
Black Swordsman in Konoha

Minato's dreams of meeting Kushina were dashed. Because on the way to the meeting place, a man fell from the sky. The man was carrying a huge sword that he couldn't lift himself. He was wearing jet black armor with a helmet that resembled a dog. He wondered what adventures the future would bring him when he saw the completely different realms in the man's memories.

Ah_ren · Anime e quadrinhos
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22 Chs

Demon and the Town Governor

(The castle lord says, "Do you know what you've done? Our town will be destroyed because you killed those men.

Swordsman, "Are your soldiers that incompetent?

When the soldiers heard this, they wanted to attack the swordsman but were stopped by the castle lord.

The castle lord said, "You don't know how terrible that man is." Or rather, a creature. That man is not a man."

Hiruzen said, "What did he do to scare that man so much?"

Kushina, "Whatever he did, it must have been disgusting."

(Swordsman, "So that's why you made that infamous deal? "

The castle lord said, "What do you know? You're just a traveler."

The swordsman said, "I know. I know very well that he is a monster that eats people. I also know that you sent him food. I saw a carriage full of women and children at the entrance."

Castle lord, "I am the lord of this castle. It is my duty to protect them."

Swordsman, "Are you sure you don't confuse protecting yourself with protecting the town?"

The swordsman's correct guesses weighed heavily on the lord and he knelt on the ground clutching his heart.

Lord, "Hurt that man to your heart's content, but make sure he doesn't die. Then I will give him to the men from Koka castle.")


The trio were sick to their stomachs after what they had read. They had seen dozens of wars. But they had never seen a man eating women and children.

Minato was surprised to find out that what he initially thought was a slave cart was meant for something even more disgusting.

Kushina said, "Why would a person commit cannibalism? And the castle lord gives up his people just to protect himself? What a disgusting town."

Hiruzen said, "I've seen a lot of disgusting things, but nothing like this. Even in the (Warring States period) there were no such strange lords. But the remarkable thing is that the swordsman accepts it so easily. As if such an existence is normal for him. "

Minato said, "I think he's already encountered such beings before. "

Kushina, "Minato, what are we going to do if this kind of lord is around? Can we just kill him?"

Minato, "I don't know, Kushina, but ir will find a solution, don't worry."


(The scene shifted to two people eating and talking in a large castle.

They were talking about the swordsman. But the man eating seemed to have known the swordsman from the beginning.

When he heard about the armor and the huge sword, it reminded him of something. But his thoughts were interrupted when a soldier came into the room.

The soldier said, "Sir, you have a visitor."

Lord, "Who?"

Soldier, "The town governor has come to the castle gate to talk about the latest events."

Lord, "Come in."

The town governor was brought into the lord chamber of the castle. He was looking at the lord eating at the end of a huge mesa.

Lord, "It has been a long time since you last visited, Mr. Governor."

Governor, "My lord, can't we forget these events?"

The governor was trying to defend himself against the lord and blame it all on the swordsman. The lord even offered to double the people and money he sent.

Lord, "You look scared?" "Afraid of getting your own head chopped off this time, eh, Mr. Governor?"

After the lord had spoken, he stretched his fork and threw the meat he had been eating towards the governor.

At first the governor didn't realize what the meat was until he came to his senses. But when he reached for it, he realized it was a child's ear. He jumped backwards in fear.)


Kushina looked like she was about to throw up. Even though she had heard that she had eaten people in the previous scene, she didn't really want to see it. The man's scary eyes and teeth made it even scarier.

Minato said, "This can't really be a human. Only a demon would do such a thing. "

Hiruzen said, "The governor just wants to give him more people to save himself. But I think the lord is mocking him as if he knows that. It's like he's saying no matter what you do, you can't be saved."

Kushina, "What kind of place does the swordsman live in? The very existence of such a lord is a crime. Why doesn't their king stop him?"

Minato, "I don't know, maybe the king is a monster too."


(Lord, "I don't care about money and hostages. I want to see people fleeing from burning fires and hear the sound of bones breaking under horseshoes."

"And what is my reason? I don't need such useless things."

The lord's face appeared, more like a demon than a man, with hideous eyes, sharp teeth, and wrinkled skin with a pointed nose.

The governor was so frightened by the lord's face and what he was going to do that he froze. He could only plead with his lord as the soldiers took the governor by the arms).


The lord's true face frightened even the trio. Even the nine-tailed foxes seemed scarier compared to this man. At least the fox has no ability to dream, they thought. At least as far as they knew.

But when they saw the demon in the Kurama book sealed inside Kushina, they shuddered. Even though he was almost immortal, the race of whatever it was in the book frightened him.

They were considering whether to take a break or not. But they hadn't even read a chapter, they were already too much affected. The place where the swordsman lived was already becoming a hell for them.