
Blazing Swordsman

'What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. As the call so does the echo.' All of this simply means that your actions dictate your consequences, but do they? Different cultures and different beliefs but most of them have one thing in common, they believe in a higher power. Now, imagine a world that seems like ours but only has a couple of more elements to it, yes the world of mana and magic. Do you think humans will still hold onto their beliefs when they can become gods themselves? ____________________________________________ A world where dragons and griffons are more than just a myth, a world where even the dead aren't safe, a society with little to no empathy, and our protagonists are blind. An empire on the verge of civil war, risky plots with unfathomable consequences, this book contains all ____________________________________________ Yes, this novel contains multiple points of view, which might confuse you at the start but it will make much more sense when the novel goes on. There will be a tinge of romance but it will be quite slow, it is more of an action mystery than a romance novel. At last, place this in your library if you decide to read it, criticisms and reviews are welcome Thanx

Nuah_Zuah · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

The End

sry folks, I don't think I can continue this...I wanted to continue this so I did a reread but honestly this sucks, I'll try to write something better next time.