

Scott grabbed Vivian's arm as she turned away from him. “Don’t you ever walk out on me like that again!” he said angrily.  Vivian let her eyes settle on his hand for a few seconds before she yanked her arm away from his grip. Noticing that she missed his touch, she shook the thought away. “The only time you have the right to tell me what to do is during working hours, and the last time I checked…. No one is working right now." His eyebrow lifted, as if calling her bluff." Really?" he asked. One side of his lips curled up in a smirk.  Vivian didn't care. She was finding it very hard to keep her mouth sealed tonight, and she didn't even try to stop herself." Yes. I am not your employee right now so I can do exactly as I please!” “That's funny?” He said, but there was nothing funny about the look in his eyes. His mouth hardened with lust. “Well, since we're going with that, it also means that I can do the same, right?” Without giving her a chance to respond, he grabbed her waist and he pulled her right up against him—so close that she could feel every hard muscle in his body. His body heat warmed her, and his palm settled at the base of her spine. She couldn't think straight… Not when he bent and nipped at her bottom lip, then sucked it, soothing and enhancing the sting before returning to devour her mouth. As if she was something he knew he shouldn’t have but couldn’t resist.  “Let's stop playing games,” he said as he drove his mouth down onto hers. "We both want each other…. Why don't you come up with me so we can get this thing… whatever it is… over with?" _____________  The last thing Scott McCall expected to see in his hotel room one night is a beautiful waitress. A woman so desperate for a job at his company that she would do anything to get his attention…like sneak into his hotel room to talk to him. Despite his growing attraction for this woman, Scott McCall throws logic out the door and hires her anyway.  Vivian Sanchez is excited. She got a job at a successful company, despite all the mistakes and bad decisions she made… and she couldn't believe it. Everything was falling into place and It was all happening like a fairytale. She vows to give this new job her best, but there's just one problem.  …. Her boss Being crazily attracted to Scott McCall was a situation Vivian didn't quite anticipate when she asked for this job, and she doesn't quite know how to handle it. The long awkward gazes, subtle flirting and tension between them is enough to make anyone crazy.  An affair with the boss could ruin her, but what is life without risks?.... 

Whendhie1 · Fantasia
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478 Chs


After tonight, she had to put an end to this thing with Julian, before it got out of hand and the rumors started flying around... Or worse.... someone got hurt. And she was one Hundred percent cure that hurt someone was going to be her. 

Just one more night of passion with Julian, and she'd end it all. Things might not be exactly the same between them after this, but they'd get over it. She was sure of that. It's not like they were in love with each other or something like that. Like Julian had said, they were adults, they could handle this. 

A few minutes later, the driver pulled up to the sumptuous hotel Julian had booked for the both of them that night, bypassed the main entrance and stopped at the second pull in where her door was immediately opened by one of the hotel staff.

Maybe Julian had his own entrance. The thought amused her, but then he had so much money, it wouldn't surprise her. She was immediately met by the concierge and was handed a keycard.