
Blessed by Myth: The World Transformed

"In 2033, gods and monsters bestow extraordinary powers upon the chosen few. As the world celebrates its heroes, a chilling question lingers: What price must humanity pay for these divine gifts?" Hi, I am the author of this novel and I wanna tell you that this novel is generated by AI not me!! I am just posting cause I quite like the story. Despite not being the one to write this but if you like this book and want to support me then you can by giving power stone, golden tickets, adding the book to your library. Cover isn't mine, if it's yours and don't want me to use to then tell me and I will remove it.

RuneDreamer · Fantasia
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Answers of the Higher beings (1)

As the years went by, the revelations surrounding the divine intervention of the gods, monsters, angels, and devils became increasingly puzzling. Some believed that the celestial beings were here to guide humanity towards a new era of enlightenment, while others thought they were testing the limits of mortal potential.

Religious leaders and scholars from various faiths attempted to interpret the intentions of these supernatural entities. They delved into ancient scriptures, searching for hidden prophecies or clues that could shed light on the purpose behind this extraordinary event. However, their efforts yielded no satisfactory answers, as the divine intervention seemed to defy categorization.

Meanwhile, the blessed individuals themselves grappled with their newfound powers and responsibilities. Some embraced their role as chosen ones, using their abilities for the greater good and inspiring others to do the same. They became beacons of hope, leading humanity towards a future filled with infinite possibilities.

However, not all the blessed individuals used their powers altruistically. Some succumbed to the allure of their newfound abilities, using them for personal gain and unleashing chaos and destruction upon the world. The media dubbed them "Fallen Blessed," a term that struck fear into the hearts of those who hoped for a peaceful existence.

As tensions rose between the blessed and the fallen, a coalition of world leaders formed with the aim of harnessing and regulating the powers bestowed upon humanity. They established the Divine Intervention Control Association (DICA) - an international organization tasked with overseeing the actions of the blessed.

Under the guidance of the DICA, the blessed were called upon to undergo rigorous training and to use their abilities responsibly. They were expected to maintain a delicate balance between wielding their powers and respecting the laws of mortals.

But even with the DICA's efforts, questions remained unanswered. The origin and motivations of the celestial beings continued to be shrouded in mystery. Some began to wonder if these entities were simply playing a cosmic game, using humanity as pawns in a larger, unfathomable scheme.

As the years turned into decades, the impact of the divine intervention continued to shape the world. The blessed and the fallen became symbols of hope and danger, admired and feared in equal measure. Societies adapted to the presence of these extraordinary individuals, integrating them into everyday life while remaining wary of their immense power.

And still, the fundamental question lingered: What did these celestial beings want from humanity? As whispers of their intentions grew louder, a monumental gathering was announced - a meeting between mortals and the divine, a chance for humanity to seek answers directly from the heavens.

The chosen ones, the blessed who had not fallen into darkness, gathered in a place of great significance - a temple that had withstood the test of time, a sanctuary that embodied both mystery and knowledge.

There, they stood before the gods, monsters, angels, and devils, ready to demand the truth.

The air crackled with anticipation as the first question was posed, the voice echoing through the sacred halls: "Why have you chosen us? What do you want from humanity?"

And in that moment, the gods and their otherworldly counterparts shared a glance, an unspoken understanding passing between them. They began to reveal a secret that had been kept hidden for millennia, a purpose that would forever change the destiny of humanity.

But that, my friend, is a tale for another chapter.