
25. Curiosity

In the end, Ravi ends up in a rented house in another city, far from his previous home. He knew he felt guilty leaving without seeing his father and mother, but once again Ravi made himself aware that they were not his family. Not knowing where Ravi was or even who he was, everything seemed dark in his mind. There is not a single thing that Ravi can remember about his past.

Ravi will probably start his new life here, as a new person.

"Ravi?" Raymond called next to him waking Ravi from his daydream.

His head turned towards Raymond whose brows furrowed at Ravi worriedly. Ravi just mumbled nonchalantly in response.

"May I heal, Ravi?" Raymond asked, pointing to Ravi's lip which hurt earlier.

Ravi shifted back against the headboard because Raymond suddenly moved closer to him. Ravi held his breath involuntarily as Raymond shot a crazy chocolate scent into Ravi's nostrils that felt like torture.