
Blades of magic and destiny

Embark on a thrilling adventure with "Blades of Magic and Destiny," Join Jacob Mallory, an ordinary engineer turned hero, as he is transported to a world of swords and sorcery. With the aid of Nova, an AI chip embedded in his mind, Jacob must navigate treacherous battles and unravel dark conspiracies to save this war-torn realm. From epic sword fights to jaw-dropping magical encounters, "Blades of Magic and Destiny" immerses readers in a captivating tale of courage, friendship, and self-discovery. With each twist and turn, Jacob's journey will keep you on the edge of your seat, eager to uncover the secrets of this enchanting world. Prepare to be spellbound by the perfect blend of action, mystery, and technology in this unforgettable saga. Don't miss out on the adventure of a lifetime – pick up "Blades of Magic and Destiny" today and experience the magic for yourself!

SeniorTycoon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Real Forest Bandits

Three months passed in a blur of missions and training for Jacob. He diligently took on tasks from the mercenary guild, ranging from collecting herbs to escorting merchants through treacherous terrain. Each mission honed his skills and strengthened his resolve. His hard work paid off as he steadily climbed the ranks, finally reaching rank E.

One evening, after completing a particularly challenging mission, Jacob found a quiet spot in his room at the inn and whispered, "Nova, show stats now."

Nova's voice responded immediately. 'Showing host stats...'


[Name: Jacob Mallory

Status: healthy

- Strength: 3.8

- Agility: 2

- Endurance: 1.9

- Mana: ???

Skills: Basic Swordsmanship LvMax

Fireball lv.???]


Jacob noted the slight improvements in his physical stats, but his swordsmanship skill had reached its peak. Realizing he needed further guidance, he decided it was time to see Master Nashea. After completing his next mission to achieve rank D, he would seek out the master to advance his training and unlock his full potential.

Over the past three months, Jacob's dedication and skill had earned him both friends and enemies among the mercenaries. He had formed bonds with a few fellow warriors, sharing stories and strategies over many late nights. However, his rapid rise and fierce determination also stirred jealousy and competition among some, leading to a few rivals who eyed him with suspicion.

Now, Jacob stood as a formidable figure among the mercenaries. He wore light leather armor that allowed for both protection and mobility, a brand-new sword hanging at his side, and sturdy leather boots. A light steel helmet covered his head, completing his intimidating look. His fierce aura and strong presence often made others think twice before challenging him.

The final mission before he could reach rank D involved escorting a large merchant group to Black Ink City. He was teamed up with five other mercenaries, all of whom were less experienced and poorly equipped. Two of them wielded spears, another carried a bow and quiver of arrows, the fourth was a light sword user, and the last one held only a dagger.

As they gathered at the city gates, Jacob surveyed his companions. They looked nervous, their mismatched and low-quality equipment a stark contrast to his own. He approached the merchants, who were busy preparing their wagons loaded with raw materials for the journey.

"Everyone ready?" Jacob asked, his voice carrying authority.

The merchants nodded, grateful for his presence. One of them, an older man with a graying beard, stepped forward. "Thank you for leading this escort, Jacob. We trust you'll get us to Black Ink City safely."

"We will," Jacob assured him. "Stay close, and let us handle any threats."

The journey began, the group moving steadily through the eastern road that led to Black Ink City, renowned for its manufacturing of black ink and paperwork. The merchants planned to sell their raw items there, hoping for a profitable trade.

The road ahead was long and potentially dangerous, but Jacob's confidence and the fierce aura he exuded reassured the merchants and his fellow mercenaries. This mission would be his final step before reaching rank D,

Make a group of 30 forest bandits who coveted their carriage and equipment intercepted them as the leader is a bearded man with a lanky figure and a slit like eyes that look cunning also his vice leader a middle aged man with normal face and some scars on his cheeks with the threatening

Make the guy with dagger hide in a carriage like a coward and be disdained by the merchants and mercenaries also make Jacob and others brandish Thier weapons and fight with the bandits also make a guy with spear be killed by a sneak attack of the bandit vice leader and make Jacob struggle a little with the bandit leader before dispatching him with Nova help

As the bandit leader is truly good with sword and has experience then Jacob kills 7 other bandits before the rest escape

Then they bury their comrade and then continue their journey also make the merchant promise to compensate the dead mercenary family

As the bandits charged, the clash began with a surge of chaos. The forest echoed with the shouts and clashing of steel. The archer, stationed slightly behind the front line, quickly drew his bow and began firing arrows with deadly precision. Several bandits fell, struck by the archer's swift and accurate shots, thinning their ranks.

Jacob, positioned at the forefront, braced himself as two bandits rushed at him simultaneously. With swift, practiced movements, he blocked their initial strikes with his sword, deflecting their blades. He spun and delivered a powerful slash, cutting down the first bandit, and then followed up with a quick thrust to dispatch the second.

Around him, the battle raged. The remaining mercenaries fought bravely, but their inexperience showed. The bandits, driven by greed and desperation, pressed their advantage. The spear user held his ground valiantly until the bandit vice leader, moving with alarming speed, struck him down with a brutal sneak attack.

Jacob's eyes widened in fury as he saw his comrade fall. He turned his attention to the bandit leader, a cunning figure who wielded his sword with remarkable skill. The two clashed in a series of intense exchanges, each testing the other's limits.

"Nova, analyze his moves," Jacob whispered amidst the battle.

'Analyzing... The bandit leader prefers a defensive stance, exploiting openings with swift counterattacks.'

Armed with this knowledge, Jacob shifted his approach. He baited the bandit leader with feints, drawing him into overextending. When the opportunity presented itself, Jacob struck decisively, disarming the leader and finishing him with a powerful blow.

With their leader fallen, the bandits' morale shattered. Jacob pressed the attack, cutting down seven more bandits with swift, lethal strikes. The archer continued to pick off fleeing bandits, ensuring they could no longer pose a threat. The remaining bandits, seeing their numbers decimated, turned and fled into the forest.

The merchants stood in awe, their faces reflecting a mixture of amazement and gratitude. "I have never seen such skill," one of them murmured. "You were incredible, Jacob," another added, shaking his head in disbelief.

Breathing heavily, Jacob and the surviving mercenaries regrouped. They gathered around their fallen comrade, the spear user, and dug a grave beside the road. The older merchant, his voice filled with respect, promised to compensate the fallen mercenary's family.

they continued their journey. By the time they reached Black Ink City, Jacob knew that it was time to meet Master Nashea when he returned to the capital