
Blackblade: The Anti-Magic Saga

In the magical kingdom of Blizzard, Sleeve, a boy without magical abilities, discovers an ancient black grimoire that grants him anti-magic powers. Determined to become the Mystic Sovereign, he joins the Mystic Cavaliers and faces challenges to prove his worth. With the aid of his loyal companion, Artis, Sleeve battles dark forces, protects the realm's balance, and uncovers ancient secrets, all while growing in strength and wisdom. In a world of magic, Sleeve shows that one's unique gifts can shape destinies and protect the dreams of a kingdom.

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75 Chs

Unraveling Consequences

The return to their original timeline was marked by a peculiar sense of déjà vu, as if the world they had known had donned a new cloak woven from the threads of history. The streets were familiar, yet the architecture bore subtle variations, and the people moved with a rhythm touched by the echoes of epochs.

As the Shadow Serpents ventured into the heart of their once-familiar realm, the consequences of their temporal odyssey began to unfurl like the petals of a reluctant bloom. Changes manifested in the most unexpected places—allegiances shifted, once-forgotten conflicts reignited, and the tapestry of politics bore the intricate embroidery of their journey through time.

The team found themselves entangled in a web of unfolding events, where the decisions made in the past echoed with a resonance that shaped the present. The consequences, both intended and unforeseen, painted a tableau of a world in flux—a world where the ripples of their actions lapped against the shores of the present like a time-borne tide.

Amidst this temporal turbulence, the enigmatic ally emerged once more, a silent witness to the repercussions of their journey. The serpents, now custodians of a reality entwined with the strands of their own making, faced the challenge of navigating a present that bore the indelible marks of their sojourn through history.

And so, as the Shadow Serpents ventured forth into this altered present, the chapter concluded with the promise of unforeseen challenges and the anticipation of unraveling the intricate consequences woven into the fabric of their temporal exploits.