Ichigo finds himself in an alternate reality in which the quinces rule the soul society, hollows plague the world of the living and the shinigami rendered powerless. All the while an epic war between the three races begins to unfold. Fanfiction owned by denbob on fanfiction.net, uploaded to webnovel with better grammar and better navigation.
Many Quincies wore uniforms similar to those the Soldat wore in the Wandenreich as they patrolled the city streets. Some engaged in conversations with the locals, while others leaped off rooftops or traveled across the air using the Hirenkyaku (the flying step) high-speed technique, all in public. Much to the soul reaper's bemusement.
"So, I can also guess there is no law against using spiritual powers in the world of the living..." Ichigo mused while looking at the soldiers. "Still, I should keep my head low and try not to draw as much attention to myself as possible," the young shinigami thought as he walked to his destination.
During his journey across town, the orange-haired youth began to take in more of his surroundings. The buildings and their décor looked more or less the same, but at the same time, they felt a bit more modern, as if they had been updated several years in advance. The soul reaper also noticed that, in place of flip phones, many carried tablet-like devices to call people and text with their fingers on a screen.
But the biggest thing Ichigo noticed about the town was the considerable energy barrier that covered it. Sure, it was barely noticeable, and if one didn't have a sharp eye, they could easily miss it. But the young soul reaper could quickly tell due to frequently visiting the soul society and his trained senses. Whether it was made out of Sekkiseki or something else, the teen could not say. But it was evident that it was something important he would have to take note of later.
When Ichigo arrived at the school, he was surprised that it looked less like an educational institution and more like a military base, with dozens of Quincy squadrons marching out of the courtyard. When he approached the front gate of the facility, all the Quincy bowed their heads and stepped out of his way in unison while saluting. This immediately took Kurosaki aback.
"Ooh... okay. This is just an all-new level of awkwardness. Apparently, not only do I have a relationship with Yhwach, but I also have a high standing as well. Given that they're saluting me like a high-level officer. Wonder what else this will lead to?"
As Ichigo continued to ponder, he felt a familiar spiritual pressure coming near him.
"ICHIGOOOOOOOOO!" someone cried out in a voice that the young man was all too aware of: Keigo Asano.
Every day, the goofy high-school student would gang up on the orange-haired teen, and Kurosaki would slam him with his arms without missing a beat, which Ichigo planned to do the same here with his right limb already readying itself to pound the unsuspecting teen. Keywords: unsuspecting.
Then, before Ichigo even realized it, Keigo, instead of slamming himself into his arm, grabbed it and then flipped the orange-haired teen right into a nearby wall. Much to Kurosaki's absolute shock.
"...Huh?" he muttered blankly as he fell upside down and stared at Keigo, who smiled back at him with a smug, cheeky grin.
"Oh, come on, Ichigo, you didn't think you could hit me with that old trick again!? You need to be a bit more creative than that!" Keigo criticized with a cheerful expression.
At the same time, Kurosaki stared at him in utter bafflement. Keigo, upon seeing his friend's confusion and lack of response, then looked for concern.
"Ichigo?" Keigo asked, and Kurosaki's sweat dropped at realizing his mistake.
"Stupid..." he cursed as he quickly got back up and recomposed himself before moving his face away from Keigo. "I should have never assumed this place would have the same people as my hometown. I have to be more careful otherwise..."
"Hey, Ichigo, are you in there?" the brown-haired teen questioned, and Ichigo quickly got back into character.
"Ye-Yeah, um... you got me, Asano. I must have gotten rusty," the nervous teen tried to play it off while Keigo narrowed his eyes suspiciously... before giving a snort.
"It's fine, Ichigo. After all, I know why you are so out of it."
Kurosaki's heart then skipped several beats.
"...You do?" he barely spoke out. Was his cover already blown!?
"Sure, it's because this is the last day for you to go out with your girl, right?"
Ichigo then let out a breath of relief, thankful he hadn't been found out yet, and realized what the brunette had just said.
"Wait... a girl... as in girlfriend!?" Ichigo thought to himself before groaning in annoyance. "Great, not only do I have to deal with a Keigo that just kicked my ass, but I'm also in a relationship with someone I don't know!" He then rubbed his temples. "Just fucking perfect!"
As Kurosaki frowned, Keigo continued to tease him.
"Oh, don't be such a drama queen, Ichigo!" Keigo reasoned as he patted his right hand on his friend's back, trying to make the orange-head cheer up. Though it just made the latter growl in annoyance.
"Drama queen!?" he bitterly pouted to himself, only worsening as Keigo continued to pat him on the back. "Great, now I am the overly emotional idiot that needs a hug."
"If you don't spend any time with her now, then soon you won't get any more chances to go out with her. It's not the same as when we were kids and had all the time together... barely any of us do now."
Kurosaki then paused at the sudden shift in Keigo's voice, and then, by instinct, he began analyzing Keigo's spiritual power. Upon doing so, his eyes flew up in shock as his friend's spiritual power was on the same level as a lieutenant or even a low-level captain. Upon studying the teen further, he also realized other things about him. In contrast to the white military uniform the Quincies wore, Keigo wore a black-tie shirt, jeans, and fingerless gloves of the same color. While a white stylized X emblem was embedded on the back of the shirt, and when Ichigo saw part of his bare arms, he also realized that Asano had lean but incredibly ripped muscles, comparable in build to some high-level shinigami.
Kurosaki then eyed his so-called friend with a wary glance. But Keigo didn't notice Ichigo's expression and just continued to smile.
"Oh, but that is okay, buddy. I mean, it's not like the black prince will die anytime soon or ever!" Keigo said cheekily while giving Ichigo a thumbs up, and the orange-haired teen sighed in annoyance and relief.
"Well, at least I now know I have an official title... which means I am also royalty too," he mused in agitation, but decided not to overthink it for now.
Ichigo then stared back at Keigo. "Okay, aside from my personal life. What do we have planned for today?"
Keigo then gave his friend a curious look before answering. "Well, you know, go to school for training, patrol the city so no one is causing trouble, and scout out the incoming raids. You know, the usual. Um, aside from going to the Soul Society for your occasional visits with Yhwach."
Kurosaki then held his chin in understanding, but he struggled to prevent himself from shaking his head when hearing the Quincy leader's name.
"So, the school is a training ground, and my visits to the Soul Society are recurring. On top of patrolling the city and scouting out the wastelands..." Ichigo then looked outside. "They must be beyond that barrier."
"Well, come on, it's time to get to class. You don't want to be late and get on the teacher's wrath again, right?" Keigo said while patting Ichigo's back and leading him into the building.
As Kurosaki entered the classroom, it didn't look all that different from his old school. But it did feel more rundown, organized, and brooding. Many of his fellow students were wearing the military garbs of the Soldats or the same black-tie shirts as Keigo, all while making small talk with each other, though with much less enthusiasm than he was used to.
But as Ichigo studied the people in his class, he also sensed they all had spiritual power that ranged to the level of a 6th to 3rd-level seated officer. A few of them even had the story of a lieutenant like Asano. Then, upon further judging their body language and demeanor and noticing all the various scars some of them had on their faces and arms, the soul reaper also realized another, if rather harrowing, truth.
All of them had experience in the field of battle.
Ichigo dreaded thinking about what his classmates went through to make them like this. Their teacher suddenly came through the door, and his eyes widened in shock. For it was the Sternritter Bambietta Basterbine, the Explosion. She was dressed in a uniform not unlike the one she wore in his reality. But her cape was much shorter, with a pink heart buckle around her waist, and her hair was cut medium length while sporting a cap over her head.
While Ichigo himself had never personally met the woman, he heard that she was among the most potent Quincies of the Wandenreich and even managed to defeat Shinji Hirako in one-on-one combat before being bested by Komamura. From what he last heard about her whereabouts, she was living with the rest of her... supposed friends in hiding.
As Kurosaki stared at the raven-haired woman, he couldn't help but feel that she had the same presence as Tatsuki. If that were true, the teacher would be just as much of a hardass as her.
"Alright, you maggots, listen up. I have gotten news from our scouts that a raid is marching to this city in less than an hour, with it numbering well over a thousand," she announced, folding her arms while the other students turned to face her with discipline, even Keigo. "However, it isn't something we haven't dealt with before. Just arm yourselves and get ready for your positions, and if we keep our act together, we might wipe out those scumbags by lunch. So move out!"
Upon giving her orders, the rest of the students followed suit. Many used their high-speed techniques to get to the battlefield immediately. However, when Ichigo joined the group outside, Bambietta greeted him at the front door, much to the soul reaper's confusion.
"So, Kurosaki. I heard that you have been acting weird lately. So, is your head in the game or not?" she questioned harshly. At the same time, Ichigo tried to keep his composure even as sweat dripped down his brow.
"It's, um... Yes, ma'am! Just a little sleepy, is all!"
Bambietta then eyed him coldly before sighing. "Whatever... Anyway, I want to tell you something personally since I didn't want to discourage the troops. While this raid may be average in size, it is led by two Arrancar."
Ichigo looked at her in concern while she narrowed her eyes grimly. "One of them is the 6th Espada, Grimmjow, and the other is his Fracción, Grand Fisher."