
Bleed For You

Did you know? The one you will fall in love with… It is said you can smell their blood from miles away… Because it's destiny that pulls you closer.

Haru_Minami · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 1: Enigma in the Shadows (Part 3)

[ For a Better Experience, Listen to 'The Contortionist '(Slowed and Reverb) by Melanie Martinez in your headphones while reading. Enjoy~ ]

Episode 03

(Alluring Smell of Blood)



"Open the window."

Julius commanded hastily, as he tugged at his already loosened necktie. His icy demeanor and barely noticeable scowl gave away his annoyance.

Elden was quite taken aback by Julius's unexpected command. As the butler who served Julius for as long as he can remember, Elden knew that his master would never make such a request, never on a rainy day. But Elden knew better than to question his master's whims.

Despite his initial shock, the elderly butler quickly composed himself and responded, "Of course, Master."

Elden skillfully extended his hand towards a mesmerizing magical panel adorned with radiant gems. He pressed a blue gem, causing the car window to gracefully descend. The glass parted with a gentle hum, allowing a fierce gust of icy wind and torrential raindrops to assail Julius's face.

Most people would have been annoyed by such an onslaught, but Julius remained stoic. His face betrayed no emotion, not even the slight irritation that had been visible just moments before. Except for his eyes… His cold-piercing light grey eyes that gazed out the window, looked unexpectedly lifeless and cruel. It was as if he was staring into his own abyss… His own personal hell…

As the minutes ticked by, Julius frowned and slicked back his hair with one hand before finally closing his eyes and leaning against the plush seat. The cold wind and raindrops continued to lash against him, but he remained unfazed, lost in thought.

Elden watched his master in the dim light, his reflection faint in the rearview mirror. His expression laden with concern for a master who seemed ever more a stranger, ever more ensnared by invisible phantoms. He then sighed silently and continued driving the Moonrunner through the road surrounded by deep forest.




The atmosphere was serene, so much so that if it weren't for the music playing softly in the background and the sound of heavy raindrops hitting the towering trees of the forest, one would find such tranquility unbearable. Julius, however, relished in such tranquility. His loyal butler, Elden, was also well-acquainted with this serene stillness, having grown accustomed to it over the years.

Everything was going well until a frown creased Julius's face. His eyes flew open, and he sat bolt upright, his gaze locked onto the window with a mix of bewilderment and alertness.

"Master Julius, is everything alright?"

Elden's voice cut through the stillness, tinged with worry.

"Do you not perceive that smell?"

"Huh? What smell, Master Julius?"

Elden asked, his own confusion deepened. Julius's frown deepened even further at Elden's question.

After a moment of silence, Julius commanded in a grim voice, "Stop the carriage!"

"Ah-Certainly, Master."

Elden complied, bringing the vehicle to a halt. No sooner had the car stopped, than Julius leapt out of the car and vanished into the shadowed depths of forest in the blink of an eye.




I absolutely despise rain. The way it smells, the drenched sensation it leaves on your skin, the incessant sound of droplets hitting the ground - all of it gets on my nerves. I hate everything about rain.

However, at this moment, I find myself sprinting deep into the forest while being drenched by the downpour. My hair is disheveled, completely soaked through. My black tunic, waistcoat, and every article of clothing are clinging tightly to my body. The sound of the raindrops pelting the trees creates a deafening noise, and the scent of damp earth permeates everything. As I am running further and further into the forest, my boots are becoming caked with mud, but none of these discomforts even register in my mind at this moment. 

My senses are completely indulged in this disgustingly sweet scent of blood that's just dancing around, tingling my nostrils. It's so haunting and gorgeous that it's driving me insane—like a siren's call pulling me deeper into a dark abyss. The rain seems to be trying its best to hide the person to whom this scent belongs, although failing miserably, only fueling my frenzy.

'Where? Where the hell is it coming from? Who the hell's blood is spreading this nauseating scent? '

My mind was consumed with questions. The mystery of it all was intoxicating.

As I drew closer to the source, my irritation only intensified. I felt as though I was under a spell. I felt breathless. My throat became dry, and my heart pounded in my chest like a drum. My mind was going crazy as I kept on searching for the source of it all. I follow the trail—a subtle red hue visible only to my fixated eyes, winding deeper into the forest. Initially faint, the trail grows increasingly clear the further I venture.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I stumbled upon it- The source of this maddening, all-consuming scent of blood…




In a clearing enshrouded by the forest's embrace, a relentless downpour wove a curtain of mist, mystical and foreboding. And there, in the midst of it all, lay a body - the silhouette, ethereal and unsettling, of a young woman. The rain, unyielding, danced upon her still form, droplets shimmering like jewels before surrendering to the embrace of the sodden earth.

Slowly, I approached the woman's body. As I drew nearer, I began to take notice. The woman lying on the ground was clad in a fancy white peignoir covered with laces. But the pristine white was now stained a deep crimson, and the ground around her was slick with the same ominous hue.

I scowled unconsciously as the intoxicating smell of that deep crimson filled my entire being. It was overwhelming, maddening even. 

'I want it. I want to drink that blood.'

My mind was consumed with an insatiable craving for its taste, leaving me feeling breathless and desperate.

Huff* Huff*

Huffing and puffing, I finally gave in to my thirst and made my way over to the motionless body of the woman. I dropped to my knees in front of her and hastily turned her over, pulling her into my arms.

Her face was obscured by a layer of wet mud and blood, but the rainwater began to wash it away, revealing her features. To others, her features might evoke pity. However, I didn't care. Right now, I can't even bother to take a glance at her face. After all, right now all I could think was… 'Blood'.

I needed to have a taste of that blood, and I needed it now. 

Without hesitation, my fangs pierced the tender skin of her neck. Gradually, the sweet nectar of her blood flowed into my mouth. The sweetness was intoxicating, a siren's call that beckoned me deeper into the abyss.

Drunk in that sweetness, I found myself unable to stop. My mind went blank. All I could think was tasting more of that blood.

'More. I want more!'

Chanting, I plunged deeper, desperate to savor every drop. And at that moment -


A painful groan escaped that woman's lips, rippling through the stillness of the night.



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