
Black whiskey

"No one will ever love you, do you think you deserve love? no you don't..." "I love you, and I'm not ashamed to say it .." "The truth is... everyone deserves love..." love, that mystical force that binds bodies today... love, that sensational feeling...that language that everyone knows...well I don't think I deserve it...at least not ever... That was until I took a cup of this intoxicating black whiskey...Grey Hampton

CJ_Willy · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Dr Bruce

I was sitting in my office that after when my secretary said someone was here to see me.

I asked who and she said it was a doctor from the investigation team. Then I knew immediately that it was the one who told me Bella and I were siblings.

I rolled my eyes and told her not to let him in. Besides, I don't want to hear any more bad news, I'm just gonna quietly let the WHO do the test and if it comes out positive, then I'll finally accept that Bella is my sister.

She came back few minutes later and told me the man said it's very important and whatsoever, but I wasn't interested in hearing his nonsense.

I told her to tell him to come back in three days time that I'm busy, by then, the other test result will be ready and I'll not have to listen to his bullshit, she didn't come back again and I knew he had gone.

I was having an executive board meeting when my office door flew open and my baby girl skipped in happily.

There were only 3 people that could walk into my office anytime they liked - Bella, Ana and Martins.

Sometimes Martins would knock, especially when he knew I was busy with a client or something... sometimes even Bella would knock, but you see Ana? that girl never knocks, never I tell you.

She cat walked into my office and ran to hug me, right in the middle of a goddamn meeting.

I knew I was busy but my family comes first, it's a priority, especially since Bella hasn't been mentally stable to see Ana.

"Hey baby girl" I said carrying her in my arms and letting her sit on my legs.

"Hey Daddy" she said cutely.

"How was school today?" I asked

"Was okay, I got an A in my math test" she said grinning.

"Oh did you? awwn I'm proud of you," I said smiling.

"Yeah, so can I get another car for getting an A?" she asked with those her goddess eyes.

I turned to Martins and he was giggling, I turned to the other members and they looked like they were gonna laugh.

I sighed, if I tell her no we were gonna drag this for a long time and that means we won't be able to finish this meeting.

"Alright, I'll get you another car" and when I said car, I didn't mean those toy cars or something, I mean an actual car, she has her own personal car, but obviously she can't drive so I got her a personal driver too.

The car I got her was a BMW... now I'm sure she's gonna ask for a Tesla and drain me of all my income.

"Thanks Daddy" she said and kissed my cheek and hopped down from my legs.

Then she skipped to the door.

"By daddy, see you when you get home" she said and Left.

I groaned and placed my head on my table.


Was I this demanding when I was younger? no I wasn't.

I raised my head back up.

"Sorry for that, let's continue" I said and we went on with the meeting.


A day to the test release, I was in my house doing some work with Martins when the security came in and told me that a doctor was here to see me, and it was urgent.

I rolled my eyes and told the security to tell him I'm unavailable, but Martins stopped me.

"Why does he wants to see Grey?" he asked the security.

"I don't know sir, he didn't make his reason known, he only said it was very important" the security explained.

"Probably just wants to bring in more bad news" I said .

"Well at least let's just hear what he has to say" Martins said.

I reluctantly agreed.

Few minutes later, the same middle aged doctor that read the DNA test report for us that day walked in with the security guard, only thing time more pale than he was before and he had an oxygen bag behind him, connected to his nose.

He was quiet for a while, not saying anything in particular.

"How may we help you sir?" Martins asked.

He still didn't say anything, it was like he was contemplating on what to say.

"May...may I sit please?" he asked.

I nodded, he did so slowly.

We both sat down in front of him, waiting for him to say something.... anything at all, but he didn't.

"My name is doctor Bruce and...i..ihave something I need to say". he said coldly after a while.

"We are listening" I said impatiently.

He cleared his throat.

"I have been diagnosed with stage 4 blood cancer and I have only days or maybe even hours to live and I've been trying to reach out to you to tell you something very important, before I go, I need to confess something so that I may go to my death bed in peace, so please, I'll advice you to video this as an evidence, just in case being needed" he said slowly.

Martins and I looked at ourselves confused a little, and then I picked up my iPhone to record the scene.


Bella's Pov

I don't know why, but Grey has been blasting my phone with back to back calls, I couldn't answer them because I was in a meeting.

I dropped a text that I was in a meeting and would call him back when I'm done, but he didn't care, he just kept calling and texting me to answer my phone.

I put the phone on airplane mode so I could concentrate and by the time we were done with the meeting, it was few minutes past 10pm.

I finally got out of the hall.

"Girl what the fuck was going on? why was your phone beeping that way!" Suzie asked after we got out.

"I don't even know, it's Grey , what kind of emergency is this!" I said a bit upset and as soon as I removed my phone from airplane mode, his call came in.

I groaned and picked the call.

"Hello?" I asked a bit nervous, fearing that maybe something horrible might have happened.

"Hey baby" his voice came out normal and smooth from the other side

"What happened??! you were freaking calling me over and over again, I got scared that something happened, and I was in a meeting" I complained.

He giggled softly.

"Could you come over to the house now?" oh my God such a jerk, he can't even apologize or something.

"Uhm, it's late... and.."

"Just come over right now, Ana is waiting for you, she wants to see you before she falls asleep, you haven't really been a good mummy you know" he said..

I exhaled , " Okay, fine" I said and cut the call.

Suzie yawned, " I don't know about you, but I'm pretty tired, I wanna go home".

"C'mon Suzie, just follow me, please" I said trying to do that cute puppy eyes thingie that And use to do.

Suzie said my face looked cringe and got into the car with me.