
Blades of Balance: Trials of the Hydro Archon Focalors

Not my fanfic. i only share ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bored of her mundane life, Furina yearns to experience something new. Luckily, her wish was about to come true as a man with a mysterious past enters her life. Our protagonist, gifted with extraordinary swordsmanship and an undying spirit embarks on an unexpected journey as he rediscovers himself. Could this be the man she has been waiting for all her life, the one that could save her from this seemingly never ending loop? There was more to him than meets the eye, but that was a risk she was willing to take. As Neuvillette watches with concern, Furina revels in the chaos that unfolds. New chapters thrice a week! Author's Note: This will be a very long fanfic but that doesn't mean the story is slow paced. This fanfic was initially written about 1 month before Fontaine's release but most of the chapters are after 4.0. Why did I choose an OC? Because I felt like Furina deserves better. She needs someone that can truly understand her. Hence, I had to make up my own character. The story gets quite steamy at times and has violent fight scenes as well so its not for everyone. But if you're someone that enjoys an action packed, romantic fanfic with some drama here and there, then this is for you.

DaoisttAYuDl · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 25: The Package

Kyouya quickly snapped out of his thoughts.

"Heizou, you're a sight for sore eyes."

"Oh? It seems like the heroic Captain is feeling a bit down in the dumps. Shall we take a walk?"

"Sure. Let's go."

He got up from his seat and strolled together through the heart of the city with Heizou. The two friends chatted amicably, their voices blending harmoniously with the symphony of Fontaine.

"So… Captain, when are you gonna teach me how to throw a punch?"

"What do you mean, Heizou?"

"Come on! I've seen you fight. It's nothing short of amazing. But I've never had the chance to witness you wielding Pyro. I heard that you beat up that one Harbinger with your bare fists. Ever since that I've wanted to see your fighting technique for myself."

"Heizou, I still haven't mastered the power of Pyro yet. I don't wanna lose control again so I've avoided using it at all till now. It's a rather volatile element and I have no idea how the Pyro vision holders do it."

"Ah… that makes sense. Wielding three elements at once is no easy feat after all. But just to be sure… you still have it, right?"

"That I do…"

"Then teaching me is not outside the realm of possibility!"

"Heizou… you're already a good fighter."

"Yeah, but I'd like to get better, you know?"

"You rascal…"

Heizou's lighthearted banter and Kyouya's easy laughter formed a melodious exchange that resonated against the backdrop of the city's vibrant atmosphere.

Suddenly, Kyouya's sharp eyes caught the sight of an officer engaged in a heated exchange with a disgruntled man. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was officer Santallier.

Intrigued by the commotion, Kyouya and Heizou made their way towards the unfolding scene.

"Sir, we have multiple witnesses. If you truly are innocent, just let me search you once."

"Get your hands away from me! You have no right to search me with no proof."

As they drew nearer, the details of the confrontation became clearer. The man stood his ground, vehemently protesting against the officer.

Tension hung in the air, fueled by the man's loud protests and the crowd that had started to gather.

"Fontaine claims to be the Nation of Justice and yet you guys have such a sorry law enforcement system in place. What a joke. Just like the pathetic Archon you all worship."

The situation escalated further when the man started speaking ill of Furina.

Kyouya's fists clenched at the insolence, his own emotions ignited by the insults directed at his beloved.

He didn't care if anyone spoke ill of him but slandering Furina was unacceptable in his eyes. The people of Fontaine already had a rather indifferent attitude towards her so this was something that had been bothering him for a long time.

The atmosphere grew taut as he stepped forward. Heizou's observant gaze darted between Kyouya and the man, sensing an impending storm in their midst.

"Oh, boy. This isn't gonna turn out well," he muttered.

Approaching from behind, Kyouya placed a hand on the man's shoulder with a firm but restrained grip. In response, the man's fury blazed like a wildfire, his words spewing like venom as he turned to face Kyouya.

"Oh great, another cop. The fuck do you want? You fuckers are like ants. Run into one and suddenly multiple of you show up. I ain't done nothing. You're just falsely accusing a traveler!"

"I see. You're not from around here, are you? Regardless, while you are in our town you have to abide by our rules. Just let us search you…"

"Absolutely fucking not you pig!"

Shouting slurs and accusations, he lunged forward with the intent to strike, but Kyouya's quick reflexes intercepted his attack. The renowned Captain's grip on the man's arm was tight.

He twisted the man's wrist, sending shockwaves of pain through his arm and forcing him to his knees. The crowd watched with a mix of fear and fascination as the confrontation turned out to be more violent. After all, the people of Fontaine loved spectacles.

Kyouya's clenched fist hung poised, a manifestation of his rage. He was moments away from smashing the man's face.

Just then, Heizou grabbed onto Kyouya's arm, snapping him out of his emotions and grounding him back to reality. Additional officers appeared on the scene as well.

"Captain, as much as I want to see you fight, this isn't the time or the place. The people are watching…"

"Shit… you're right, Heizou."

He slowly lowered his hand, taking a deep breath. The tempest within him subsided upon recognizing the line he was about to cross.

With a weary sigh, he extended his hand, a silent yet commanding request for the cuffs. Officer Santallier quickly handed over the restraints.

Kyouya's motions were swift and efficient as he secured the cuffs around the man's wrists. He got up and ordered the officers to take the criminal away.

The Gardes escorted the man while he cried out in pain from Kyouya's assault a few moments ago.

"I see you still have some anger issues you need to work on, Captain."


"Anyways, I have to go meet up with Kazuha. I'll be taking my leave now. Don't get yourself into trouble, alright?"

"Hey, thanks for looking out for me back there."

"No problem. Goodbye, Captain!"

"Goodbye, Heizou."

As the two of them exchanged their farewells, they went their separate ways. Kyouya glanced at his fists while walking.

"I really need to get myself checked out before I do something I might regret…"

His footsteps carried him through the vibrant streets of Fontaine, the bustling activity of the city a stark contrast to the intensity of the earlier encounter.

He continued on until he arrived at a place that exuded an air of elegance and refinement, the Chioriya Boutique.

The boutique's reputation preceded it, known far and wide for its exquisite clothing and designs crafted by the talented Chiori herself.

Positioned outside the boutique was Eloffe, a member of the staff who greeted the Captain with a respectful bow as he approached.

"Welcome, welcome!"

"Hello, Eloffe. I'm here to collect my order."

Kyouya handed her a receipt, the simple piece of paper serving as a ticket to his package.

Eloffe nodded understandingly and swiftly disappeared into the boutique, leaving Kyouya to stand amid the stylish surroundings.

Moments later, she came out, cradling a carefully wrapped parcel adorned with charming accessories. The presentation was a testament of the attention to detail that Chioriya Boutique was known for.

"Captain… I know it's not my place to ask but who's that for?"

Kyouya cleared his throat before responding.

"Ahem… I'm afraid I cannot answer that."

"I see… well it certainly isn't for you, Captain. I just didn't think you had a lover. She's quite the lucky woman."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Eloffe."

"Nobody buys a skimpy outfit like that for anyone other than their lover…"

"Ah, right. I guess there's no beating around the bush then."

"Do not worry, Captain. We don't judge. You have full client confidentiality. No one will know about your little purchase here," she giggled.

"This is embarrassing…"

"The ladies would be so jealous if they were to find out about this though."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Captain… It's no secret that you're popular among the women of Fontaine. Many of them often come here and gossip about your feats. Ah, I probably shouldn't be telling you this, oopsie!"

"I see… good to know that people appreciate me, I guess?"

"Well, have a good day, Captain. Come again!"

"Right back at ya."

Kyouya sighed before leaving the shop. He walked through the city until he finally reached Palais Mermonia, an opulent residence befitting the Hydro Archon.

At the entrance, a distinguished officer named Bruneau stood guard. His posture reflected the discipline of a seasoned officer.

Upon seeing Kyouya, Officer Bruneau swiftly raised his right hand to his forehead in a crisp salute. Kyouya, acknowledging the gesture with the respect it deserved, returned the salute with a practiced and equally precise motion. It was a silent exchange of honor and acknowledgment.

"Greetings, Captain."

"Hello, Officer. Hard at work as usual?"

"That's right. Though it feels wrong to call this hard work."

"And why is that the case?"

"Well, to be honest, Captain, nothing ever really happens around here. I'm always just standing idly. Because who would dumb enough to cause any kind of ruckus at the Palais Mermonia, right?"

"I see. Is that a problem?"

"It gets rather boring for me at times. I mean, I hear about your feats all the time and then wonder if I can ever get to do something so adventurous."

"My feats?"

"Yes, you're the legendary Captain Kyouya!"

"Hey, now. I wouldn't call myself a legend."

"Captain, you're being humble. You're the idol of our whole force. Every officer strives to be like you."

"I'm honored that my peers think so highly of me. Still, I don't think you guys should put me on a pedestal like that."

"It's only what you deserve, Captain."

Suddenly, Bruneau noticed the package in Kyouya's hand.

"What do you have over there, Captain?"

"O-oh, this..?"

The question startled him. There was no way he could admit what was in the parcel. He took a deep breath, composing himself as he tried to come up with an excuse.

"That's actually classified. You do not have the authorization to know what's inside, officer."

"Oh, I see, Captain. Sorry for intruding."

"No, it's alright. You're only being cautious after all. Keep up the good work, Officer Bruneau."

"W-wait, Captain. You know my name?"

"Of course. I know the name of everyone in the force."

As Kyouya waved the man goodbye and turned to leave, Bruneau's gaze lingered on him with a sense of deep admiration. He had witnessed firsthand the dedication and honor that this enigmatic man brought to his role as a Captain in the Maison Gardiennage.

Stepping onto the marble floors of the palace, Kyouya navigated through the halls with purpose, guided by his familiarity with this route. This wasn't the first time he had been here and it wouldn't be the last.

The elevator ride to the top floor was swift and silent, leaving him alone with his thoughts as he clutched the package. As he stood before Furina's door, Kyouya's heart quickened its pace.

He felt a bit nervous but knocked on the door gently. The door opened and out came Furina.

In a heartbeat, she embraced him, her arms enveloping him in a tender and affectionate hug. Kyouya's own arms instinctively encircled her, drawing her close to his chest.

"Took you long enough, where have you been all day?"

"I was busy with… stuff"

As they stepped into her room, Furina's eyes caught the sight of the package in Kyouya's hands, a spark of curiosity kindling within her.

"Hmm? What's this?"

"This? I got you a little something."

"Oh, a present from yours truly?"

They settled onto the bed together and with a soft smile, Kyouya presented the package to her.

"I cannot wait to see what's inside."

As her fingers deftly untied the ribbon and unfolded the layers, her anticipation grew. The fabric within revealed itself gradually.

Furina's cheeks flushed with a warm hue as the contents fully emerged. The sight of a skimpy maid outfit, meticulously crafted with attention to every detail, sent a flutter through her heart.

She ran her fingers over the fabric, marveling at the exquisite workmanship. The implications of such a gift danced in the air, and her gaze lifted to meet Kyouya's, a mix of bashfulness and appreciation reflecting in her eyes.

As she held the outfit, she couldn't help but envision herself in it. The idea sparked a sense of vulnerability within her, a gentle stirring of excitement that she hadn't anticipated. Her lips curved in a shy smile.

"Kyouya…. what's this?" she asked softly, her voice barely audible.

Their gazes met, and the atmosphere was charged with the energy of their unspoken desires.

"I want you to wear it. Right now"

By now, y'all have probably realized what happens in the next chapter. Stay tuned, it's pretty steamy, to say the least.

Also, there's less than a week till 4.1 which means Furina gameplay leaks are just around the corner. I'm so damn excited...

DaoisttAYuDlcreators' thoughts