
Black Wood

Violet Matthews is a college Junior who attends Blackwood University. She considers herself to be ordinary, like all the other students. When a handsome transfer student named Ryder Evans shows up, she finds herself drawn to him and wants to understand why. With the new Occult Studies class now available this year, Violet soon realizes that supernatural beings aren't just myths anymore. Will Violet learn all the secrets that are being kept from her, or will she be forever in the dark?

IvyWhite · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 11: I Can't Control Myself

We finally arrive, and I'm in absolute awe of how gorgeous this place looks. The Mayor's wife, Gwen, had golden string lights connecting to all the Dogwood trees and even had small lanterns hanging from the Oak tree in the center. Thanks to the new lights, it leaves a soft warm glow around the entire Garden.

"It looks like we're in a magical faerie garden." I say as I walk over to my favorite spot by the Oak tree and sit down on the ground.

Ryder walks over and sits down beside me. "It looks other worldly, doesn't it?"

I look at the Koi pond in front of us and the reflection of the lights on the water is stunning. "It's so beautiful.." I say as I run my fingertips over the top of the water.

"You're beautiful." Ryder says as he grabs my chin with his pointer finger and thumb, making me look at him, which sends sparks all over my body. I can feel body get weak at just his touch alone.

He places his free hand around my waist, pulling me closer to him so we're only a few inches apart from each other. I start breathing heavily, and my face flushes. He runs his thumb across my bottom lip.

The smallest touch alone makes me want to rip this mans clothes off.. How the hell does he make me feel this way?! There's just something about him I can't shake. I feel drawn to him.. like he's supposed to be mine, but why?

He moves his hand from my back and places it on my thigh before pushing himself on top of me. I can feel myself becoming more and more wet. Ryder leans in and kisses the crook of my neck, making me let out a small moan.

"I love how I can just look at you and make you wet." He whispers in my ear before standing back up.

I look up at him, begging him with my eyes to continue. He gives me a smirk before taking off his solid black long-sleeve shirt, revealing his chiseled chest and sharp v-line. I look him over and I'm drawn to the extremely detailed tattoos he has that covers both his arms and connects at his chest. I don't think it's possible for him to be any more attractive than he is right now.

He leans back down and places his body on mine again. He grabs me by the chin and kisses me with urgency, but it's not rushed. I place my hand in his hair, pulling it, making him let out a loud groan. He bites my bottom lip, making me moan, which only excites him more. He runs a hand up my thigh as the other grips me by the hair, making my head lean back. He starts rubbing me through the thin fabric of my shorts, making my hips rise to meet his hand.

I feel like I can't control myself around him.. but it just feels so right.

I slip my hand into his dark denim pants and place my hand around his large cock. He moans as I work my hand up and down him as he slips his hand around my shorts and into my thong. Rubbing my clit, he thrusts a finger inside me.

Suddenly I hear loud howling coming from the woods, making me jump. Ryder jumps up and throws his shirt back on before grabbing me by the hand and pulling up from the ground.

"As much as I'd love to continue what we were doing, I think I should walk you home." He says as he takes my hand in his, leading me out of the Garden.

"Awe, are you scared of a little ole wolf?" I ask, laughing at him.

"Not to scare you or anything, but that howl sounded like it belonged to something larger than just some 'little ole wolf', love. We need to go. Now."

As we're walking through town toward my dorm, I notice Ryder keeps checking his phone, and he seems anxious.

"Is something wrong?" I ask as I see him look at his phone with a concerned look.

"No, my dad just texted me saying he needed me to help him with something important."

"Well, if it's important, I can walk myself the rest of the way home. It's right around the corner anyway."

He lets out a long deep sigh before saying, "Okay.. Just text me when you get to your room and let me know you're okay. I'll see you later."


I make it back to my room and see Evelyn sitting on the couch, waiting for me.

"You know I'm not a child, right? You really don't need to sit up and wait for me to get home." I say as I take my shoes off and place in the bottom of my closet.

"I know, I just want to hear all the details! Come sit!" She says excitedly.

I walk over to the couch and sit down beside Evelyn. "This is like crack to you, isn't it?"

She lightly slaps my arm before saying, "I know Jo and I walked in on you two doing stuff earlier! I could totally tell by the flustered look on your face."

I tell Evelyn everything that happened tonight, starting with the creep from the party and how Ryder stepped in and saved me.

"WHAT?! Who was it? I'll find him and kick his ass myself!"

"Honestly, I have no idea.. I've never seen around campus before, and he looks way too old to be a freshman."

"So he was some random then. Probably come with a few of his buddies who go to school here. Text me what he looked like and I'll send out a group text to a bunch of people and find out who he is."

Evelyn knows pretty much everyone at this school, so if anyone can help me figure out who he is, it's going to be here.

I text Evelyn the best description I can of the guy.

"He has dark green eyes, light brown hair, a short stubbly beard, and a large tattoo of a blood moon on his right shoulder."

"Thanks, babe! I'll get this out and hopefully someone knows who this asshole this. But anyway, so you and Ryder didn't have sex? Like at all?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure we would have if it wasn't for the wolf howling in the woods close to the Garden. Plus, Ryder's dad texted him and said he needed his help with something and that it was important.." I said worriedly.

"What do you think it could be?"

"I have no idea.. I hardly know anything about him except for the fact he's a transfer from Florence. I know nothing about him or his family."

"Maybe you should get to know him better before you two start having sex.." She says as she places a comforting hand on my shoulder. "But I'm going to bed. I'm absolutely exhausted after that party tonight."

Evelyn went to bed, and I realized that I got so caught up in telling her about what happened tonight, that I forgot to text Ryder I made it home safe.

"I made it home. Thanks for tonight though, I had a lot of fun with you! I'm going to head to bed, so I'll talk to you later."

I lay down in bed and wait for about thirty minutes, seeing if he would text me back, but he never did.

He's probably just too busy with helping his dad. Why do I even care so much about if he'll text me back or not? It's not he's my boyfriend.. but fuck, I wish he was!