
Bleach Fanfiction: Hollow Cries

Ichigo looses his normal life but not in the traditional way we know, instead he becomes the opposite. So, we follow Ichigo on his path as he will struggle as much as he can to live and make friends/allies along the way. SO WHAT WILL WE SEE NEXT?!??

Katho_Mim · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: Someone New and Someone Loss...

Bleach Fanfiction: Hollow Cries

Start Date: 08/16/2021

Chapter 6: Someone New And Someone Loss

Key- [???-Mystery Person] [RH- Random Hollow]

[MV- Mysterious Voice] [RS- Random Soul Reaper]



On the last chapter of Hollow Cries, Ichigo was able to somewhat explain why he was angry at Orihime as he saw his past-self in her and when Orihime was on a walk with Nelliel it looks as if they ran into some trouble, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN NEXT!? WELCOME TO BLEACH: HOLLOW CRIES THE FANFICTION NOVEL.

(Current Moment)

A Large swarm of Bat-like Hollows targeted the two females as they walked. Nelliel got in front of Orihime and told her to put up a shield. Orihime is panicking but does what she is told. Orihime places a triangle shield to protect them from the incoming cero orbs that were blasted at them. Due to the shockwaves that the cero causes, the rest of the crew wakes up and goes outside to see what is going on.

Grimjow: What the fuck is that!?

Ichigo is grumbling and rubbing his eyes as he is enjoying his sleep.

Shawlong: Were under attack by those Hollows in the air!!

Alice: Yo the Girls are under pressure!!

Ichigo's eyes opened up at this as he still sorta felt bad for what he did so, he got his sword and went off to save Nelliel and Orihime.

Ichigo: Yo I'll save em but get ready because there are a lot of these fuckers.

Ichigo used Sonido to quickly make it to Orihime`s location, once there, he told Orihime and Nelliel to retreat as he can handle this. Nelliel nodded and took Orihime by the hand and ran off as Orihime looked back in worry of somewhat. You see for hollows, when another hollow is annoying you but doesn`t kill you, it's sorta seen as a caring characteristic in some way. So, for Ichigo to put himself on the front lines to protect others it's seen as a saint-like characteristic. In truth Ichigo did feel bad for his past actions but in truth he sees the bat-like hollows as a great morning exercise and to test his Zanpakuto.

Ichigo walks up to the hollows, and he takes his Zanpakuto which is the size of his body and shaped like a straight butcher knife. He points his horns forward in front of himself and while forming a cero he also concentrates spiritual energy into his blade. The two energies collided and fused into each other. He then holds his blade in the air as he smiles at the swarm of hollows.

The bat hollows began to shoot a barrage of cero orbs, but this was nothing compared to what Ichigo launched. He brought his sword to his waist and performed a thrusting motion with full speed as he yelled out Zero Shot!! A Beam at the size of a whale shot through the swarm killing a 4th of it.

Ichigo placed his sword laying on his shoulder as he boldly laughed in their faces.

Ichigo: HAHAHAHA Is that all you got…

He stood silent as he intensely looked at a certain hollow with high spiritual energy. He then pointed to him.

Ichigo: Hey You!

???: Me??

Ichigo: No, the person in a different dimension!! Yes you!! Why are you with these weaklings!?

This person wasn't known as their leader in fact the opposite he was considered a scorn. People considered him as the weakest among them, so to hear Ichigo say such preposterous things about him being stronger than them all was unimaginable.

RH: What the hell are you talking about!? This Weakling!?

???: Are you sure it's me…

Ichigo is honestly getting annoyed of repeating himself and how others are starting to cut in on his conversation.

Ichigo: Are you deaf? Yes you! You literally have the highest spiritual pressure among the fodder here.

Ichigo then proceeded to tell him that if he joins his crew, he would be able to reach his full potential. The hollow thinks on this for only a second as he agrees immediately.

The other hollows around him were furious at this outright betrayal and berated the small time hollow. But before they can attack the newest recruit, Ichigo uses Sonido to save and transport the recruit to the base. Ichigo asks the recruit if he would be ok with an interview. Grimjow just sighs at this knowing that now he has to do some work as whenever Ichigo interviews people, he would take 6 hours at the least.

Grimjow uses Sonido to get to the swarm of hollows instantly, the bat hollows were confused and was shocked to see the traitor and the aggressor disappear.

RH: Where is the Traitor you scumbag!!?

Grimmjow stared up at this hollow as he proceeded to unleash a huge amount of his spiritual pressure. This scared the bat hollows as they were not expecting this much power from another person.

But back to Ichigo and the new recruit.

Ichigo: So, what's your name??

???: My Name is… Ulquiorra…

Ichigo: That name sounds cool, but now my next question is, do you truly want to join this crew??

Ulquiorra just does an inner face palm at this question and replies.

Ulquiorra: Well, it's either you or be alone, and though I like my solitude, I am curious on how you spotted my presence.

Ichigo smiles at this answer. You see if Ulquiorra said something cheesy such as the power of friendship or something like that he would`ve been discarded as a failure. On the other hand, if he said no to the invitation or made his crew out to be bad then he would've killed Ulquiorra out of principle.

Ulquiorra knew this and decided to act out of curiosity as it sorta complemented the crew but also tells Ichigo that he will not be risking his life for them.

But we cut back to Grimmjow as he is fighting the swarm of Bat Hollows.

Grimjow is charging up and a large cero orb of pure spiritual energy, the bat hollows are also charging up multiple cero`s in response to this. In a flash Grimmjow launches his cero orb while the bat hollows let their cero`s blast. The clash of the two powers was huge but it was clear who was stronger, as Grimmjow`s cero consumed all of the bat hollows.

"Man, Nelliel and Orihime could have destroyed these guys easily" Grimmjow said this, yawning as he still technically, just woke up. What he said was true but since Orihime and Nelliel were tired they didn't think to do this as they instead were focused on defense. Grimmjow just walks back as Ulquiorra is left there astonished at the power Grimmjow had presented.

Ichigo put a hand on Ulquiorra`s shoulder and said "You see if you stay with us, you`ll only grow stronger" No one could see it but Ulquiorra smiled lightly to himself. It looks like he found his new crew.

*In Another World, Another Time*

In the soul society…






WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!? The body of Sosuke Aizen was just found pinned against the wall with a sword through his stomach, bleeding, and dead.

The intruders didn't do this. No. Aizen himself did. You see, everyone sees the dead body of Aizen but in truth, it's a random soul reaper that was killed. But I digress as Aizen's Lieutenant sees this horrific sight and loses her shit. She attacks the nearby captain named Gin Ichimaru, by doing so, she gets apprehended and placed in a jail cell. But to all the soul reapers resent, the question still stands. Who killed the captain of the 5th division, Sosuke Aizen??

Who are these intruders you ask? They are irregular humans. These abnormalities are called Fullbringers.Like all spiritually aware Humans, Fullbringers can sense the Reiryoku of other spiritual beings, such as Hollows, Shinigami, and other Fullbringers. However, they differ in that they each have a parent who survived a Hollow attack before they were born. As a result, traces of the Hollows' power remained in their mothers' bodies, which were then passed onto them at the moment of their birth. Consequently, their powers more closely resemble a Hollow's than those of a Shinigami. Their ability called Fullbring enables them to manipulate the souls contained within matter. Everything, even rudimentary objects such as lampposts and chairs possess a soul, however small. By using their power to "pull" on this soul, Fullbringers can manipulate the object's movement or even alter its physical characteristics. For example, Fullbringers could have a beverage assist them in drinking it by pulling on its soul, drawing it into their mouth. Likewise, by pulling on the soul of water, Fullbringers can walk across its surface without falling through. Many more feats are possible, making the technique highly versatile. Unlike other spiritual beings, Fullbringers use their power with their physical bodies. Because of this, they must train extensively to build up their stamina so they can use it properly.

While all Fullbringers are born with this power, the age at which they come to realize it varies. When Fullbringers die, all traces of their abilities disappear from the world. However, they do carry their abilities into the afterlife. (ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH BLEACH WIKI FANDOM) But I digress.

The intruders include a person named Chad, and if you remember Orihime`s situation, then you would know that Chad is her boyfriend. But why is he attacking the soul society? He was tricked by the fullbringers, mainly because since he has such strength they thought that they would be able to stand a chance. So, they told Chad that Orihime was kidnapped by the soul reapers and since Chad isn't the brightest man on earth, he couldn't see past this deception.

Chad had to train day and night, nonstop. He has been waiting for this day where he would follow the Fullbringers, in saving Orihime.

But enough about the soul reapers and fullbringers, lets actually cut to Chad`s point of view.

At the current moment Chad is running from a horde of soul reapers, he twists his body and while using the momentum he launches a wave of spiritual energy from his fists. This attack knocks out all of the soul reapers present. He continues to run until he is confronted by a man unlike no other. He black wavy hair in a ponytail, he held himself with wisdom. He wore a straw hat and a pink Kimono robe with a flower pattern on its back.

This man's name is Shunsui Kyoraku, the captain of the 8th division. Shunsui said, "Young man, I don't want to have to kill you so, I'll let you leave alive '' Chad didn't lose focus as he knew one wrong move and he would die. Shunsui sighs as he can see this boy not backing down, but he takes one more try and asks Chad a question, "Alright Boy, why do you hate us soul reapers so much, what did we do to you?" Chad fumes at this question and responds in an angry tone, "You took my lover from me, the group I came with told me you kidnapped her, you..you...scum!!"

As he says this, he dashes at Shunsui at his max speed. Shunsui dodges it easily without breaking a sweat, he spoke up. "Young man, I really don't know who your lover is but we aren't allowed to tamper with those in the world of the living" Chad stopped and asked "So, what does that mean?" Shunsui realized that the man was lied to and decided to continue speaking. "That means that unless she dies, then we can`t do anything to her '' Chad`s eyes opened in enlightenment.

In truth Chad didn't fully trust the Fullbringers, and when they said that it was the soul reapers that kidnapped Orihime, it just didn't make sense. His grandfather always told him that soul reapers were being that guided the lost souls of the afterlife to their resting place. Before he could speak another soul reaper showed up, but it was different then before, he knew this person. This person was named Isshin Kurosaki.

The reason why he remembers Isshin is because, back when he was in middle school he would see Isshin put up posters on walls for his missing son. But the problem was that his son has been missing for 10 years. Everyone told him to give up but he never gave up but then one day he disappeared along with his whole family. So, believe Chad when he says he can`t believe his eyes, not only is this man here in front of him but he is also a soul reaper.

Isshin looks at Chad and asks Shunsui what's going on. Shunsui explains the situation and Isshin then speaks up to Chad, "Chad was it? Listen, I know what happened to your lover and it's not pretty to say the least." Chad's eyes opened as he exclaimed "Where is Orihime!?" Isshin closed his eyes as he responded "You won't find her here that for sure, but if you stick around I will train you and take you to her ok '' Chad asked "Do promise, no, do you swear it?" Isshin said "I swear it on my life and children that I will try my best to take you to her." Chad surrendered at those words and he deactivated his power.

He was apprehended by other soul reapers nearby, but at this very moment a huge explosion rang out in the air and pillars of light shined through the sky.


Toshiro who is the young captain of the 10th division was trying to find out who truly killed captain Aizen, during his search he found out many things, from the death of central 46 which was the command center of the soul society, to Aizen actually being alive. When confronting Aizen, Toshiro was immediately confused as Aizen was near the dead bodies of central 46. This was ultimate treason, and Toshiro made sure to punish him for it. Well that was the plan until he got clapped by Aizen. (Details shown in the anime cause at this point I started to get tired)



The leader of the fullbringers along with his close right hand man Tsukishima confronted the captain of the 1st division, Genryusai Yamamoto. They duo overestimated their own abilities Genryusai ended up killing them with a huge explosion, being his fire shikai. No, like literally his shikai can allow him to create and erupt flames.

*End Of Flashback 02*

All of the fullbringers fell one by one as they were eventually killed off by the captains. Also the light pillar was found out to be three captains by names of Gin Ichimaru, Kaname Tosen, and lastly Sosuke Aizen…

But where did they go? What will happen to Chad? Also what happened with Hueco Mundo`s King and his thirst for war??



BY: Kato Namikaze

IRL Name: Gerardo Dones Jr

Also if ya`ll want to reach out to me, follow me on Instagram at @legendary_leader257.

Finish Date: 08/22/2021