
Blood And Briars

Garnetta Briars, a once-beautiful 17-year-old girl from a small town, is accidentally killed by a group of drunken boys while visiting her mother’s grave. As she lies dying, she is offered a second chance at life by Raphael, an ancient and mysterious vampire with a French accent. Raphael transforms Garnetta into a vampire, awakening her to a new world filled with both danger and power. Now, 200 years later, Garnetta lives a life of solitude and restraint, feeding only on wild animals and honing her unique vampire ability to grow and manipulate briar roses that can siphon the life force of others. The roses serve as both a defensive weapon and a surveillance system, allowing Garnetta to protect herself and those she cares about.

Socordia_Jade · Livros e literatura
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125 Chs

Protecting Bella

The next morning, Garnetta awoke with a renewed sense of purpose. The rain from the night before had cleared, leaving the skies over Forks a pale gray, the kind of overcast day that had become so familiar to her. As she prepared for school, her thoughts were focused on the plan she and Edward needed to solidify—a strategy to keep Bella safe and to stay ahead of whatever forces were converging on Forks.

When Garnetta arrived at school, she noticed the usual buzz of student activity, but there was an undercurrent of something else—an uneasy energy that she couldn't quite place. It wasn't just the typical teenage gossip; there was a tension in the air that seemed to hang over the school like a dark cloud.

As she walked through the hallways, Garnetta caught sight of Edward standing by Bella's locker, his expression serious as he spoke to her in low tones. Bella nodded occasionally, her face a mixture of concentration and worry. Garnetta could sense the weight of their conversation, and she quickened her pace to join them.

"Good morning," Garnetta greeted them as she approached, her tone light despite the heaviness she felt in the air.

Bella looked up, managing a small smile. "Morning, Garnetta."

Edward nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze still intense. "Garnetta, we were just talking about the plan for keeping Bella safe. I think it's time we brought the others in on this—Tanya, Raphael, everyone. We need to work together."

Garnetta nodded in agreement. "I was thinking the same thing. We can't afford to leave anything to chance. If something's coming, we need to be prepared."

Bella glanced between the two of them, her worry evident. "What exactly are we preparing for? Do you think the Volturi are involved?"

Edward hesitated, his expression conflicted. "It's possible. But we're not certain yet. Alice's visions have been unclear, but they're enough to make us cautious."

Garnetta placed a reassuring hand on Bella's shoulder. "We'll protect you, Bella. You don't have to face this alone. We're all in this together."

Bella nodded, though there was still a flicker of fear in her eyes. "I trust you," she said quietly. "I just hope we're ready for whatever it is."

"We will be," Edward assured her, his voice firm. "We have to be."

The three of them continued their conversation as they made their way to class, going over the details of the plan. Garnetta felt a sense of urgency driving her forward—there was no time to waste. They needed to act quickly to secure their defenses and ensure that Bella was protected at all times.

Throughout the day, Garnetta kept a close watch on Bella, her senses heightened to any sign of danger. The tension she had felt earlier in the day hadn't lessened, and she found herself on edge, as if something was just out of sight, waiting to reveal itself.

During lunch, Garnetta gathered with Edward, Tanya, Alice, and Jasper at their usual table. The mood was tense, the group's usual lighthearted banter replaced by serious discussion about how to keep Bella safe.

"We need to cover all our bases," Tanya said, her tone thoughtful. "We can't afford to overlook anything. If the Volturi are involved, they'll be looking for any weakness to exploit."

Alice nodded, her expression troubled. "I'm doing everything I can to see what's coming, but it's still foggy. There's something… something blocking my visions, or at least making them unclear."

Jasper frowned, his eyes narrowing in thought. "That's unusual. The Volturi have powerful gifts, but I've never heard of them being able to block someone's visions entirely."

"It could be something new," Edward suggested, his tone grim. "A new threat we haven't encountered before."

Garnetta felt a chill at Edward's words. The idea of a new, unknown threat was unsettling, but she knew they couldn't let fear paralyze them. "Whatever it is, we need to be ready. We should increase our patrols around Forks, keep an eye out for any suspicious activity."

Tanya agreed. "That's a good idea. We can rotate shifts, making sure there's always someone watching over Bella."

"I'll talk to Raphael," Garnetta added. "He has contacts who might be able to help us gather more information. The more we know, the better we can prepare."

As the group discussed their plans, Bella remained quiet, her gaze distant. Garnetta could see the weight of the situation pressing down on her, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness. Bella had been thrust into a world she didn't fully understand, and it was up to them to guide her through it.

When lunch ended and they all headed to their next classes, Garnetta noticed that Bella seemed more withdrawn than usual. She walked beside her, offering a reassuring smile. "How are you holding up, Bella?"

Bella shrugged, her voice quiet. "I'm trying to stay calm, but it's hard not to feel overwhelmed. This is all so… much."

Garnetta nodded, understanding completely. "It's okay to feel that way. No one expects you to handle this perfectly. Just know that we're all here for you."

Bella managed a small smile. "Thank you, Garnetta. I really appreciate that."

The rest of the school day passed without incident, though the tension remained. As the final bell rang and the students began to filter out of the building, Garnetta found herself scanning the parking lot for any sign of trouble. She was hyper-aware of her surroundings, her senses on high alert.

When she saw Bella heading toward her truck, Garnetta quickly made her way over to her. "Do you want me to follow you home?" Garnetta offered. "Just to make sure you get there safely."

Bella hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that. Thanks, Garnetta."

They both got into their vehicles, with Garnetta following Bella as she drove through the familiar streets of Forks. The drive was uneventful, but Garnetta remained vigilant, her eyes scanning the surroundings for anything out of the ordinary.

When they arrived at Bella's house, Garnetta parked behind Bella's truck and stepped out, joining her as she walked to the front door. The rain had started up again, a light drizzle that created a soft mist around them.

"Thanks for following me," Bella said as she unlocked the door. "It's nice to know you're looking out for me."

"Always," Garnetta replied with a smile. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call. I'll be checking in with Edward and the others tonight, and we'll keep working on the plan."

Bella nodded, her expression a mix of gratitude and worry. "I'll keep my phone close. And… thanks again, Garnetta. For everything."

With a final smile, Garnetta turned and made her way back to her car. As she drove home, she couldn't shake the feeling that they were running out of time—that whatever was coming for Bella was already in motion.

That evening, Garnetta met with Raphael and Tanya at their home to go over the details of the plan. The mood was serious, each of them fully aware of the gravity of the situation.

"We'll need to coordinate with the Cullens and establish a schedule for patrols," Raphael suggested, his tone measured. "We should also consider expanding our network of contacts to gather more intelligence."

"I've already reached out to some of my old allies," Tanya added. "They're on alert and will keep us informed if they hear anything unusual."

Garnetta nodded, feeling a sense of urgency. "We need to be ready for anything. I have a feeling that things are going to escalate quickly."

Raphael placed a reassuring hand on Garnetta's shoulder. "We're in this together, mon trésor. We'll protect Bella and face whatever comes our way."

As they finalized their plans, Garnetta felt a renewed sense of determination. The shadows were closing in, but she was ready to meet them head-on. With her family and friends by her side, she would protect Bella at all costs.

The future was uncertain, but Garnetta knew one thing for sure: she would not let Bella face the darkness alone.