

Have you ever thought that you could live somewhere else? A place like a city that knows no evil, there is no hate, jealousy or envy There is only happiness, peace of mind, and a king who does not hate Or a place among the clouds where there is no death, there is the rarest of minerals, where the earth is gold and the stones are sapphires, and lives forever. Or a forest with the colors of autumn, whose trees bear fruit every day, whose leaves carry all kinds of food, its rivers of milk, and whose people are heartless. Or a place where you can see the color of the eclipse If given the chance, what price would you pay? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today? If everyone around you is the same, how do you know that you are different? If you had to live with a disease, what disease would you prefer to live with? If everyone around you hates you, who will you love? Itsuki is a boy looking for the Ultra and during his journey helps those around him and sometimes cooks food for those who need it and hopes one day to kill all kinds of life in this world

Kay_11 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter One: Jean, Human, Crow and Spring

In a dream world near the east coast

Itsuki enters a destroyed village to look for some food

(How long will this life last, every time I see the same scene, smashed houses, burnt lands and empty streets, while I am standing here)

(I thought I'd find some food here, but I doubt there's anything edible

No use, I think I'll look for some herbs suitable for cooking)

While Itsuki was walking around the outskirts of the forest, he heard the sounds of clashing swords coming from inside the village, so he headed towards it

When he arrived, he found an elf boy fighting a human boy, and Itsuki paused for a moment in his place

(What am I going to do now even if I try to stop them I doubt they will listen to me but I can't just stand and watch should I just leave

Why are they fighting anyway? Is the reason so important that two kids like them have that look on their faces?)

As Itsuki stood thinking about what to do, he noticed a flower at the edge of the road

('The flower of mercury' so if this is what happens, but solve things in this way ..)

As he tried to advance, Itsuki felt the rot coming out of the city's wreckage like thick smoke

"There's someone other than us in this place," Itsuki thought



Strange mother

"You two, if you don't want to die, get out of this place quickly!" Itsuki shouted as he addressed the two boys.

They were both surprised by what Itsuki said and paused for a moment

The elven boy replied (Here, what are you saying all of a sudden a fight with this guy but I don't mind if I fight you with him)

(I have no interest in children fighting. I was trying to warn you.)

(Kids, you don't seem to be that much older than me, or do you mean you're a kid, too)

While the elven boy was talking, the human boy was looking around for the thing he had warned them about, but he found nothing

(It is inevitable that this will happen)

Itsuki said, realizing what was going to happen

Then an enormous mass of mold emerged from the wreckage of the village and began to engulf everything

The boys stood amazed at what was happening

(What is this thing )

Itsuki didn't move or even change his gloomy countenance

(If I were you two, I'd get out of here quickly, well, not like he'd let you.)

The mold had a realization of its own as soon as it heard Itsuki's words, it surrounded the two boys and tried to swallow them both

Then Itsuki waved his hand at the mold, and it evaporated as if it wasn't there

Which made the elves boy think ("What is this thing? The place is full of the smell of death. I feel like I will fall at any moment. But this person, with a wave of his hand, made him evaporate as if he was burning").

But the human boy was thinking of something different (this person is not concerned with his hand, why is it so white? No, it is not white, but it radiates the light of who this person is.)

There were signs of concern on Itsuki's face, then he turned around and looked at the faces of the boys (Well, this is a real disaster, what are we going to do)

The elves boy replied while he was worried (you say we do, but just thinking about touching that thing is considered suicide, can we do anything)

Itsuki smiled and headed to the block of mold (Okay, just get out of here, I'll see what I can do)

The mold tried to attack Itsuki, but all the mold that touched his hand was evaporating, so Itsuki quickly advanced towards him while burning the mold that afflicted him.

Mold realized the insignificance of the attack with his body, so he began throwing at him the wreckage of the houses in the village

(Usually, it is strange that he either runs away or attacks with all his might, but today he is unusual.)

While Itsuki was busy fighting, a part of the mold surrounded the two boys and stopped them from running away

Itsuki noticed what happened, but he was a little late. He put his feet on debris flying in the air, and rushed at a huge speed towards the boys, but he wasn't going to arrive in time.

(Damn it, I won't arrive in this case, I have no other choice)

Then Itsuki drew his sword from the waist and waved it at the mold surrounding the boys, and it evaporated like dust blown away by a stormy wind.

Itsuki stood in front of them and smiled as he said (what is the matter, did you two live tape or the cat ate your tongue? A person should trust a little bit of those around him, otherwise he will live isolated from the world)

The elves replied in astonishment (only with a wave of your sword, are you a monster),

As for the boy (this sword is not from you)

Itsuki began trying to understand what the mold was trying to do ("a huge mass that can wipe out all life within a 250km range within ten hours but he'd rather stay in this place but knowing that I'm facing him and that I've already drawn my sword, he hasn't run away yet."

He wants to kill these two boys. I noticed that, but are these two people so important that he confronts me face to face like this?"

Mold forms into a giant monster in front of Itsuki

Huh, I see you've got some guts, but alas, piece of trash, I'm in a good mood today, and I won't back down even if you show your whole body.

These idiots are behind me, you want them, don't you?

The mold monster started to roar, smashing everything around it

The boys fell from the force of the sound, but Itsuki did not budge from his place and answered him angrily (if you go ahead and take them if you can)

Then Itsuki stood up and prepared to draw his sword while repeating words that sounded like a melody (He is sharper than a blade and lighter than a feather. He is the supporter of every begginer and the killer of every criminal....)

As Itsuki draws his sword, reality begins to change in the eyes of those boys

Al-Bishari was excited and frightened at the same time by what he saw ("When I saw his sword, its dark blue color captivated me. This transparent sword seemed to carry all the sins of this world within it. Sad, painful, but warm. These feelings I felt while looking at it. It is a terrible sword. I want to smash it." I do not want to see him as if he sees all that is in my heart and reveals it to others. This sword is dangerous, but who was carrying it."

But the elves seemed to be resting and relaxing as he thought

(An unknown person passed through here without a goal, and suddenly he is fighting to save people he passed by by chance. When I think about it, it seems to me that he is doing this for some reason. Certainly, no one will enter into a battle in which he puts his life on the line to save people he does not know. True, he must have a goal from this, but if It was only for the sake of saving people like us. When I think about it, the sight of him standing in front of this catastrophe comes to my mind. A catastrophe. Come on, no one can deal with him, but he nonetheless stands in front of it as if he was a normal thing. This majestic sight of this person captured my heart.

I did not expect to see this light again my brother)

‏ ‏

‏Itsuki smiled and said, "Huh, I hope you can handle this."

At the time when Qi drew his sword, a light came out that lit up the earth. This light was enough to burn the edges of the disaster. With a single wave, the light exploded from the sword and wiped out every trace of mold in the village.

(Huh, dealing with him gets worse every time

Are you both okay? Can you still stand?

Itsuki turned to see how they were, and they both fell unconscious

("Well, I can't blame them." I guess I'll go back and find something edible.)

While the human boy was unconscious he was seeing his dream again

(I'm here again, I always have this dream in which I'm looking for something, something very precious, something I can't lose, something I can't forget

But I can't find it, no matter how much I try, I can't find it. No matter how much I search, I can't find it. No matter how much I scream and how much I call, I can't find it. In the end, I reach this place, a stone statue without a head. When I see it, my tears flow and I start crying. Why this sadness, why this anger? Why do I cry? No matter how much I think, I can't figure out. something and then I take a hammer and start smashing the statue I'm supposed to cherish it it's supposed to be precious to me so why do I always smash it this dream and then I wake up)

The human boy slowly opened his eyes and saw Itsuki cooking in a broken house

(Uh, are you okay now?

look a little pale)

(what are you doing are you cooking)

(: Yes, the exhausted body has to regain its strength, and food is the best way to recover strength)

(Does this matter now)

The elf boy was sitting near the human boy and he was waiting

(I told him it was useless, but he wouldn't listen.)

Itsuki paused for a moment and replied

(Mercury is correct

When I was collecting some plants from the outskirts of the city, I noticed that they are abundant throughout the forest, but their green color makes it difficult to distinguish between all this grass.

I heard that this flower is unnatural. Anyone infected with its poison loses the ability to stay away from it. It is a kind of hallucination and the inability to distinguish directions. After the poison spreads in the body, the smell emanating from it becomes a poisonous gas that destroys the cells of the mind. Within a full day, the person dies, and after several days the accumulated poison In the victim, he melts the corpse and turns it into fertilizer, which mixes with the ground, so that other poisonous flowers grow in its place. It is really a cannibal plant.

That is why you were trying to kill each other. If one person dies, the plants will stop sorting out their poisonous gas and get busy dismembering the corpse, and this will make the effect of the poison less and allow the other person to escape from here.)

Human replied

(Right so wasting your time cooking come on..)

(Don't worry, I'm doing it because I love it. The decision of whether you eat or not is up to you.)

Then said the elven boy

(Forget about that. What about that darkness, whatever that is

K: And what will it benefit you to know, you will die anyway

Al-Bishri: That's why we want to know why we targeted that thing even though we were going to die anyway.

Itsuki was a little disturbed by what he was hearing from them

(You both know that I can easily drag you out of the village, but why do you accept death so easily)

The genies

(It is not that easy, even if we assume that you can pull us out. The nearest city is 20 km away. No matter how much you look at us, we are unable to walk. Even if you carry us to the next city, it will not arrive in time. We have been here for nearly twenty hours.)

Itsuki was surprised by their unnatural calmness

‏("So they're not just idiots who realize they're going to die in a few hours and yet act sensibly and accept their end. Every time I look at them, I realize they're no ordinary kids.")

The king of the earth or the essence of the earth. This is what you saw a while ago. All I know about it is that it is a disaster that turns the places where it emerges into ashes. It represents destruction.

Well, no one knew what caused it.

human boy

(When you were fighting him, you seemed to know him. It didn't seem like you were referring to a person, not to a disaster.)

(You're right no I don't even know if it's a person or something I know he has desires and for some reason he hates me maybe because I'm his natural enemy)

The genies

(what do you mean by that if it's a disaster are you a blessing or something)

(Hah, I don't think so. It's just that our intentions are different, no more. Sometimes I fight him for several reasons, but not as if I were his enemy. It's just reasons that make each of us stand in the way of the other, and this is what makes him hurt me sometimes in the hope that I don't get in his way.)

(It hurts you from what you saw a while ago, that disaster was never your match)

(It's true that you say it hurts you, it's something I can't imagine)

Then a serious expression appeared on Itsuki's face

(It's only because you don't know it. The darkness you saw a little while ago is not even a small part of it, and when I say that, I don't mean it's stronger or its size is enormous. This thing, when it really wants to kill someone, the methods like poisoning them or making them rot to death, they don't have it. If they want to kill someone, they start. By destroying it in every sense of the word

Someone like me is not his match if he wanted to kill me for doing it a long time ago

Well, I'm done. Prefer special dishes for such a case. I hope you like it. I made sure to be your favorite dish)

The human being and the jinn were surprised by the cooking he prepared, and it was indeed their favorite food

The elves said: "You are who you really are. I usually eat anything that is presented to me without complaining, and I have not told anyone about what I hate or love about food. This is the first time someone has served me a steak with salad, knowing that I love it."

(Don't worry, only my skill in cooking can tell a person's likes and dislikes just by looking at them.)

Human Boy (Well I doubt it if I'm right why would you put the wrong dishes for the wrong person)

Itsuki (I'm sorry. I made a mistake

But it's not really important, you can just exchange between the two of you, it's not a big deal, or you two can't)

At that time, strange looks appeared on the faces of the two, as if they would rather throw food than give it to the other person

Itsuki sighed and said, "I suspected it, but you two really hate each other, right? That fight. It's not like the poison is the only reason, right?"

Human (you're right I actually can't stand this person next to me)

The elven boy laughed sarcastically (This is directed at you, human. Just looking at you disgusts me.)

Itsuki stood wondering what he was doing with these two, and he said to them (So what if I told you that there is a medicine for poison in your bodies in this food)

Elves (what do you mean how did you manage to get medicine like that are you messing with us)

(I put in every food a medicine that heals both of you, but the medicine in the other food will not heal you, but may make the matter worse

Since the bodies of humans and elves are different, medicine for each person will not benefit the other ("Of course, this is a lie. Medicine cannot be made for everyone")

Human (Are you serious, is there such a drug here)

‏(You are free to believe, and you can try and eat each other's dish. By the way, the medicine for each of you is what is in your favorite food.

("It is true that most of those who are exposed to the poison of this flower forget the method of making the medicine, although it is simple. If the flowers produce poisonous gas, all you have to do is get rid of all the flowers in this area and the medicine for the poison in their body is to collect a number of these flowers and boil them in water, so the water turns into antidote to this situation")

Itsuki smiled and said to them (If you both consider yourself enemies, I would like to ask you if this opportunity is available to you, would you accept saving yourself while saving your enemy, or would you prefer death in order to kill him)

Both of them were surprised by Itsuki's question and the human boy answered

(This is a bit strange. I'm supposed to die for the sake of killing someone I hate. My life isn't that great. But when the situation is real, I see that I'm willing to do anything to survive. Don't you see that's strange?

My answer is yes, I agree to give him my plate even if he doesn't want to give me his. After all, there is no sense in both of us dying.)

At that time, the features of sadness and remorse were drawn on the face of the jinn boy, and he said

(Well, it's not like I'm your enemy or anything like that, I just hate you a little bit and also agree to give you my plate)

Itsuki stood bewildered at what he heard from them

("This is so strange. Two people who wanted to kill each other just now can't be so nice to each other. Even if we assumed they were doing it in order to save their lives. Normally, they would have fought again for the other dish.")

What baffles me most about these two people is those eyes, they carried great hatred and hatred towards each other, but now they have disappeared, and there was nothing between them that makes me think, were they really fighting to escape this poison? This village a week ago was a vital place full of life, but now it is just a pile of stones No traces of blood or traces of burns. The chariots and horses did not move, which means that the people of the village did not leave. So what happened to them? Everything related to them is strange and full of mystery. What did I really get myself into?

After they finished eating, the human being began to ask questions (I was interested in why someone like you is trying to save us, are you doing good)

(Do I seem to help everyone I see on my way)

(Even I see this as strange. People die every day without meaning, and the death of idiots won't make it worse. But even so, you fought to save people you don't know. Are you really a good person?)

Itsuki replied with a sigh

(Oh well first I want to ask you what does a good person mean to you, someone who helps people and saves lives, someone who behaves well and doesn't do wrong things

If yes is your answer, then let me ask you a question

If a good person saves lives, then a person who kills is a bad person.)

human (of course)

Itsuki (even if he kills bad people)

(It is true that no matter how bad a person is, killing him is not true. Every life is worth living, otherwise it would not have been born in the first place. Anyone who kills for any reason is a bad person.)

Elves (I don't think so. Just as there are people who deserve to be protected, there are people who deserve death. If what you kill is only people who deserve death, then surely you are a good person.)

(People deserve to die then

Well, it seems that I am a bad person in the end, but if a person lives his life according to the principles of others, then he will not be more than an empty person, so whatever you think of me, I will not change

Before I leave, I want to ask you one last thing. Do you have things you want to do in your life, you know, dreams or aspirations?

The elves answered anxiously (Dreams, so I don't know if it can be called a dream, but I want to be a person of great importance in the future. I want people to see me and follow my example. I want to be able to help the people I want to help. I want to be the light for others.)

((It is important, then, O little elves, do you know that this dream will be carried on its owner, if you cannot bear the responsibility in the future, t Itsuki packed up and made his way, then stood up and said, "Finally, can I know your names?"

The human answered quickly (my name is Yul)

The little elves showed signs of fear, then answered hesitantly, "My name is Titus."

(Yul and Titus, if I hope you've learned from the time we sat together, keeping yourselves together, until the day we meet

"Do not surrender to this world, you must survive at all costs, until we meet again, bye"
