
Black Wood

Violet Matthews is a college Junior who attends Blackwood University. She considers herself to be ordinary, like all the other students. When a handsome transfer student named Ryder Evans shows up, she finds herself drawn to him and wants to understand why. With the new Occult Studies class now available this year, Violet soon realizes that supernatural beings aren't just myths anymore. Will Violet learn all the secrets that are being kept from her, or will she be forever in the dark?

IvyWhite · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 6: The Mystery Guy

The bell rang, letting us know it was time to transition into our next class, so I put my book and laptop into my backpack before heading out of the classroom. Evelyn, Jo, and I were the last to leave since we had sat in the very back of the room. Miss. Reid was outside the classroom waving everyone off as they left.

As I was walking out of the room, I noticed this unusually attractive guy walk up to the Professor and say, "I'm so sorry I missed the class, I had a minor issue on the way here. I promise I'll be here tomorrow." As I was walking by them to head to my next class, I noticed the guy tensed up his entire body. I looked back at him as I was just curious because something about him seemed familiar and when I did, his gorgeous steel-gray eyes locked onto mine for a split second before he turned away.

"Who is that?" I caught myself saying out loud.

"I'm not sure, but he looks yummy, right!?" Evelyn said as she licked her lips. "I mean I'd rather have Matt but I wouldn't mind running my hands through his gorgeous silver hair"

I sat down in my business management class and couldn't help myself from thinking about that guy. His stunning silver hair, and his oddly gray eyes, and what it would feel like to have his enormous arms wrapped around my waist as he kissed down neck..

UGGGH Vii what the fuck is wrong with you!? I don't even know who the hell that guy is so I definitely shouldn't be thinking about doing anything sexual with him!

I shook my head to get the naughty thoughts out of mind and pulled out my phone to text Evelyn.

"Hey, can you find out who that guy is? I know you always have all the intel when it comes to everyone around here.."

"Most definitely babe! You got the hots for him, don't you? ;)"

"Um no? I'm just curious is all.."

"mm hm, I bet you are. Give me a few and I'll find out for ya."

What on Earth am I thinking.. guys never have this affect me but I just can't shake it..

I try to shake off the thoughts of this guy again, and I notice someone sits down beside me. I look over my shoulder and of fucking course it would the person I'm trying my hardest not to think about right now.

This is just fan-fucking-tastic.. how on Earth am I going to concentrate on anything in this class with this god-like man sitting right beside me..