
Black Clover : World Wizard Emperor

Gray Pendragon is reborn a second time thanks to the Mythology Cube, a technology of the ancient mage that transcends all Races. He crushed every person who plotted against him in his early life in order to live a better life. After your reading please put a comment and add stars so that I can have to continue writing this text.

Empereur_Mage · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Magical Beasts

5 years later

land of the plains

A young silver-haired boy watches the herd of Flame-maned Boars grazing on the grass.

He used his light attribute magic by pointing his palm away.

Binding Magic - Chain of Holy Light

Hundreds of chains wrap the legs of the flame boars who fell to the ground and could not use their magic power due to the restrictions of the Divine Light attribute.

'' Hehe but little boars you will live in my secret space ''

Mythology cube - open space

A black hole appeared below the group of flame-maned boars which vanished in an instant.

Gray was satisfied with the power of the Mythology Cube and closed his eyes.

He entered inside the secret space where several black iron level magical beasts found in the plains filled with pasture.

The level of magic beast are divided into several ranks

Black Iron (common)

Bronze (rare)

Silver (Epic)

Gold (single)



Divine (divine beast)

''These black iron level beasts not yet create magic jewels'' said Gray who had a gloomy face then thought about the fusion feature.

He pressed ten empty box appeared .

He put ten flame-maned boars.


The junkyard merged and a huge three meter beast appeared.

His body is golden in color and red flames all over his mane to the end of his tail.

Congratulations you have created a mutant bronze rank beast.

Great Red Flame Mane Golden Boars:

Able to kill a Junior Knight with his physical strength and can use flame magic through Red Jewels.

He can dominate wild boar herds thanks to his bronze rank.

Loyalty: 100% He will never betray his creator.

Those eyes shone.

At first he thought of selling it at auction but preferred to use it to gather herds for him so that he could merge.

''You will be called Freyr which means golden silks''

The Great Boar moved his head like a dog.

'' You are the first servant who my faithful so long as you complete the tasks that I give you, you will one day come a beast of rank legend ''

Gray takes Freyr out so he can begin his first task.

Two hours later a hundred Boars appeared before Gray who smiled at Freyr and led him into his secret space.

He managed to create 18 Great Boars which was merged with the body of Freyr which became bigger reaching the size of 12 meters thus becoming a silver rank beast that can fight official 3rd Class knights.

''It's time to go back for me,'' said Gray who used his Light magic to create a sword of light and disappeared from the plains.

Domain of the Pendragon

Gray who is in Heaven notices several horse drawn carriages arriving.

''So the day has arrived for me to leave for the magic capital'' said Gray who remembers that famous day.

''Hehe family Baal me Gray Pendragon will make you regret ruining my family'' a killing intent flashed in Gray's eyes who calmed down and pulled out his Freyr.

'' Freyr I want you to watch the family estate and attack people in black outfits who wear masks, including you ''

Freyr nodded.

'' If possible try to reduce your size ''

Freyr transformed into a small baby boar who hid in the field.

Gray is satisfied and walks into the bedroom.

A few minutes later

Gray descended into the living room in a noble white-golden outfit.

''Hehe my son Gray we have gone to the magic capital to pass your awakening test and will stay in your Mother's family '' said his father Arthur Pendragon who looked at his child who is taller for his age.

At only five years old, he is 1.10 meters tall.

He inherited his mother's beauty and his father's temperament.

"I understand Father," Gray said nodding and followed his father into the carriage.

"Your Mother is already at the Magical Capital with your little sister," said Arthur Pendragon.

Gray began chatting with his father throughout the trip until he reached the Capital.