
Chapter 38: Drunken Revelations

Eleanor’s POV.

“I’m in here.” Paul’s voice was quiet when I entered the apartment.

My feet ached. Pausing at the door, I leaned against it. I kicked my heels off, letting the cool floor soothe away the pain in my feet. But nothing really could take away the pain in my soul.

“Eleanor?” Paul’s voice tinted with concern calls out to me from the dark little living room.

“I’m here,” I reply. “I just need a moment.”

The apartment lights were all off. The only lights that cast any glow in the small space were the glow of the neon lights from the signs outside. A part of me begs to return to Chicago.

To the familiarity of the environment. The security of the city. The safety of the people. But there’s a strong part of me that will miss this. These quiet moments with Paul. Hidden away in a tiny studio apartment tucked away from the outside world where we can just be us.