
Chapter 31: Couples that Compromise

Pauly’s POV.

“Eleanor.” My voice was firm. But I was barely holding onto my emotions as I slipped out of the booth. “Can we speak? Privately.”

Eleanor looked at me with a look that gutted me to the core. I worked so hard in the time I had known her to ensure she would never doubt me, fear me, or hesitate around me.

But there was only so much that even I could handle. I extended my hand out to her, watching her look at it before she hesitantly took it, sliding out of the booth. The skirt of her lavender dress stuck to the cracks of the red plastic booth.

“This is my sister,” I spoke quietly to Marcell’s second.

“I know, Pauly.” The shit-stirrer who invaded our quiet morning was gone. In his place was the Underboss I had grown to trust. “Go handle your domestic business. The kid and I will order something greasy.”

“I’ll be right back,” I promised my sister whose eyes weren’t wide with fear, but more with peaked interest.