
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
100 Chs

Meeting Aurelio

After entering into the tube, the tube operator whom is also the short man waves his hands on a strange dance as he then gathers energy in a mysterious way that it starts to form writing in the air, and after the word is completed it was shot into the tube.

The word was a ideogram of an archaic language that none of them knows, as the only things they could see was that the ideogram looked like uppercase 'B', but also looked like the number '8', it was more pulled to side but rather than a straight edge it is only connected in the centre. To any other onlooker it is just a mysterious runic character, but to Tang Zhan he was clearly looking at the word 'Up'.

Truly as he saw it, the tube lit up and they were sucked up into the city above.

'Why did I understand that? Why does it feel like it is something basic?' locked up in his mind, Tang Zhan didn't give notice to the scenery around them, as the rest were clearly flabbergasted by the view they got from the tube as it was even higher than skyscrapers back at Earth.

They also looked up at the underneath of the city as they arrived at the sides of the massive dirt and were about to pass through, but suddenly they found themselves on the surface, not being able to witness the dirt and ground around them as it felt like they were teleported instantly they got to the dirt.

Tang Zhan also noticed this but rather than feeling like he was teleported, it was better to say he saw everything go blurry, and he was sure he saw living creatures around those dirt in a type of facility.

'Looks like that might be some control facility for the city, or just some important city part for the royals within... Perhaps it is so.'

"Brother are you planning on staying in there all day long, come on we don't have all day unless you want us to sleep outside again today." Yufei called out as Tang Zhan see he is the only one remaining in the tube that remained open.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm coming already!" He hops out and goes to join the others, they were about to continue moving but he raised his hand for them to stop as he instantly brings out his scythe without hesitation.


A group of people emerged from nowhere, as the man at the front who is obviously their leader claps with an amazed smile on his face.

"Now that is what we called a genius no. A heavenly blessed genius, what the hell were you looking for in that backwards piece of land you call Earth. No matter how I look at it, even without the intervention of Brugrorths and Hlola taking up the rescue mission, I'm sure you would have survived no matter what." The red haired leader said.

He has short red hair along with red beards, his black eyebrows looks sharp and gives him an aggressive air but his face shows he is easygoing. He is fully equipped in some sort of advanced gear that looks like it dated back to the middle ages. It is just a regular Chinese styled clothing with high raised shoulder pads and tight fitting obliques guard both made of silver metal material that has thin blue veins running around it.


[Specie: Human.

Name: Aurelio.

Cultivation: 9th stage body refining realm.

Condition: Normal.


Hp: 950

Strength: 158

Agility: 174

Mind: 112

Soul: 100%. Normal.

Fort: Speed.

Weakness: Current strength not enough.]

"Ohh, you almost gave me a scare I thought broad daylight crimes were allowed in Spheros, but I was mistaken and didn't know it was captain Aurelio." Tang Zhan laughed it off as well as he kept his scythe back in his inventory.

The scene of him openly saying the captains name when they haven't ever met before, and the action that followed where his scythe disappeared without any spatial ring with him, gave a scary strong an dangerous aura to his bearing as the soldiers behind the captain all became wary with their hands resting on their waist, in case there was a need for them to unsheathe their swords.

"What's wrong captain, didn't you come to get me for the questioning about me being the strongest and still being strong even until now, or did you come for something else." Tang Zhan said putting up a strong all knowing front as he silently tried something in his head.

'X! Can you hear me'

X suddenly jolted, but her trained mind made her calm as she looked around for potential danger, but not seeing any she pinpointed it to be Tang Zhan as she tried replying back in her head.

'Tang Zhan! Are you the one?' replying back to the voice and the sudden channel in her mind, X awaited a reply.

'Yeah, it's me... I will need you to follow along with plan okay!'

'Since when could you do this, and have you always been listening to my thoughts.'

'Ehem, I could do it since now, so listen to the plan'

'Answer first, have you been listening to my thoughts, is that why I could hear your heartbeat and I remember you still haven't paid me back yet'

'If I answer, will you listen to the plan?'

'I might consider it'

'Okay, I've been listening to your thoughts for a while now, and I still remember I said I will find a way to pay you back... Okay how about a kiss?' Tang Zhan teased her, his other side suddenly choosing this time to come out as a natural bold air raged out from him.

'k-k-kiss, n-no no. I can't- we can't kiss. We aren't married yet, and you don't love me, we can't kiss.' X argued while stuttering.

'Just follow the plan, okay!' Tang Zhan quickly cut the conversation as he could feel a different him wanting to take over, he knew he didn't have the courage to look at X not to even talk about openly teasing her with wanting to kiss.

He already guessed that his personality will be unstable for a while as the release of his true powers seems to be bringing out the previous him, but after learning bout his past live, he decided not to accept the past him, and this resulted in a conflicting split personality where he is although the same but as well different. Sometimes he just feels different and in sync with a sort of craziness.

Tang Zhan looked at the soldiers and then back at his family, as he proposes his problem stylishly.

"You see captain, we are just new to this planet and world in general and we're planning to get a house and finally rest in after three days of stress and work, so would you do us a favor and assist us in getting a house or should we still follow you for the questioning?" Tang Zhan said as he raised his hands in the air to show his helplessness.

'This kid is cunning, and will grow to either be a dangerous threat or a domineering helper.'

"Well kid, you are free from questioning we wouldn't want to stress a future talent and powerhouse, now would we?" Aurelio said as he approached Tang while bringing out a pouch of coins and handing it to Tang Zhan.

"That's fifty gold coins, not enough to buy a house, buy more than enough to rent a house in the slums for a year or two, and if you're hardworking enough, you'll have made enough money to buy a house in the commoners living area. Live well kiddo, I hope we see each other later in the future."

The captain turned back without wasting any second further, as he walks along with his squad.

"I want that kid to be watched and reported to me and Davis, he is not normal and is more than meets the eye." He whispers to his soldiers as they all leave.

Seeing as they had gone, Tang Zhan breathes out a sigh of relief as he slumps down.

"Shit! That was some real battle, that bastard dared to fully maximize his killing intent on me even though he knew I was far weaker than him." He calms his breathing as he stood up and faces his clueless family members.

"Zhan'er are you injured, why did you fall to the ground." His mom runs up to him as she checks his body and stretched his cheeks.

"Mom! I'm okay, all thanks to X." Everyone is confused and looks at her, but she just shrugs.

"It was his plan, I only assisted in doing it since I could feel the terrifying amount of killing intent the captain was pressuring on Tang Zhan, but as for the use of the thing I did, I don't know." X explains as the family finally understand that the conversation they had seen with their regular eyes and heard with their regular ears was actually a battle between mind and resilience.
