
Black Clover : The Last Legacy

What if there was a clan that could go toe to toe with devils and elves but forgotten with the passage of time . What if the history of the world is not what its told about. Join the adventure of a boy who is reborn in the world of magic and figure out the true history of the world. Note :Mc will join the Black Bulls Mc in the story only has knowledge till the end of elf arc. Story focuses mainly on the adventures of the protagonist so don't expect romance. (I am writing a fanfiction for the first time so there will be a lot of mistakes)

Immortle_diablo123 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
189 Chs

Start of a new journey  

For the next month, Julian did some frequent missions and met up with Leopold and Lucis multiple times. During one of his missions, he caught a person from the spade kingdom who poisoned the water system of a city. Another time he caught another slave trader who kidnapped the daughter of a noble. Instead of thanking him, she shouted at him for letting her get kidnapped in the first place. The audacity of some people. Julian put her under his control so that she doesn't talk too much and dropped her home.

Julian noticed that the stalls near the magic knight's exam site were getting booked along with the increase of the crowd. He got to know that the magic knight's exams were going to be held next week so a lot of mages were given patrolling duties.

As his squad cause less destruction now so the reputation of his squad increased a lot. Now people don't avoid his squad members and greet them properly. Julian did only small missions over the past few days so he had a lot of time to relax with the others.

: Next week :

In a certain town in the common realm, there was hustle bustle all around. This town had a colosseum that held yearly magic knights exams.

The streets were full of people with a lot of stalls. From cheap healing portions to clothes, shoes, armors weapons, etc were being sold in the stalls. Some people stood in front of the door of their shops to advertise. There were magic knights of different squads patrolling and ensuring the safety of the crowd.

Among the crowd were two young boys, one with ashen hair and the other with black hair moving towards the site of the magic knights examination. Fascination was visible in their eyes as they had never seen such a large gathering.

" Ne -ne Yuno look at this shop, so many nice armors are displayed. WAIT WHY IS THIS SO COSTLY!

" Asta exclaimed.

Yuno completely ignored Asta and locked at the shops on the other side. Asta was used to his behavior and continued his exploration. Soon they saw a large castle on top of the capital which was the office of the wizard king.

" Soon that will be my castle, " Asta said puffing his chest

" You mean my castle, " Yuno said smiling.

" Yeah dream on, " said Asta before moving ahead.

Due to living with Julian's involvement, Asta wasn't a loud-mouthed idiot like the cannon. When Julian stayed in the church he ensured that Asta becomes a little different from the cannon. He is still a hardworking and kind person but he uses his brain more now.

In front of the exam colosseum, they found a large line which they joined. Soon their number came and Yuno went first.

" F – FOUR LEAF GRIMOIRE ! " the receptionist exclaimed

" what another four-leaf clover owner!!!....... "

" Yeah, I heard that there was another one last year. ....."

"Tsk ! what's up with this country bumpkins getting things they don't deserve..... ".

Yuno ignored them and entered the stadium. Now it was the turn of Asta

" What is this thing? Is it even a grimoire, " said the receptionist. The grimoire was so worn out that the 5 leaf was not visible properly but Asta had noticed the five leaves. He was so glad to even receive a grimoire that he didn't even try to find out what it meant.

Taking his number Asta went towards the stadium. On the way, he saw people from all age groups trying for the exam. He had gotten a lot of information from Julian about what to expect and what not to expect.

In the stadium, he saw hundreds of participants waiting. While he was searching for Yuno, he was attacked by a lot of anti birds.

While Yuno was observing the crowd, a blond-haired girl crashed into him making both of them fall down.

"Sorry for crashing into you" the girl apologized to Yuno.

"I wasn't looking, It's my fault too," said Yuno as he helped her stand up but when he noticed her face felt his heart skip a beat.

'She is pretty ' he thought. The girl was one of the prettiest girls he had ever seen. Silky smooth blond hair that covered her ears, shining blue eyes, and a very beautiful face. And finally her mana nearly equal to him.

"I am Annie? What is your name "the girl asked cheerfully as if found a potential talking partner.

"My name is Yuno, nice to meet you "

Asta was annoyed by these birds but no matter what he did they would not leave him so let them be and watched around. From the corner of his vision, he saw Yuno talking to a pretty girl and was surprised.

'Wait I am seeing this right! Yuno is talking to a girl that to NORMALLY !'

Asta was not so dense to understand what was going on with his brother.

'Well good for him, after rejecting so many girls from the village, he found someone that managed to please him' thought Asta.

'Ah the people started entering, I better go fast'

Asta began to walk towards the stadium when someone pushed him behind making him bump into someone.

He saw the person he bumped into was a giant muscular man who didn't seem like he belonged to the participants. The man held him by his head and lifted him.

" Do you want to die brat, huh!! "

'What did I get myself into even before starting the exam ' cursed Asta in his mind and trying to free himself.

Yami was impressed by the boy's physical strength. He felt not a single ounce of mana from the boy. 'He must be the brat Julian told me about. Interesting ! 'thought Yami.

" Look someone pissed off the captain …that's the captain of black bulls …..that guy is dead ….' All sorts of comments reached Asta's ears which made him think, ' Isn't that the squad Julian-ni is in? will he leave me alone if I tell his name. Never mind that might worsen my impression if he thinks that I am using my connections "

" Captain Yami, you were here. All the captains are waiting please hurry up ." called up Finral before Yami could beat that boy to death.

"Consider yourself lucky that today is not your last day brat "

Yami dropped Asta and went with Finral. Asta sighed with relief and started walking towards the main site.

A person came forward into the viewing area and announced.


The entire stadium was enveloped in heavy pressure. Not enough to make them faint but enough to make them feel the difference between them and the captains.

One by one every captain entered with one of their squad members.

Someone beside Asta exclaimed " For the first time in years, all the captains are present! "

" The most beautiful captain Charlotte Roselli of the Blue Rose "

" The youngest captain Rill Boismortier of Aqua deer "



" The short-tempered captain Yami Sukihiero of Black bulls "

And finally "The person said to be the closest to become the wizard king, Willaim Vengence of the Golden dawn "

" William -sama ! " some girls cried out as if their dreams had come true.

" You seem to know a lot about them, " Asta said to the green-haired person beside him.

" Bah – HA of course. I have researched quite a lot before coming here. My name is Sekke Bronzazza . Bah – ha lest give our best …"

" Asta "

"Let's do our best Asta "

'This person is weird 'thought Asta.

At the corner of the Stadium Julian was observing the scenes unfold. He was tasked to ensure that no accidents happen or a candidate doesn't go too far while fighting.

His eyes scanned through everyone and finally fell on Yuno and a girl that was talking to him.

'Oh, Yuno got a crush, I have never seen him make such an expression.'

Then his vision caught the sight of Sekke and Asta talking.

'Seems like some events are bound to happen'.

In the captain area, William Vengence came forwards and announced.


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