
chapter 12

It was the same. The food. The classrooms. The teachers. It was like I got my old life back, just that I didn't.

"Hey Zeke how was prison like?"

"Zeke I heard that the food there was bad."

"Yea you look thinner."

"Here take my food!"

"No mine!"

"No mine!"

"No mine!"

The girls are the same, don't know if it's a good thing. I politely rejected the offers and walked out of the classroom. Getting back to school is exhausting. I sighed as I slid the door.

"Getting tired of being too popular? Why don't you give some of that to me?" Kyo was leaning against the wall next to the door.

Kyo was labelled a delinquent without his consent and people in school are avoiding him because of his intimidating aura.

"Sorry unfortunately i can't give any." I looked towards him, sarcasm obvious.

"Tch. Well there's another popular one." Kyo looked towards the classroom.

I followed his gaze and my eyes landed on Izanami. No kidding, she is really popular, I mean who wouldn't like a rich, smart and pretty girl right?

I didn't realize I was staring until she suddenly walked towards me.

"Hey, let's all eat lunch together." The moment she said a single word to me the whole level was practically staring at us

"Uh sure.." I awkwardly replied.

"Stop! You're popularity is blinding me." Phina covered her eyes jokingly. "Anywho, let's go, I heard the queues are no joke!"

She put her arm around Kyo and they both soon start to dash off towards the cafeteria, leaving both me and Izanami stranded in awkwardness. But that didn't last long as we both started to burst out laughing in a second. It felt just like training again.

"wOaH! This is huge!" Phina's eyes were sparking at the huge cafeteria before her. "If I had known better I would've come to school instead of kill people." In an instant, all three of them were gone, of to buy everything they could lay their eyes on. I guess I'll just go with my usual vending machine strawberry milk.

We all sat down on an empty table and immediately all eyes were on us once again. Rich girl, dropout, delinquent and hot guy sitting together isn't the most normal thing. The three of them didn't seem to care, they were too busy munching down on their foods.

"Woah, when did all of you become all buddy buddy? Did you guys meet while registering or something?" Shinji walked by us with other kendo members.

"Yes. Is there something wrong?" Izanami stared at the group.

"Oh no no! Just found it a little weird." Shinji was flustered by Izanami's beauty, then he turned towards me. "So I guess you won't be joining us?"

"Not today." I smiled, scratching the back of my head.

We returned back to class. Class proceeded as usual until suddenly something in my pocket started to vibrate. I took out the little button and pressed it to make the vibrating stop.


Ibenashi tossed plain looking buttons to each of us.

"Um I already have a stupid profile and now you're giving me a stupid button?" Phina argued.

"Would you shut up for a second, these are for me to contact any of you. You guys do know you're still working for the agency right? So anytime the button vibrates means there's missions for you guys." Ibenashi calmly explained.

"But what if we still have lessons? Are we just supposed to go?" I asked this time.

"Hmm I guess you have to find a way to sneak out." Ibenashi clearly didn't think this through.

We all narrowly stared at her, cold sweat dropped down her forehead as she tried to cover up until her thoughts were interrupted by the crashing sound of the gigantic doors opening.

From the outside came Konjo Sakamichi, ibenashi's sercretary, his aura is strong but his powers are still a mystery.

"Ms Ibenashi, black team's schooling items have arrived."he comfortably said as always.

Ibenashi smiled and demanded us to retrieve our items and head back to our rooms and get ready for school.


So now I have no idea how to escape the classroom naturally.

I turned to my sides and caught a glimpse of Izanami and Phina and motioned to them, asking them about how they're gonna get out of here.

And I blinked.

That's it.

Izanami was gone and Phina was out the window.

They're so fast, no one in the classroom even noticed their disappearance and now I'm stuck.

I'm running out of time. I scrambled thoughts and ideas through my mind. But I was seated right in the center of the class, unlike Izanami and Phina who were at the sides at the back. If I even move the slightest inch someone would notice.

I moved to the last resort in my mind. I raised my hand.

"Sensei, I need the bathroom."

And that was it! I'm out of school!

I slowly walked out the front gates.

"LATEEEEE!!" a certain white haired girl shouted at me with her arms akimbo.

"Geez man you really do have a talent for being late...." Kyo sighed.

"sorry..." I said with the softest voice I had as I looked to the only member that hasn't insulted me yet.

She caught my gaze with a nonchalant look and just turned her head in rejection.

What was that? I think just felt a stab in my heart.

As I stood in a glump, my heartless teammates just left me standing.

Why am I here again?