
33. A Kiss

Ravi jolted awake from the intense cough he was having. He saw how deep red blood had dripped out of his hands. His chest ached even just to get the oxygen he needed.

"Ravi?" Raymond swiftly handed him a glass of water which Ravi drank to the toilet, not only that Raymond without being asked to grab Ravi's stained hand and clean it with a blanket. Ravi grimaced knowing that.

"How long have I been asleep for?" asked Ravi looking at the window which was still light outside.

"Three hours," Raymond answered quickly.

"What are you doing?"

Raymond looked away and he didn't say anything. Making Ravi carefully ask again in between breaths that are starting to become regular. "What are you doing?"

"Seeing Ravi." In the end, Raymond answered timidly, while Ravi himself didn't know what to say.

"Ravi, can we go see Daniel?" Raymond suddenly asked about it, he looked at Raymond with his eyebrows almost together.

"On what basis?" asked Ravi.