
Chapter 16

(Someone commented about the age of mc and actually made a mistake he is 8 not 6)


Izumi suddenly felt pain in her chest, and the chain of fate has finally fallen leaving a hole in her chest.




Errol called out her name in worry and panic, Izumi keeps on screaming from pain while releasing a strong spiritual pressure that drove Errol away.

"Izumi!" Errol shouted, be didn't know what to do, he already exhausted his spiritual energy from all the events that happened ago. He never thought that he will ever feel this helpless even after having a power that can bend reality.

"YAAHHHHHH!!!" Izumi keeps on shouting in pain, with her eyes, mouth, and nose began to release a white liquid substance covering her face. However, her voice filled with pain can still be heard.

Errol can't help but turn to Urahara asking for help. " Mister, is there really no way you could help her!?"

Urahara look at Izumi and shook his head with a rare serious look on his face. "Unfortunately no, but her situation is quite abnormal, normally when a soul turns into a hollow, they exploded before reforming their body with a mask as a hollow on a random location, but..."

"But?" Errol looks at him with desperation.

"But her hollowfication is out of Order, the mask is forming first, before her body, I only know a few people that experience this, but their circumstances are also different from hers, so this is interesting it's as if something is stopping her hollowfication..No it was fighting it" Urahara concluded while seeing Izumi's face being slowly covered by a mask, some parts gets destroyed before getting fixed again by the white substance coming out of her.

Urahara tried hard to think of what might be the cause of her abnormal transformation, until he remembered Errol said something that made the hollowfication delayed for a couple more minutes.

"Ah! I know now, it was your mysterious power earlier, that you used on her that is making all of this!" Urahara said out loud.

Errol who was listening, can't help but check that his Order are still in effect, he couldn't help but ask. "Is this good or bad!?"

"I don't know!" Urahara said simply while covering his face with his fan. "Her situation is also new for me in a different way, to be honest right now, she either will turn into a hollow, get destroyed by the conflict of destruction and reformation, or... and mutation, she might turn into something else just because she was out of order."

Errol who thought there might be some hope and couldn't help but clenched his fist. He looks at Izumi who was constantly suffering, and part of him is the cause of this.

He wanted to cancel the Order but that will make her turn into hollow immediately. He was conflicted by his emotions of stopping her suffering and the hope that some miracle would happen.

"Yaahhhh....." Izumi painful cries slowly died down, and Errol look at her carefully. A mask was formed on her face and white substance is still coming out of her.

Suddenly those white substance covered her entirely, forming something like an egg. Urahara was watching the entire process with interest, but he was also ready to fight the thing that might come out inside of the egg.

Errol just stared at the egg, waiting for Izumi to come out. He hasn't yet given up in hoping for some miracle might happens, honestly he felt pathetic, having a powerful ability yet not being able to help the person he loves.

The egg started to crack, at first it was a small crack, but it began to get bigger and bigger until it covered the entire egg. Errol and Urahara was there waiting for the thing inside to come out, until finally.


It exploded sending all rubbles around the place and making a lot of mess. Urahara protected Errol as he noticed that the kid was very exhausted and weak right now.

Smoke was covering the place but it slowly began to disappear, showing the figure of Izumi. As the smoke subsided her new appearance was now in the front of their eyes.

Urahara eyes widened on what he is seeing, while Errol looks at her in expectation as her appearance didn't change much.

Izumi appears in a very human like form, she has a mask covering half of her face, while her body didn't in any form but now she was wearing white armour. Her appearance clearly matches the appearance of hollows that reach the highest level of their evolution, a Vasto Lorde.

Urahara was prepared to fight with his all when notice her spiritual energy, although it was incredible high for a new born hollow at most it is only at the level of a lieutenant if he made some comparison.

He looks closely at her and noticed something that he saw for the first time, the hole on her chest that represents the physical manifestation of the loss of the hollow's 'heart', which in turn becomes the mask the creature wears. The thing is the hole on her chest is only half of what it should be, it looks like a half circle.


"Hahaha, I never thought I would see so many things today..." He was prepared to fight when Errol suddenly walk passed him. Urahara was surprised by his action and stared at him in wonder before deciding he would just watch first and save him if he's in danger.

"Izumi?" Errol called out to her, but she didn't respond and just stare at him.

"Hey, Izumi can't you recognise me!?" He called out to her, like he was hoping that he will greet him like she usually did.

Izumi slowly opens her mouth like she was about to say something and Errol looks at her in expectation but what he received was not a heartwarming words but a roar of a beast.

"ROAAARRR" Izumi glared at him and the fingers on her hand extended like some blades before she rushed to attacks him.

Urahara was just watching preparing to saved Errol if what he will do will not work, but he saw him just standing there not moving away. He's about to use shunpo when he saw something that made him stop.

When the sharp fingers of Izumi were about to pierced Errol's head, she suddenly hesitated and moved it to the sides making only a cut on Errol's cheeks. Bloods pour down from the cut but he didn't care, he looks at the hollow Izumi standing there shaking.

"I don't know anymore what's going on, but I believe that you won't hurt me even if you are like this, thought I might have miscalculated a little bit hehe" Errol jokingly said while touching the blood on his cheeks.

He looks at her, she was not moving an inch, since her attack. He moveds forward that causes a reaction from her and jump back distancing away from him.

"Roarrr" Izumi roar trying to intimidate him as she saw Errol coming closer to her like. He didn't get scared, as Errol saw her body trembling like it was trying to stop it's urge to hurt him.

She looks wary at him before preparing for another attack but he did something that surprised her, he pulled her head down and hugs her. His action stunned Izumi as her hand that was preparing to attack hin was stop mid air.

"Izumi...please come back" Errol said with all his affection of her as well as fear, that she will not by his side in the future.

"Ra,raor" Izumi don't know what's wrong with her but droplets of tears was falling down her mask. Her body was trembling as her hands was clenching, from trying to stop herself from hurting him.

Errol hope that his feelings will reach her, and she will return, he hugs her head tighter. However he was suddenly thrown away from a push from Izumi.


He immediately looks at her as she roared that causes some strong wind with all around the place, she looks at him for a moment before showing her back and jump outside the house.

Errol immediately stands up and try to catch up on her. He looks outside in the broken wall and found her standing at the top of the gate.

She looks at him like she was trying to burn his image into her mind, before turning around and slash the air in front of her. The space as if cut, began to open showing nothing but a void of darkness.

Errol looks at all of this in confusion and saw her looks at him again like a final farewell, before she then jump towards the void she had open.

"Wait! No! Don't go! Izumi!" Errol tried to called her back and reach his hands like he was trying to catch her but she already passed through the portal before it closes.

Errol drops to the ground like he lost his strength, and stare at air where she was just standing before.


Errol that day shouted with all his might, like he was hoping that she would hear him and come back, and also the day he found himself desiring strength to change everything.