
[HIATUS] The Whisperer // Yuno Grinberryall

Book 1: The Whisperer STARTED April 23rd, 2022 ENDED ??? Humanity has fallen, time and time again. They wage wars, build nations, make discoveries, and forge new paths. They are creators as they are destroyers, demons as they are angels. In their essence, they are a symphony of contradictions, each note a testament to their boundless capacity for both light and darkness. They live and they die, an eternal cycle of rebirth and decay. Their imperfections, their flaws, are the very brushstrokes that render them perfect in their imperfection, a masterpiece of existence, eternally unfinished yet profoundly beautiful. They are human. Thus, demons shall hear her claims. "I will protect them all, even if my body shatters into nothing, but dust." 01. This is a Black Clover fan fiction - Book 1. 02. The pictures used for the cover do not belong to me. 03. Any similarities in organizations' names, a person's name, and events are all purely coincidental. 04. Under the stage of editing. 05. Inconsistent updates.

Xierryne · Anime & Comics
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[⠀N O T E⠀]

This chapter provides details and updates concerning the book's status and outlines prospective changes that may be implemented.

— With love, Xierryne —

[⠀1 3 . 0 6 . 2 0 2 4⠀]

Hi there! I have a few announcements about this book.

First, I apologize for not updating in the past few months. I'm dealing with a lot, including family matters and college life. I just finished my first semester in college and now have time to tweak the existing chapters since there are parts I'm not satisfied with yet. I am rewriting, editing, correcting mistakes, fixing typographical and grammatical errors, and adding and omitting some parts of the book. I will read them a few times before republishing, which might take a while. Feel free to point out any mistakes, as well as typographical or grammatical errors in this book. I will do my best to respond and fix them quickly. While I may not respond to every comment, I do read them all.

Since I am editing on another platform, all chapters will remain published during the editing process. The aesthetics and writing format of this book will change as I rewrite the chapters. Several plot points will be altered, but the rest will more or less remain the same.

I appreciate your patience while I work on the rewritten version of the book! I recommend waiting for the updates to avoid confusion if you're in the middle of reading.

The book "The Whisperer // Yuno Grinberryall" will continue, and I do not plan on dropping it, even though I might disappear for a month or two, or even a whole semester when swamped with college and other projects. I don't know when the next update will be, but I'll do it when I have the time.

Forcing myself to write often results in poor quality, so I avoid writing when I'm too tired or not in the mood to ensure each chapter meets my standards. As someone who loves writing and drawing, I believe that no work is ever complete and perfect. As a writer and artist, I will continue improving by editing and rereading my works. It's a great way to see how much I've grown since I started writing in late 2020.

Thank you for all the warm and sweet comments, and your constant support and love! I'm very thankful for everyone who supports and loves this fan fiction that I wrote on a whim. Welcome to all the new readers!