
39. Quarrel

"I agree," said Ravi at last after he was pressured so many times with a barrage of sentences from Adrian.

The arrogant man looked at Ravi now with his usual condescending look. Ravi wanted to throw his fist at the silver-haired head or kick his body as hard as he could muster. He hates it.

Don't know what Ravi's mistakes were in the past that he could get into trouble with someone like Adrian, as long as Ravi remembers, he never met Adrian then, suddenly this man came and took revenge on him.

"You could have said that from the start."

"This is forced. I would never do this disgusting activity with you!" Ravi pushed Adrian's chest away as the man got closer to him. Adrian's pungent minty smell made Ravi's breathing suddenly feel tight.

Another snort came from Adrian. The man's eyes sharpened as Ravi gasped as a large hand gripped his arms are strong. "You'd better shut your mouth."