
640. Palpatating

Once the soul spear was shaped, Seth engraved a simple Sigil onto it. It showed a cauldron that was struck by lightning. This was the Sigil of the Destiny of Salmoneus. He was a king that dared to impersonate Zeus by throwing torches to imitate lightning and driving a chariot pulling kettles behind it to imitate thunder.

For his blasphemous behavior, the king was struck down by Zeus with lightning. This was Salmoneus' Destiny. The blacksmith was very sure the enchantment would grant a kind of lighting power.

When he finished the sigil, a pattern made up of a mix of lightning and pieces like broken kettles covered the soul armament. With practiced moves, he put the spear into the Waters of Styx and soon heard the familiar ding.

<Ding! You have finished a legendary item! +1 to all attributes.>

<Ding! A synergy between powers has changed your item.>

The spear suddenly lit up and the lights of electric arches kept playing around the tip. Some were a bright white, while others seemed more like lightning-shaped shadows. Seth guessed the latter was the cursed lightning while the former could be the effects of the divine enchantment. They spilled from the Charged Aquamarines of which three had taken a darker tone, while the other had become lighter in color.

<Palpatating Spear


Phys.Damage: 2700

Mag. Damage: 2300

Durability: 9000

1. Blessing of Wind

2. +300% Power on Skills and Spells

3. +200% Power to Lightning Spells

4. +200% Power to Wind Spells

5. Demonic Lightning

6. +150% Piercing Damage

7. +40% Mana Regeneration

8. 15% Item Breaking

9. Active Skill: Furfur's Discharge

10. Active Skill: Lightning Storm

An electrifying spear created by the Craftsman Smith using legendary materials and enchanted by the first Master Enchanter of Urth, Master Smith, using demonic, divine, and mysterious means. A charged item, not just any lightning mage would be able to handle.>

At first glance, the spear sounded awesome, at second glance Seth started sweating. What had gone wrong with this one? The effects were all quite normal. The Olympian enchantment had imbued the power of Item Breaking, which caused 15% of the attack damage directly to the item.

Demonic Lightning gave all lightning spells the additional curse attribute and allowed her to directly channel her mana through the spear to generate lighting bolts. Without prior chants or a cooldown.

What made him sweat were the descriptions of the skills and their accompanying chants.

< Active Skill: Furfur's Discharge, No Cost, 30min Cooldown

Chant: "Experience the full Power of the Dark Side!"

Target will be wrapped in cursed lightning for 1 minute with an 80% chance to be paralyzed. Lightning will cause 20% of base Magic Damage every second. >

<Active Skill: Lightning Storm, No Cost, 30min Cooldown

Chant: "Let the Heavens Rage!"

Summons a lightning cloud over the target area. Punishing Lightning will randomly strike enemy units in the area of effect with 50% of Magic Damage with a 50% chance to paralyze enemies.>

One was a powerful single-target skill, the other was an AOE, and both came with some weird chants, that seemed weirdly familiar to him. He just hoped Azul wouldn't feel the urge to scream something along the lines of "Unlimited Power!" while she roasted someone...

Satisfied, he put the spear aside and turned to the next item on the schedule. Seth's <Blacksmith> skill was now roughly 20% away from the master tier, he could already smell it. Motivated, the blacksmith turned to a comfort product for the next one. For Edward, Evee's brother, he wanted to make a sword.

Edward was usually glued to Evee's side, yet he had still not opened up to her. Maybe there had really gone something wrong when he fixed his soul? Since the was a big brother that wanted to protect his sister, what would fit better than to give him a mighty sword to look cool with?

With practiced and relaxed moves, the blacksmith forged a longsword in record time. The ballad he used was a new one. Although he was a great sympathizer with Xaphan, the burning Skies, the one he used was dedicated to Nergal, a demonic deity of fire and war.

The reason was that the forging ballad would not just offer fire damage, but also add a bonus to sword mastery. The best part was that this was paid by simply using the sword. The blood of an enemy would be absorbed and work as a sacrifice to Nergal. Seth had become so practiced in forging swords, that he barely needed any grinding to refine their shape. It was mostly to sharpen the edge and for a cleaner look.

When it came to enchantments, Seth did not even bother to try and find a demonic enchantment or come up with one. He originally wanted to go all in with the complex elemental enchantment, because their power was greatly influenced by his own affinity with fire.

After many tries, he even managed to generate a new enchantment called Fire Edge. It was technically the same effect as when Seth used his <Energy Manipulation> and combined it with his <Pyrokinesis> to create a blade covered in fire.

This new enchantment could improve the sharpness of a blade by concentrating the heat on the edge. The only drawback was that it did not generate its own fire, but needed other enchantments to supply it. If he wanted to use it, he would need to also engrave other fire enchantments to power it.

Unfortunately, these plans were doomed to fail. Usually, these enchantments would have been no problem, but with a soul constantly powering them... a constantly flaming sword was just annoying. Like with the quiver, this needed an ego soul to be controlled.

Now, he had visited Tano'Mol together with Edward but for some reason, he was really unpopular with the souls inside the goat's nursery. The blacksmith had prepared to take another road until he became a master enchanter. His new title had opened new doors.

Seth was up to some heresy as he inserted the divine automaton core circuit, together with the Fire Edge and the fire circuits into the Formation Combination. He didn't know whether it would work at all, but he was ready to exhaust his mana to try.

This was the only way. He couldn't get his hands on an ego soul, and there was no way for two divine enchantments to co-exist on the same soul. If he managed to combine the automaton core with the fire enchantments, he could have the controlling ego on the item, while the soul became the powerhouse of the sword.

It was a step he had avoided until now. On one side he really didn't have a lot of time, on the other he was really afraid it would explode in his face. Seth couldn't help but doubt that gods liked people messing with their work. But Hephaestus was the god of craftsmen, he wouldn't get angry with a junior trying to modify his work, right? ...Right?

He clicked the button to combine and squinted his eyes, prepared to be struck down. The first attempt obviously failed, but he also survived. Becoming slightly more confident that the god of blacksmiths was not going to descend and punish him, he started seriously spamming the combination button.

His mana waned away quicker than in a battle, as the mashed the combine button, without any results so far. After the 100th try, he became desperate and started with weird rituals, like kissing the Lucky Trinket three times before pressing the combination button.

Trying for a working formation combination painfully reminded him of drawing gachas...

"Fin, are you in Minas Mar today?"

In the end, he even went as far as to call Fin.

"I playing with Mina, do you need something from Fin?"

"Could you come to my workshop? I need a lucky charm."

At first, the fairy's big black eyes looked at him from the communication orb with a little confusion. But then they widened as she seemed to understand what she wanted.

"You want to abuse Fin's luck!"

"I'm sorry, Fin. But it's really import-" She was right, Seth was after the luck bonus that was granted by being in a party with a fairfolk. But when he was about to apologize, she continued.

"That will cost you!" she said with a cheeky smile. " Fin also wants to go watch a movie with Seth, and we will get ice cream without the grumpy caterpillar!"

"..You are driving a hard bargain, but I accept your proposal," Seth said happily, seeing Fin wasn't offended. Whether it was his own luck or the fairy's presence, the moment Fin was floating beside him, the combination succeeded immediately.

"We are already done?" she asked confused when he shared the good news.

"I mean, you can stay and watch if you want to I will start engraving now."

"Fin will! Fin hasn't watched Seth work in a long time."