
Black Swordsman in Konoha

Minato's dreams of meeting Kushina were dashed. Because on the way to the meeting place, a man fell from the sky. The man was carrying a huge sword that he couldn't lift himself. He was wearing jet black armor with a helmet that resembled a dog. He wondered what adventures the future would bring him when he saw the completely different realms in the man's memories.

Ah_ren · Anime e quadrinhos
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22 Chs

Guts's world

[Inside the manga]

(As the old man and Guts were trying to catch up with this little girl, Colette, skeletons began to appear on the ground around the carriage.

Guts was somewhat calm in the face of the girl's death.

He began to speak in a flat voice.

Guts said, "So this was the remains of a battlefield."

Guts then looked at the dead body of the little girl on the ground.

Then he started throwing throwing knives at the nearest skeletons.

But even as the throwing knives smashed their heads, the skeletons continued to attack.

Puck said, "They're already dead, they won't die again.

"We have to get out of here now."

Guts spoke, still looking at the skeletons.

Guts, "If you want to go, go."

Puck, "Impossible!

"There are too many of them."

Guts said with a murderous smile on his face.

Guts, "It's always like this."

After Guts had spoken, he charged into the skeletons with his huge sword.

Every time he swung his sword, the skeletons were shattered. And they were unable to walk.

Skeletons with different armor and weapons come in front of Guts.

But Guts would tear them apart without listening to weapons or armor.

After looking at Guts for a while, Puck went into the carriage to check on the old man.

But he came out of the tent with a scream.

Puck, "AAAAAH GUTS!!!"

Guts, "Shut up, I'm busy."

Guts turned to yell at Puck and saw a hideous sight.

The little girl had a bloody sword in one hand. In the other was the severed head of her grandfather.

What disgusted him was the smile on her face.

As Guts stood frozen in place, the little girl approached Guts with the knife in her hand.

Guts looked at her face and remembered the happy little girl.

Puck tried to warn Guts, but the little girl drove the sword into his stomach.

When Guts came out of his memories, he swung his sword at the little girl.

Guts sliced the little girl in half.

Normally the pages of the book have beautiful background illustrations, but this page was white.

There was only the splattered blood of the little girl and Guts.

When the little girl's blood splattered on Guts' face, Guts woke up from the shock and noticed the skeleton coming from behind him.

He swung the sword furiously and smashed the skeleton.

But then Guts' vomit came into his mouth and he started to vomit.

Even as Guts continued to vomit, he parried the sword blows from the skeletons.

After he stopped vomiting, Guts shouted and rushed into the horde of skeletons.

Whereas the previous Guts had swung his sword to protect the cart, this time Guts swung his sword only to destroy.

Guts' shouts lasted until dawn.

As the day dawned, the number of skeletons began to dwindle.

And at some point it was over.

As Guts was resting on his sword, Puck approached Guts and began to talk.

Puck said, "I think it's over."

Puck then saw the body of the little girl.

Puck turned to Guts and spoke.

Puck said, "It wasn't your fault."

Guts started to shake at first. But then he burst out laughing.

Guts said, "Yeah, you're right."

"Didn't I tell you? People who die in other people's wars are losers."

"If a man can't give his life the way he wants, he's better off dead."

"Those two were too weak to protect themselves from the destruction I carried."

"That's the point."

Guts continued to speak through clenched teeth, as if trying to convince himself.

"If I had to worry about every ant crushed under my feet," Guts said.

"I wouldn't be able to go left and right."

Puck remained silent at Guts' words. He could feel Guts' emotions. He knew that Guts was lying to him.

Then voices came from the forest.

"You can't run away uselessly."


We're always watching you


You belong to us.

You are ours.

Wherever you go, we'll be there.

We're all around you.

You can't escape.

Your blood is flesh and bones

Your heart your ears your eyes

As long as that stamp is there, you can't escape us.

Wherever you are, you belong to us.

Your anger is your sorrow is your pain.

Guts yelled.

Guts, "Shut up."

The voices continued without Guts hearing them.

The voices said, "Your fear belongs to us."

Then Guts raised the cannon on his arm and fired it.

The loud boom of the cannon silenced the conversations in the forest.

Then Guts pulled on his black cloak and started walking in the direction he was going.

Puck looked around at the bodies and thought.

Puck, this is Guts' world.

Puck then flew off and started to follow Guts).


[Hokage office]

Kushina wanted to go to the hospital right now and hit Guts.

But part of her knew it wasn't Guts' fault.

She didn't expect her little girl to suffer such a fate.

After she died, she thought at least the old man survived.

But she didn't think that her body would be taken over by the incubi.

While Kushina continued to think to herself, the Hokage and his students were discussing the events of the episode.

Jiraiya, "Are there any defenses against such beings?"

Orochimaru, "The only thing I can think of is to leave no body for them to take over."

"The easiest way to do that is to burn the bodies of the dead shinobi."

Tsunade, "But we don't have anyone marked around us, will they come to us?"

"They only seem to be after Guts."

Minato, "Tsunade-sama Guts is in our hospital."

"Even if no apostles and monsters have come for him yet, it's not certain that they won't come in the future."

"But the only weakness I can think of is that they only appear at night."

Hiruzen said, "If we can't kill them by dawn, we'll be saved by sunrise."

"But it is not certain that the apostles adhered to this rule. What is certain is that it works on monsters."

Kushina, let's get people to stand guard over Guts.

"If God Hands can reach this world, I think monsters will soon follow."

Hiruzen, "Makes sense. I'll let the Anbu guard Guts at night.

"In the mornings, let's give the ninjas a Level D mission."

Jiraiya then spoke.

Jiraiya, "Are we going to read another chapter?"

"It seems like we have plenty of time."


Okay, I'm still using the tactic of dividing a chapter into two parts.

Oh, that's because I found a more functional use for it this time.

A couple hours after a chapter airs is when it attracts the most readers.

That's why I'm going to publish two chapters at different times of the day.

This way I'm likely to attract more readers, so please don't be angry that the chapters are short.

Also, the book has 100.000 views.

I don't know if this is a high number for a fanfic, but thank you anyway.

For giving me something to show off.

Anyway, have a good day and happy reading.

Okay, I'm still using the tactic of dividing a chapter into two parts.

Oh, that's because I found a more functional use for it this time.

A couple hours after a chapter airs is when it attracts the most readers.

That's why I'm going to publish two chapters at different times of the day.

This way I'm likely to attract more readers, so please don't be angry that the chapters are short.

Also, the book has 100.000 views.

I don't know if this is a high number for a fanfic, but thank you anyway.

For giving me something to show off.

Anyway, have a good day and happy reading.

Ah_rencreators' thoughts