
Black Jade: The Rise of a Reluctant Player

Jada Blackburn just graduated from high school with her girlfriend Ember. She had planned on spending the summer doing nothing but laze around and play the new VRMMORPG her dad helped develop. But no, she will be spending her next 10 years stuck in said game with her childhood sweetheart/girlfriend, reluctantly (on her part) climbing the stupid 100 floor tower in hopes of defeating the stupid Final boss. And for some reason the other players are calling her and Ember the "Yandere Couple." What does that even mean?! *This is a rewrite. Like with the other one, I'm doing this out of boredom. Low expectations. *

Socordia_Jade · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
59 Chs

Ethereal Genesis Online (EGO)

Koray, a world that could easily be mistaken for Earth by anyone unfamiliar with its subtle differences, floated through the cosmos with an air of both familiarity and mystery. Its sprawling continents were named differently, its oceans carried the essence of legends, and the very atmosphere was suffused with Aether—a mystical energy that permeated every aspect of life. It was a world on the brink of something monumental, though its inhabitants were blissfully unaware.

The day was August 15th, a day that had been circled on calendars, set as reminders on phones, and eagerly anticipated by millions across the planet. This was the day that "Ethereal Genesis Online," or EGO as it was popularly known, would finally be released. It was a day of excitement, of nerves, of dreams finally within reach. For Jada Blackburn, it was simply another day of doing what she loved—diving into a virtual world where she could escape the mundane realities of Koray.

Jada sat cross-legged on her bed, her room dimly lit by the glow of multiple screens. Posters of her favorite games adorned the walls, a testament to her love for digital adventures. Her long, wavy black hair cascaded down her back, partially covering the jade-colored eyes that were currently fixated on the countdown timer on her main monitor. Five minutes to go.

"Ember, are you ready?" Jada called out, her voice carrying a blend of excitement and impatience. Her girlfriend, Ember Weiss, was in the next room, likely just as eager as she was.

"Always, babe!" Ember's voice chimed back, full of that infectious energy Jada had always loved. "Can't wait to kick some serious butt with you!"

Jada couldn't help but smile at that. Ember was always the more enthusiastic one, her platinum-blonde hair and tangerine-colored eyes a stark contrast to Jada's darker, more subdued appearance. They balanced each other perfectly, like yin and yang, and today would be no different. As the seconds ticked down, Jada ran through her character's build in her mind. She had always been drawn to the darker, more mysterious classes in games, and for EGO, she had chosen the Dark Faerie Sorceress—a class that promised both power and allure.

Ember, on the other hand, had opted for the Valkyrie class—strong, radiant, and always at the forefront of battle. Together, they would be an unstoppable force. Or so Jada hoped.

The timer hit zero, and with a deep breath, Jada slipped on her VR headset. The world around her melted away, replaced by the immersive, breathtaking visuals of Ethereal Genesis Online. The start screen flickered into existence, displaying the game's title in elegant, flowing script that shimmered with an ethereal glow.

"Welcome to Ethereal Genesis Online," a soothing voice echoed in her ears. "Prepare yourself for a journey unlike any other. Are you ready to enter?"

Jada confirmed, and in an instant, she was transported to the character creation screen. The options were vast, each choice carefully designed to cater to a wide range of playstyles and preferences. Jada took her time, crafting her avatar with meticulous attention to detail. Her in-game persona, Black Jade, was every bit as enchanting as she had envisioned—dark, mysterious, and dripping with arcane power.

Just as she finished, a notification popped up, indicating that her girlfriend had sent a friend request. Without hesitation, Jada accepted, and Ember's character, Embers, appeared beside her. The Valkyrie stood tall and proud, her wings glowing with a soft, golden light.

"Looking good, babe," Ember said, her voice filled with admiration as she examined Jada's avatar. "You're gonna be the envy of every Dark Faerie out there."

"Not that I care about what others think," Jada replied with a smirk, her virtual lips curling into a sly smile.

"Of course not," Ember teased, linking her arm with Jada's. "Now, let's see what this world has to offer."

Together, they stepped forward, the landscape around them unfurling like a grand tapestry. Ethereal forests stretched as far as the eye could see, their trees aglow with bioluminescent leaves that danced in the Aether-tinged breeze. Majestic mountains loomed in the distance, their peaks lost in a sea of swirling clouds. Everything about the world felt real, from the crunch of leaves underfoot to the distant calls of fantastical creatures that roamed the wilderness.

For a moment, Jada was lost in the beauty of it all, the sheer artistry of the game world captivating her. But then, as if on cue, a subtle, almost imperceptible shift occurred in the air around them. It was a feeling she couldn't quite place—a sense that something was off, something that didn't belong in this paradise.

Before she could voice her thoughts, the world around them began to change. The bright skies darkened, the vibrant colors faded to grayscale, and the once comforting hum of the environment turned into an ominous silence. Jada felt a chill run down her spine as she instinctively reached for Ember's hand.

"What's happening?" Ember asked, her voice now tinged with concern.

"I don't know…" Jada replied, her jade eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of what was causing the shift.

Suddenly, a loud, echoing chime rang out, cutting through the eerie silence. It was followed by a message that appeared before every player's eyes, its text bold and unyielding:

"Welcome, Players, to the true Ethereal Genesis Online."

"Your world has been chosen for initiation into the System Universe. The game you've entered is not merely a game—it is a trial, a test to determine your planet's fate."

"You will remain here for 10 years of in-game time (1 year in your real world) unless you can defeat the Final Boss at the top of the Tower. Your survival depends on it."

"Good luck."

As the message faded, the world remained shrouded in its newfound darkness. The realization hit Jada like a freight train—this was no longer just a game. They were trapped, and the stakes were far higher than anyone had anticipated.

She turned to Ember, who had a look of determination in her tangerine eyes. "Looks like we've got our work cut out for us, huh?"

Jada could only nod, her mind racing. This wasn't how she had planned to spend her time in the game. All she had wanted was to explore, to relax, to enjoy this digital paradise. But now, with the weight of the world quite literally on her shoulders, she knew that her life had just taken a drastic turn.

And there was no logging out.