prussians were doing, as they had no idea of what was going on

They only observed that the Prussians were placing metal objects in their well for a few hours.

But when they finished Konrad began to make use of the system and water began to flow out of the hand pump orifice to the surprise of all the inhabitants.

Konrad wiped off his sweat and went to do his last job of the day with the doctor.

''At last your new tools arrived'' said Konrad taking a small box out of his bag

''Ah finally, my other tools were starting to get worn out'' said the doctor as he wiped the blood off his hands

''Huy, what happened?'', said Konrad

''Nothing important, the woman was cooking and cut her hand with the knife, I cleaned the wound and sewed up the wound'' said the Prussian doctor receiving the box

''I see... they sent this too, but I don't understand them, it's too advanced for my knowledge'' said Konrad taking out some papers

''Ah, the report made by the king's council of doctors, it's not very important, it's just medical techniques or discoveries'' said the Prussian doctor

''Yes, but it brings information about how diseases are produced and I don't understand it'' said Konrad.

''What?, let's see, give me that'' said the doctor.

The doctor began to read and each sheet he read he began to read faster and more excited about what he was reading.

''Ha, ha, ha, ha, this is wonderful... the king created a kind of device that allows you to see very small objects and apparently he discovered that something called bacteria produce the most common diseases.... wow that changes things and ... shit.... a fungus that kills them''said the doctor as he took off his bird mask showing his face with a huge smile.

''What does it mean?'', Konrad asked.

''Ha, ha, I know that for you diseases are not relevant, the nobles don't get sick, or there are very few diseases that affect them, but for us, this means a lot, new methods for healing will emerge, fewer diseases, people will live longer, living more than forty years will not only be something for nobles, it could be available to everyone, a fever or a cold will not be something deadly'' said the doctor pleased.

''Then it's an excellent thing'' said Konrad.

''It's great Konrad, there will come a time when we will live the same as the nobles through progress'' said the doctor while reading more attentively the details of the report.

''Then that's great'' said Konrad, smiling.

after finishing that conversation Konrad went about his ecclesiastical activities.




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