
Ch. 2: Time Slips By

Jotaro was 4 when he learned that Masaki was pregnant with twins. It was also around this time when Ichigo wanted to join a dojo to get strong. He said it was so he could protect his mom and younger siblings when they are born.

This works out for Jotaro. He was getting tired or just running around the backyard and playground. At least this can help him in his future endeavors, if only a little. At least it was something.

His mother took him on walks all over the town but he still hadn't found the shop he was looking for. But he saw a few cats. He would always try to catch them and let them. They mostly ran away from him but some stayed and let him pet them. But they were never a black cat.

Holly always found it adorable how Jotaro would be walking calmly one second but dash after a cat as soon as he saw it the next. It scared her the first few times. But he never ran into the street or too far from her.

Jotaro wasn't fast enough to catch the run always. But he would eventually. That was his current goal. To eventually catch cats.

He was a happy kid and enjoyed his life with Holly. She was great. He forgot his family of his past life, but not by choice. G had taken away those memories.

She always had so much energy and was kind. Jotaro still hadn't seen his father. Not even a picture. Just the name. And his mom was crazy in love with him even if he was never home. She always talked about how she followed him to Japan and how they had such fond memories together.

She was happy that he said he wanted to go to the dojo with Ichigo. He hadn't made any other friends even when he was at a park and with other kids. He mostly went and ran by himself and stayed secluded. He never gave her an answer and avoided the question in various ways.

Jotaro was a natural at the dojo. He would always beat his opponents even if they were older than him from day 1. He was more agile and stronger than kids his age. He wasn't all that great, he was still 4 and a beginner. But it was still commendable.

At the karate dojo he met Tatsuki. Tatsuki was a girl the same age as Jotaro and Ichigo. She was a tomboy and had black hair and brown almost black eyes. She was strong and would beat Ichigo every time she fought the orange haired kid. And Ichigo Spaulding cry every time he would lose. Not even just to Karin. Whenever he would lose any fight he would cry. Jotaro found it annoying how many kids cried in the dojo and mostly practiced on his own with the instructions of the dojo's master as he liked to call himself.

Tatsuki always tried to fight Jotaro but he would say she was too weak like the other kids. She would get mad and attack Jotaro to prove herself. But Jotaro would just dodge and then sweep her legs from under her. That happened a few times until she learned to avoid the leg sweep. But then Jotaro would just use her punch to knock her off balance. This went on for years.

When Tatsuki, Ichigo and Jotaro were 9 years old they were still going to the dojo. Ichigo had two younger sisters. Yuzu and Karin which were now 5 years old.

Jotaro was bigger than other kids his age. He started to keep to himself more but still enjoyed hanging out with Ichigo and his sisters. He would rarely smile if he wasn't with his mom or the Kurosakis. He also hung out with Tatsuki and her friend Orihime. Jotaro would bring Ichigo with him and the 4 would hang out together.

Jotaro also noticed that every now and then his mom wouldn't feel very good. But it was every 9-11 months and she would get better after taking medicine.

Ichigo could see ghosts. Or spirits technically. He would deny seeing them when Tatsuki or Jotaro asked. But Jotaro knew they were there. He couldn't see them clearly, they were more like faint outlines. But if he got closer he could see them. But they would look like evil spirits with black eyes and mouth. It would have scared him in his past life if he saw something like this. But he knows that they are harmless. He can't communicate with them like Ichigo can, but he didn't want to anyway.

Normally Masaki and Holly would take Ichigo and Jotaro to the dojo for their lessons and watch them. But every now and then one of the women would be busy and only the other would take the two kids.

Jotaro still couldn't catch the cats. But he could keep up with them. It's just grabbing them that's the hard part now. They're like wet noodles with claws. It's ridiculous. He would grab a cat but it would slip out of his hold like water escaping your cupped hands.

Back to the point. One day in July, Holly wasn't able to take Jotaro to the dojo so Masaki took him and Ichigo.

The three walked on the sidewalk and had a good time. They laughed and talked about the week. It was mostly Ichigo doing the talking. Jotaro didn't mind, it was pleasant.

They got to the dojo and greeted Tatsuki. She was friendly. Ichigo was timid around her and Orihime. But he was fine with Jotaro and other kids. It was weird. And Jotaro was more or less neutral to her. It got better after she stopped randomly attacking him.

They practiced and Ichigo ended up losing to Tatsuki again. They would spar once a month and Ichigo has yet to win a match against her yet. But he has beaten other kids their age. Just not Tatsuki or Jotaro.

After Ichigo lost he went crying to his mother. Tatsuki was embarrassed but Masaki just smiled at her and shook her head. She was saying that it wasn't her fault and not to worry about it.

Jotaro walked over to Ichigo and Masaki since it was time to leave. It was raining outside so Ichigo had a yellow raincoat on and Jotaro had a black raincoat. Masaki had an umbrella for herself.

Ichigo held her hand and they walked behind Jotaro who led the way. They were taking a walk by the riverbank. The river had risen due to the heavy rainfall within the recent days.

Ichigo was talking and had a huge smile on his face when he suddenly went quiet. Jotaro turned around and saw Ichigo looking at the river. Jotaro looked at the river and saw something horrible. He saw Grand Fisher. His lure was just a weird soul with the usual black eyes and mouth.

Jotaro froze. Grand Fisher was smiling at him and just stared at him.

Ichigo started running down the side of the hill towards the river saying that he has to save the girl. Masaki ran after him. Jotaro snapped out of it and ran free the 2. But he was too late. He froze for a second and it got Masaki killed.

She shielded Ichigo from Grand Fishers attack. Jotaro slid on his knees beside Ichigo beneath Masakis dead body.

There was so much blood. Ichigo opened his eyes and saw his mothers body on top of him.

Grand Fisher just left and did nothing else. Jotaro didn't know why he left for no reason.

As Ichigo was freaking out Jotaro was lost in though and unresponsive. He had no expression as he sat on his legs. His knees were in the mud mixed with blood. He blankly stared at Masakis face. She had just been alive, and he could have saved her. If only he had remembered this scene. He froze when he should have taken action.

Ichigo was crying and holding his moms body.

Jotaro doesn't know what happned next. He was told that his mom and Isshin went looking for them and found them by the river.

Masaki was really dead. It had a heavy impact on both the Kujo and Kurosaki households.

Ichigo stopped going to the dojo. And so did Jotaro. But they both stopped going for different reasons. Ichigo started skipping school and grew distant to Jotaro.

It might have been Jotaros fault. He decided that he needed to get serious with his plans. He would skip school and search the town for the black cat or the shop. He often saw Ichigo by the riverbank walking up and down the river, squatting down when he was tired to rest and getting up to walk again.

Jotaro had become very quiet. He rarely showed emotions and became quite rude. But he meant well. His mother knew that he was still kind and only put on a mask. She still cared for him all the same.

He would go for runs as he explored the town. It helped him train and cover more ground. He could finally catch and hold the cats when he was 10. And he even started to feed the local strays.

At 12 he started to give up. He had searched nearly everywhere but couldn't find a thing. He knew he should be able to see them even if they were hidden to regular humans. Mainly because he saw Grand Fisher even when Ichigo couldn't.

He was jogging down a random street when he saw a black and orange cat next to a wall. He slowed to a jog and slowly approached the cat. He crouched down and let the cat sniff him. It was scared at first but he took out some cat treats and it warmed up to him quickly. He let it eat from his left hand while he pet it. After a few minutes he stood up and was about to continue his run when he looked up and saw a black cat sitting atop the wall looking at him.

The black cat had short fur and golden yellow eyes. It was looking at him with narrowed eyes. Jotaro knew this cat seemed different from all the other cats he had found around town. He held out a treat for it to eat but it got up and started running away. Jotaro started to chase it.

The cat looked back at him and saw he was keeping with it. The cat sped up and jumped down on the other side of the wall.

Jotaro saw this and decided to jump over the wall. He used his right hand to stabilize himself as he swung his body over the wall after jumping. The wall was taller than himself currently.

He landed on the other side and saw the cat running down an alley so he continued his chase.

He followed the cat for 15 minutes around the town. Jotaro was right behind the cat while they were running down a street he hadn't found before. They ran in the middle of the sidewalk, which was bigger since there weren't any streets for cars in this area. He dove at the cat and caught it as he did a somersault into a crouched position with the cat in his arms against his chest.

The cat meowed in protest as he stood up. He adjusted his hold on the cat so it was on its back in his left arm like he would hold a baby. He took a cat treat out and offered it to the cat who was struggling to get away.

"I would let her go if I were you boy" A lazy and aloft voice reached his ears. He turned to see the man he was searching for this entire time. For over a decade. Kisuke Urahara.

He had his usual shop owner getup on with his hat and cane. He stood in front of a small old looking shop and had a fan in his other hand that wasn't holding the cane.

Jotaro turned to face the man. "Is this your cat?" He asked in a rude tone. He put the treat away and held the cat out with both hands under its front arms. The cats hind legs were stretched down as it calmed down and relaxed. It stared at Kisuke.

"You could say that. But technically it doesn't have an owner. And it's a she" Kisuke covered his face with the folding fan.

"Whatever" Jotaro set the cat down. The cat ran over to Kisukes side and sat on the ground looking at Jotaro.

"How did you manage to catch her? She doesn't let anyone catch her. She hates being held" He moves the cane to point at the cat and the cat swats the cane away.

"Does she have a name?" Jotaro asked ignoring his previous question.

"If you gives your name first, I'll tell you her name and mine". Kisuke put the van back against the ground in front of him. His eyes conveying that he was curious about this youth.

"The names Jotaro Kujo" Jotaro said as he crossed his arms.

"Isn't that a unique name….The cats name is Yoruichi. And my name is Urahara. Kisuke Urahara. I'm the owner of this shop behind me. We sell random things" Kisuke closes his folding fan and smiles as he opens his arms when he introduces the shop.

"I have a unique name? What about you two?And isn't that just a regular shop description?" Jotaro isn't impressed on the outside. But on the inside he is happy to finally find the shop.

"Well you see, the things we sell are different from other places. The name of this place is Uraharas Shop. It's great. I own it and I've got one assistant and I plan on getting 2 more employees in the future. This cat can usually be found around here" Kisuke turns around to face the small store.

Jotaro narrows his eyes. "Ok. And why do I care?"

"Wow. Kids these days are so rude" Kisuke shakes his head as he turns back around.

"Doesn't help that you're being a creep" Jotaro stands tall.

"Creep? I'm not a creep. I'm just a shop owner introducing my shop"

"Yeah. To a kid. That's creepy. What do you want?"

Urahara tilts his head. "It's not what I want. It's what you want Jotaro. You were able to catch Yoruichi. That's not normal for regular people. Even keeping up with her speed is abnormal. How about this, I'll go inside and give you a prize for catching her" He turns to Yoruichi. "Why don't you keep our guest some company? Be a good kitty cat"

Yoruichi turns her head away from Kisuke.

Urahara heads inside his shop leaving the boy and the cat alone.

"So what's your deal? You're faster than the other cats. And you act slightly different from them also" Jotaro looks down at the black cat that starts licking its front arm and cleaning its face.

Jotaro walks over to the cat and sits down. His arms are still crossed across his chest. He looks down at the cat across from it.

"And why are you named Yoruichi. That's weird for a cat to have that name" The cat puts its paw on the ground and looks at Jotaro.

"Hmmmm. Your eyes are beautiful. Much brighter than other cats. I can also see you analyzing me more than the other cats. It seems you're also smarter" Jotaro narrows his eyes at the cat while the cat also narrows its eyes at Jotaro.

Then the cat stands up. She walks over to him and sniffs him. Then she jumps onto his lap and lays down. Jotaro puts his fingers in front of her nose and she rubs her head on them. Jotaro pets her head lightly for a few second then stops. He crosses his arms again and watches as Yoruichi curls up into a ball.

"I've found it!" Kisuke shouts from inside the shop, he left the door open. He walks out and sees Jotaro sitting down with Yoruichi in his lap.

"Oh? It seems Yoruichi likes you. She rarely lets even me pet and hold her. And it normally ends with me getting scratched" He walks over to the pair. He is holding a flip phone.

"Here. This is a unique phone. You can call me at the shop. You seem to be training for something. What is it?" Kisuke is very not so subtle. But maybe that's the way he wants to come across. Jotaro knows that this man is one of if not the smartest person in Bleach.

"I'm training to protect my mom. And my friends" Jotaro flatly says as he looks down at the cat.

"You have friends?" Kisuke sounds shocked.

"I do. At least I had….I'm sure we will become great friends again one day. But I have to get stronger to defeat those monsters"

Kisuke gets serious and Yoruichi turns her head to face Jotaro.

"Kid. What type of monsters have you seen?" Kisuke steps closer.

"They take different shapes and sizes. But the thing they all have in common is that they wear a white mask over their face. I've even seen one kill someone. Then there are those spirits that aren't evil. Just lost" Jotaro admits in a flat tone.

"How long have you seen them kid?" Kisuke crouched down. He balances on his feet that are wearing wooden sandals.

"You believe me?" Jotaro looks over to Kisuke.

"I do. And they aren't monsters. They're called Hollows boy. Do not go near them if you see them. And if you do give me a call on this as you run far away" He holds out the pink flip phone.

"How do you know what they are? Aren't you just a shop owner?" Jotaro carefully takes the phone. He doesn't care that it's pink but would have preferred any other color.

"I am a shop owner. But we all have our secrets. Who know what I was before owning this place"

"Better not have been a pedophile" Jotaro says with a serious face as he looks into Kisuke's gray eyes.

"Not funny kid. I was not. Am not. And won't be a pedophile. I already have the love of my life" Kisuke stands up.

"Who is it? Yoruichi?" He points towards the cat. He also feels the cat flinch slightly.

"Me? Love the cat? Interesting~. But not quite right. It's my shop!" He holds his hands out at his sides and turns to face the shop.

"Ok whatever. But if you know the name of these 'hollows' you know how to beat them. Or at least more about them. Explain"

"You're right. I know how to beat them. And I could teach you. But I'll have you know it won't be easy. I can teach you about hollows, and the shindigs I who defeat them. You have the ability to become one in the future. You are able to see hollows and a form of souls that haven't passed to the next life. This means you have strong spiritual pressure. That's good and bad. It's good becuase it means you are strong. But bad because it will attract more hollows to this around you. If you let me train you then you would be able to defend yourself and those that you care for. But you must also promise me that if I teach you, that you will defeat these hollows even if it's an inconvenience to your everyday life. Give it some thought. And if you decide to take my offer then you know how to contact me. Yoruichi, let's go inside" The cat jumps off of Jotaros lap and walks beside Kisuke. They enter the shop and close the door behind them leaving Jotaro sitting in front of the shop.

He was surprised that Kisuke offered to train him. There must be a reason. And he also basically said that he would be able to become a shinigami.

He stood up and decided to go back home for the day.

On his way home he saw Orihime with a body on her back. He ran to her.

"Orihime!" He stops beside her as she turns to him. She has tears going down her cheeks.

"Jotaro, please help my brother!" She cries out.

"Give him to me! I'll run to the hospital! You call Ichigo. He'll come get you and take you to the hospital" As Jotaro was talking he took her brother off her back and onto his. And then he sprinted towards town.

"But the hospital is too far away!" She shouted as Jotaro ran. He was fast, very fast.

Orihime collapsed to the ground crying. She shakily took her phone out and called Ichigo.

Five minutes later Isshin and Ichigo arrived in their car and picked her up. They drove her to Karakura hospital. It took them 15 minutes to drive there. And they hadn't seen Jotaro as they drove.

They didn't know how fast Jotaro was when he sprinted. Not even he himself knew how fast he was. He ran on the sidewalk and had to avoid the crowds of people that blocked his path. He could barely feel the breath of the guy over his shoulder. He tried to make the run as smooth as possible to not hurt him more. "Ichigos with Orihime already alright?! So hang on for a bit longer! We're almost at the hospital! Don't leave you're sister all alone!"

Jotaro makes it to the hospital and nearly brakes the door that wouldn't open fast enough. He runs inside and nurses take Orihimes brother away. He was still alive somehow.

They question Jotaro but he doesnt know anything. He remembers a car accident. A hit and run. But he know no other details, he tells them to wait for the guys sister and that the guy and her don't have parents.

Minutes after he gets to sit down Orihime bursts through the hospital doors. She runs straight to the counter and she gets pulled to the side and updated about his condition. She answers their questions as Ichigo and Isshin walk in.

Seeing them enter Jotaro gets up to leave.

"Jotaro!" He hears Ichigo shout.

Jotaro was at the door and already opened it. He turns around and sees Ichigo. He was taller than him, they used to be the same height for a bit. But now he's much taller than him now. And it's probably going to stay like that. His growth pains are crazy though.

"Ichigo. What do you want?" Jotaro flatly questions.

"What the hell man?! I was just going to thank you for bringing Orihime's brother here!" Ichigo angrily walks up to him and gets in his face.

Jotaro grabs his collar and drags him outside. Ichigo tries to protest and get out of his grasp. "What the hell! When did you get so strong!?"

Jotaro tosses Ichigo into a wall and points at him. "Cut it out Ichigo! You're going back inside there and comforting Orihime! Do I make myself clear! And you will only go inside once you are ready to be there for her! Leave your fragile ego out here!" He points towards the door. "Orihime needs you. Remember what it was like losing your mother? She nearly lost the last family she's got. And she still might lose him. He probably won't last an hour. So go be with her man"

Ichigo got pissed when Jotaro mentioned his mom. But when her heard the rest of what he said he calmed down a bit. He wanted to argue and fight but Jotaro already turned and was leaving.

Ichigo spat to the side and then walked inside.

Jotaro looked over his shoulder through the glass of the hospital doors and windows. He saw Orihime crying on Ichigos shoulder as Isshin talks with a doctor or someone.

He knows that Ichigo was just going to thank him. And he knows that Ichigo will get used to the way he decides to handle things. Or at least he hopes so. His moms gotten used to it.

He smiles slightly and goes to move his hat down to cover his eyes only to realize he doesn't own a hat.

"Damnit". He puts his hands inside of his tracksuit pockets, his tracksuit jacket has blood on the back of it.

Jotaro Kujo starts a new walk back to his house. He's late for dinner now, but at least this time he has a good excuse.

4136 words.

It’s a little choppy. But I’m trying to string the vents together. I’ve done my research but it may not be perfect. I don’t exactly know when Ichigo save Chad but I think it’s when they are in middle school. Because they wear black school uniforms in their flash back instead of their light gray highschool uniforms

Quade_The_Unknowncreators' thoughts