
Blood and chaos

Losing everything he once ever had, he was destined to live poorly for the rest of his life... But coming in like a guardian angel to save the pure innocent child, a middle-aged, rich man adopted him rescuing the kid from the dark fate awaiting for him. Or so they thought... But The kid's life was turned into a living hell like many others because of the evil, obsessed scientist and his research. Many lost their lives, their friends, their homes, and even their minds in the despair and pain of this monstrous activity... The question is... Will the unknown kid from the adoption centre survive this hell? Or will he be lost in the sea of time like many others?

Zied_younis8 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs


Looking down at the hot girl he had just put to sleep, a small giggle slipped out of Kai's mouth as he glanced at the other three who just passed out as well before all signs of joy left his face. 

He let out a small sigh thinking of all the work he had to do now… Perhaps it'd be better if he quit already…

'Well, maybe not… '

Kai began to clean the chaos caused by the fight as he organized and tidied the beds for each of the four… 

He then moved them there one by one starting with Myra… 

Thinking back on what he just did, a small grin approached Kai's face as he thanked whatever God or higher power for giving him such a useful ability… 

What he just did was nothing less than the impossible as he used his superpower to manipulate everyone's memory temporarily to a certain degree to make them all despise and hate Myra from the bottom of their heart. 

This act was easier said than done as it is important to remember Kai just gained his power less than a month ago… In fact, being able to have such control of his ability in this short amount of time was scary enough for him to be called a mad genius… 

A talent that comes once in a lifetime as even learning to use their ability takes ordinary superhumans more than two weeks, yet Kai was able to do so as soon as he woke up and obtained it. 

Especially when his power was not obtained in regular ways which meant he had to make extra effort than others who got it through the natural way… 

What made Kai's act even more impressive was the precision and the intelligence needed to manipulate the others' thoughts and emotions to make them act exactly as he wished. 

Even more when they weren't even that much familiar with each other and barely met a few weeks ago. 

Yet Kai was somehow able to pull it off the best way possible with only some small injuries, except for Ken's injuries, he had to do something to fix those… 

He wasn't a god and there were many things he couldn't expect such as Myra's incredible strength and the fact she was a superhuman… Speaking of which her power seemed to create some sort of gravitational field around a small area… 

Very useful ability, if Kai had to say so himself… 

Will be of great addition to their group… 

Thinking about all the great things and possible potential for their group, a sense of happiness and joy were able to get back onto Kai's face… 

But his joy didn't last for long as he remembered Ken's current state, he had to use all the knowledge he had about medicine to heal him before taking care of the small bruises on the others. 


"More work for me… I guess…" 


Opening her eyes slowly with a confused look on her face, Ellen was the first of the four to wake up in a lazy mood… 

She looked around her trying to figure out her place and hoping to remember what happened when she saw Kai sitting alone on the side taking a sip of his coffee as he appeared to be lost in his own world while looking at some type of cheap porcelain doll in his hands… 


Ellen got up walking towards Kai hoping to understand from him what happened as the last thing she remembers before passing out was entering their tent and meeting Myra before everything went dark for her… 

Ellen's call out seemed to get Kai out of his daydreams as he hid the porcelain doll back inside his pocket immediately after hearing Ellen's voice… 

But as Ellen was moving towards him she unexpectedly started feeling dizzy before her body almost collapsed… But she was able to regain her balance, yet when she did… She was standing there like a whole different person… 

And it wasn't just her aura and mood that changed completely but even her hair started to get some changes turning half of it into a bloody red color. 

Kai didn't seem surprised by this nor shocked… In fact, he looked like he had already expected this situation as he had a very calm and composed expression as if nothing weird was happening… 

"Good to see you again, Sophie…" 

Taking another small sip of his coffee, Kai greeted Ellen's other persona who merely frowned on him, her thoughts unknown yet seemed to be holding back a lot of her anger… 

After a while of the uncomfortable, awkward silence, Sophie eventually decided to open her mouth… Her voice dripped with toxicity… 

"What did you do to Ellen???"


"So you weren't affected huh…" 

Kind of disappointed with the outcome, Kai let out a small sigh as he thought carefully about his next words… 

When using his ability to momentarily manipulate Ellen's memory, he was unsure if the changes will affect her other person or not… After all, he couldn't tell if it could be considered as a separate mind or not… But it seemed like it was as Sophie was right here standing in front of him, with her full memory of what just happened and questions filling her head… 

"Don't worry… I did nothing bad to Ellen nor will I ever do so…" 

Kai attempted to assure Sophie of any doubts she might have but his words seemed to only make her more suspicious and angry as she questioned once again… 

"Why won't you?!? How can you prove that you haven't or you won't?!? How can we trust you!!?" 


"Because I'm selfish, I only care about myself… No one else… Not you, not her, not my family… Only me…" 


Sophie didn't look like she understood Kai's logic as her eyes asked for clarification, which Kai offered immediately… 


"If anything bad happens to Ellen, my father will send someone else to watch over me… And if that happens, all my plans will be ruined, and eternal suffering will be the only thing awaiting for me… Either that or death, perhaps…" 

"What difference would it make whether it was Ellen or someone else??? Aren't you being watched and spied on either way…?" 

Staring at Sophie with his normal cold gaze, Kai simply laughed at her stupidity before he explained… 

"Because we both know that Ellen is naive… Her innocence and purity will be of great help for me to complete the schemes and plans I have built without my father's knowledge… Do you get it now???"

Sophie was not satisfied with the sarcastic tone Kai spoke with yet she let it slip this time for she had to leave soon before Ellen woke up… 

After all, she had taken control forcefully this time as she didn't want Ellen to hear the conversation nor interrupt them… 

"I don't care about your family issues nor your plans, but if you dare touch a hair of Ellen's body, I'll follow you down to the depths of hell and beyond… You'll never have a moment of peace as I shall hunt you even in your sleep… So be careful… Or you'll pay the price…" 

With those final threatening words, Sophie was back into the depths of Ellen's body, leaving Kai alone to the pain of having to find a way to explain everything that just happened to Ellen somehow…