
Prologue: "The Unwanted Guest"

In the bustling metropolis of Veridian, a modern marvel of glass and steel, the prestigious Stellar Family prepared to host its most anticipated event of the year. The city's elite and influential figures eagerly awaited the grand affair, drawn by the promise of opulence and intrigue.

Amidst the vibrant cityscape, a figure emerged from the shadows, her platinum hair cascading like liquid moonlight, and her captivating purple eyes shimmering with an air of mystery. She possessed an ethereal beauty that seemed to defy the bustling chaos around her, an enigma waiting to be unraveled.

Clad in a fitted dark purple dress, every movement she made exuded elegance. The fabric hugged her curves, hinting at her delicate appearance. A purple mask concealed her identity, adding an element of intrigue to her already enigmatic allure. A black fur draped around her neck, its softness contrasting with her commanding presence.

As she stepped and walk through to an empty seat of a honorary guest, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation. Upon the faces of the guest. The air was filled with silent murmurs with gazes looking at her , a palpable energy that seemed to intensify as the mysterious woman sits on the honorary seats in front of the crowd.

Whispers of curiosity and speculation spread like wildfire, as the participants and guests exchanged glances, captivated by her captivating presence.

" Who was she?"

The questions swirled, adding an undercurrent of excitement to the already dazzling affair.

With a glass of ruby-red wine delicately held in her hand, the enigmatic woman moved with grace and poise. Her captivating purple eyes, hidden behind the mask, scanned the room, taking in the opulent surroundings and the sea of faces adorned with their own elaborate masks.

Pausing for a moment, the woman turned her gaze towards the murmuring guests, her lips parting into a wicked smile.

"Does my presence in this occasion made you uncomfortable?"

Her voice, laced with intrigue, echoed through the room, her words lingering in the minds of those present.

A hushed silence fell upon the room, every eye fixated upon her. The enigmatic woman, the embodiment of hidden chains and masked secrets, had made an unforgettable entrance. Whispers of admiration and curiosity filled the void, as the guests contemplated the enigma before them.

She reveled in the attention, the power she held in capturing their gaze. Behind her captivating facade lay a world of untold stories, secrets woven into the fabric of her existence.