
Blessed By Arceus: Travelling Worlds with Pokemon

Just a tip: Don't play Pokemon Go while walking. By the way, this is a light-hearted fic and a wish-fulfillment so don't get serious about it. Be warned in advance about Cliche events.

HaremIsLife69 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter: 19

"Oh! It's Vice President!"

"Really, she is very beautiful!"

The moment Tsubaki entered, the male group started to whistle, while the eyes of the perverted trio glued at Tsubaki's chest that get them received a vicious gaze. Tsubaki halted for a moment while looking at the trio and gesture us in her index finger sweeping at her smooth neck.

The trio gulped, regretted to whom they have offended once again, while stunned how Tsubaki caught their attention in an instant. She then talked to the female teacher and explaining a new transfer student has arrived.

"Uhmmm, Yes, I understand." The female teacher said with a smile and Tsubaki shortly left outside.

"You may go in now. Also, please don't get influenced by the perverted trio inside." Tsubaki said with her tone annoyed.

Smiling, Karma answered casually." Don't worry, a friend of mine told me about them." Then, he bows again at Tsubaki, making him earned respect. "Thank you for assisting."

Tsubaki nodded and left, but the moment she turned her back, a soft smile formed on her lips but she has still to do something about the odd sensation she is feeling right now.

Exhaling deeply, Karma shortly walked inside the room while a gasped of breath echoed inside. Girls with shock expression while the boys in disdain.

Looking at his fiery red hair and enticing red eyes, the fans will not be mistaken who the person in front of them was.

Karma introduced himself formally. "My name is Karma Akabane, please treat me as to how you treat your own friends. Also, please take care of me from now on."


The girls cried out excitedly while chanting his name. While Aika, Katase, and Murayama that were sitting behind due to certain reasons were also stunned. There were many sections in the Kuoh Academy but they didn't expect Karma was will be their classmate.

"Settle down, students!" The teacher yelled while slamming her hands on the table.

It took a moment for the students to calm down while their hands are already holding their phones and notebooks for an autograph.

Looking at him, the teacher sighed then smiled, saying. "There's a seat beside mister Kiba, are you fine with that spot?"

"Yes, there will be no problems." Karma nodded and walked towards the spot. While walking, Karma immediately caught Kiba was trembling like Sona and Tsubaki. It might be a violation of privacy but this is his ability so Karma decided to use his mind-reading skill.

'Mister? But she's a female?!' Karma thought inwardly while being surprised in how she managed to do it.

"Do you know someone here? mister Karma?" The teacher asked when Karma had properly sat.

"Yes. Aika, Katase, and Murayama." Karma answered.

"Well, the three of you, once classes are done. Can you tour Karma around the school?" The teacher looked at the three of them.

"No problem teach!" Aika answered with a smile.

"Well, that settled. Let's resume the class."

- - - - -

Karma was really excited about becoming a student, finally! He was attentively listening even though for some others, the classes seem boring. Karma already earned the title as the number one enemy for male students, replacing Kiba. Time passed quickly, as it's already lunch break.

"Karma was going to eat lunch at the rooftop, you mind joining us?" Aika walked towards his spot and asked.

Nodding his head, Karma agreed with a bright smile. "Of course, why should I mind?"

The four of them trying to evade the students as they finally arrive at the rooftop.

"Hey, we will not get in trouble eating here right?", Karma asked worried, it was his first day if class after all.

"Nooo, if it was not allowed, we couldn't have been here," Katase answered while placing a soft mat on the ground.

"The air is refreshing as always!" Murayama breathed deeply and exclaimed while her gaze landed at Karma.

Aika giggled seeing their friends acting like real girls right now. Usually, when eating at the rooftop, Aika will always prepare everything.

"Why are you giggling?" Karma wondered, though, he won't mind because Aika looked very cute if she is always smiling.

"Nothing," Aika answered then grabbed her shoulder as she smiled. "Come, let's eat."

Karma shakes his head and just letting Aika dragged him towards the girls.

"Hey, Karma. You dont mind if I ask a question?" Murayama spoke while tucking her bento inside her bag.

"We're friends, you can ask me anything but some questions might not be answered...", He replied.

"It's fine... Ummm... Have you ever been in a relationship before?" Murayama questioned with a very curious tone.

The sudden question made Karma stunned for a moment, it's the first time someone asked him this question personally. The girls also noticed the sudden change of his expression but they were really interested.

Karma sighed then answered naturally. "Well, believe me, or not, no, I haven't been in a relationship before... Stupid right?" He mocked himself.

Aika, Murayama, and Katase immediately shake their head. Who are they to judge when they are also single since birth? The three of them changed their girly posture as their knees and hands were on all fours, unknowingly showcasing their breasts to Karma because of their louse uniform.

Karma gulped to what was his situation right now as three beauties were in all fours facing him. He felt a rising heat behind his uniform pants but remembered he should not be easily flustered by women, not for the sake of his mission and power, but for what he wanted to change in this second chance.

"You see..." Katase muttered shyly while twirling her pink hair and continued "We were also single since... You know."

A slight astonishment? Yes, because they were all beautiful and men should already have lined up to court them. He was not to judge but Karma felt he was happy and relieved to what he heard.

[To Be Continued]