

I'm walking in the forest in the middle of the night. I'm wearing a red dress and the moon was bright and blue. I hear howling, like how my Hershey and Kisses would but louder. I thought they were in danger and I ran towards the sound and when I reached them I didn't find my dogs but very huge wolves. Like 6 feet tall wolves. Instead of getting scared, I walked towards the White wolf with brown patches on his body and there was a baby wolf behind that. It was trying to protect its baby. Suddenly I heard growling behind me and when I turned, there was another wolf snarling at me from 6 feet away. I was scared but I extended my arm to show him that I meant no harm and that brown wolf started walking towards me. I was about to pat his head but I heard a gunshot and I woke up breathing hard. That was a weird dream. Adrian Tyler Pierce is a dominant and recessive man. Whereas Kria Rosanna Martin is a polite and humble girl. He's from the USA She's an Indian. He's a werewolf. She's a Human and She's his Dream. Compromising isn't a word in Adrian's vocabulary and Kria doesn't like to be ordered. Will they accept each other's differences? Different nationalities, different cultures, different thoughts and also different species. Well Adrian isn't the one to let go of her. Let's see how our Kria makes our Adrian lose his mind. This is a cross country Werewolf love story. Show some love

Keerthana_Raj_8678 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs



Uh-oh, she used my full name and shouted at me.

"Hey mom, you look very beautiful today. Is she not, Dad? You are a very lucky man and I am a very lucky son" I complimented my mom, trying to change the topic and postpone whatever we had to speak for now but luck was not on my side.

"I am a very lucky man indeed but you are not lucky enough in whatever you are trying to do. I am on my wife's side today. So tell me what is happening here? From the time you went to India, you guys have changed and have been acting weird" my father, my only ray of hope who could have helped me from my angry mom, is siding with her now. Why moon goddess? Why do you like to give me so many troubles to take care of at the same time?

"Mom, dad we have so much to talk about but we can't do it today or at least now unless you meet them all. I will tell you what, you meet everyone and tonight, we will gather in the pack house and I will explain everything to you and everyone else but please let us not risk talking in front of humans. Please Ma" I held her hand and kissed it. She always fall for that trick.

"Alright" she sighed and caressed my cheek and we went towards the restaurant.

"Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. I am Adrian's father, Edward Pierce. I am sorry for all the things you had to face here. I hope you guys accept our apology and let us be good friends in the future" my father made a small speech to clear the awkwardness and everything started eating. After a while, slowly slowly the conversation started between the elders and before we knew it, everyone was happy and chilling.

"I hope we will be like this even after our in laws find out about our animal side" Aaron mind linked me.

"I hope so too, brother. I hope so too" I told him and ate my food with silence as I had to explain the matter to my parents and Justin's parents.

We finished eating and we suggested to the girls and their parents to go sight seeing as Justin and Aaron would love to show them around which they accepted gladly as they could avoid the confrontation with our parents'. I told Justin to take his time to come back as we had some matters to discuss with our respective parents.

Once they left, we went to the pack house's office as it was safe to talk.

"What the hell is happening here?" My dad asked, his voice calm but we all know the depth behind those words.

"Dad, when we went to Manik's wedding, we all found our mates there in the wedding venue" before I could finish explaining, my mom being a dramatic person that she is, held her hand on her chest and asked "You found your mate and you thought of not informing to us until this moment? Rakesh and Hansika, you knew about it and did not think about telling us?"

Rakesh and Hansika's face fell as they felt like they betrayed their Alpha.

"Mom, let me explain. I was the one who asked them to be quiet because we planned to get our mates here before anything could go wrong. They do not have a single idea about werewolves, vampires or shifter things for that matter. They do not even know that those kinds of things exist in the Fantasy world also as Ahana has stopped them from watching all those kinds of Movies and TV shows. She was afraid that the girls would put two and two together and would find out that Manik is a werewolf. So I thought of getting them accustomed to the new country, making them fall in love with us, training them to handle our possessiveness and all. Most importantly, we want to gain their trust before they know about us because if they get scared of us that would kill us. So we did not want to tell you guys until everything was sorted as it would overwhelm us. We know how excited you women get once you find out about our mates" I tried to explain.

"Excuse me? Train them? What are they, dogs? If anyone here is an animal then that would be you guys. Train them it seems. Anyway, when are you going to tell them about werewolves and supernatural beings and marry them? I want grand kids as soon as possible. Before that tell me who is your mate and tell about others too" my mom went from being a feminist to a typical mom in a few seconds. I know what you guys are thinking. She said you guys are animals instead of we are animals. It is because she was a weak wolf who could not shift but she was strong enough to fight. She could take someone in their wolf form.

"I am sorry Mom. I will try to keep my controlling and possessive nature at bay. Anyway, I want to tell them soon and also Kria, who is my mate has given me 15 days ultimatum to come clean but I do not know how to tell them. I am scared about their reaction as well as their parents' reaction. Ahana's parents could handle Aadya's parents but Kria's father and Natasha's father would not hesitate to kill us. Especially Kria's dad, he will bury Axel alive" I was interrupted again by Olivia (Axel and Justin's mom)

"Why would he kill my son if you are her mate?"

"Well, did you meet Jia?" I asked her.

"That sweet little girl? She is so cute and shy. I wish I could have had a daughter like her. Doesn't talk much though. Does she?" She asked me.

"Yes, you are right. She's still 17 and she is the apple of her family's eye. One drop of tear in her eyes and they would go to any extent for her. By the way, she is Axel's mate" I dropped a bomb on them.

There was a minute of silence and Nathan was the one who broke it, "we have to explain them before we can do anything about it or else my son is a gone case".

"Actually, Axel has already spoken to Kria and she took the matter really well. He did not say about what we are but he said that he really loves her sister which is the truth. She has warned him not to make a move until she is eighteen but she did not object for them to be together. But what I am wondering is, how come we all got our mates in the same place? Think about it, we are practically one family and the girls are the same way too. Is it not too much of a coincidence to find all our mates in a single household?" I opened the topic that was in my mind all this time. It was really weird if you think about it. I mean, according to Misha, Nat's brother Matthew is her mate. It could not be just a coincidence.

"I think your grandpa would have answers to all our questions and confusion. Why don't you guys go to him? But before that, I need you all to tell your mates about us before they find out and then talk to him. You know he would kick your ass if you guys act like a bunch of pussies" my dad said.

"Ed, language" my mom smacked his chest.

"Sorry love" my dad kissed my mom's hand.

"Alright dad, I will confess in a few days. I am really tired now and I know you guys are too. You rest well and we will take our leave" I told them and we exchanged hugs and kisses, Axel and I sat in the car and went to our house.