
Black Clover : The Last Legacy

What if there was a clan that could go toe to toe with devils and elves but forgotten with the passage of time . What if the history of the world is not what its told about. Join the adventure of a boy who is reborn in the world of magic and figure out the true history of the world. Note :Mc will join the Black Bulls Mc in the story only has knowledge till the end of elf arc. Story focuses mainly on the adventures of the protagonist so don't expect romance. (I am writing a fanfiction for the first time so there will be a lot of mistakes)

Immortle_diablo123 · Anime e quadrinhos
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189 Chs

Echoes of destiny

The sky radiated a captivating shade of orange as dusk slowly encroached upon the horizon.

On this particular day, an unusual hush had befallen nature, as if it were bracing itself for an impending catastrophe.

Exactly five centuries prior, this date had borne witness to the heart-wrenching tragedy of the Elf massacre and the subsequent coronation of the First Wizard King of the Clover Kingdom.

Now, in the present day, the culmination of a significant event was at hand – the casting of reincarnation magic upon the elves, a ritual designed to send their souls hurtling into the future. Today marked the completion of that magic.

Silently, Secre stood atop the Demon Skull, her gaze fixed upon the stone statue of her master: Prince Lumiere Silvamillion Clover.

With a hushed voice, she murmured, "My spell is finally complete, and I can once again behold your presence, my prince."


Within the headquarters of the Magic Knights:

After a hearty and energy-reviving feast, the Royal knights had assembled in a disciplined formation, emanating an air of unity.

Among them stood the members of the Black Bulls: Asta, Noelle, Luck, Magna, Finral, and Zora.

Representing the Golden Dawn were Yuno, Mimosa, Klaus, Siren, and Cob.

The Blue Rose had Annie and Puli, the Aqua Deer included Fragil and Nils, and the Crimson Lions had Ruben and Ben.

En Ringuar hailed from the Praying Mantis and Kirsch from the Coral Peacock.

Footfalls resonated as Mereleona, Rill, Julian, and Nozel strode towards the platform, prompting a salute from the assembled Royal Knights.

Taking the microphone, Mereleona began to speak, her words infused with the weight of her mana as she sought to convey her emotions.

"Esteemed members of the Royal Knights,

Today, we stand united on the brink of destiny. As we peer into the abyss that is the Eye of the Midnight Sun, let me make one truth unequivocally clear – titles and allegiances hold no significance in the face of our ultimate purpose. Today, there exists no division between Golden Dawns, Black Bulls, or Silver Eagles. We are all Royal Knights, warriors united by a singular objective: the eradication of our enemy.

We have confronted challenges and adversaries that have tested our mettle, but today we face more than just another foe. The Eye of the Midnight Sun embodies chaos, darkness, and annihilation. Their menace imperils our realm, our people, and the core of our existence. We shall not permit their malevolent machinations to persist.

Within each of you resides the strength, valor, and resolve of generations of Magic Knights who came before. Our legacy is one of courage and unwavering determination. Today, that legacy surges through us, empowering us to transcend our limitations and confront the tempest that threatens our world.

This battle transcends personal accolades and individual victories. It speaks to the collective power of the Royal Knights, working in harmony to dismantle the forces of darkness. We wage this war not as separate squads, but as an indivisible entity, a beacon of hope that stands tall against the encroaching shadows.

Remember this as we charge into the fray – it is not your squad's emblem that defines you, but your heart, your unyielding spirit, and your allegiance to our kingdom. As Royal Knights, our loyalty extends to the crown, to the people under our protection, and to each other. Let our unity be our shield and our determination be our blade.

Henceforth, my fellow warriors, let the fire within you burn brighter than ever. Let our battle cries reverberate through the winds, shaking the very foundations of our adversaries' resolve. Today, we march not as isolated squads, but as an unbroken force – as Royal Knights – driven by a sole purpose: the obliteration of the Eye of the Midnight Sun, securing a radiant future for the Clover Kingdom.

Onward, Royal Knights! May our valor shine as a beacon of light even in the bleakest hours!"

Mereleona's speech ignited a fervor within the hearts of the Royal Knights, igniting a resolve that vowed to cease at nothing short of the annihilation of their foes.

Julian took the mic from Mereleona, his mana pressure escalating, quickening the pulse of everyone present.

"I, alongside Captains Mereleona, Rill, and Nozel, shall serve as your commanders for this mission."

With a snap of his fingers, a holographic image materialized, depicting the base of the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

"Our quartet will establish smaller teams to target the most potent mana signatures, while the remaining Knights will engage the rest of the enemy forces.

In case of unforeseen complications, some of you shall be stationed outside to summon reinforcements and alert us to any external intervention.

Refrain from acting as lone heroes; instead, collaborate within groups." Julian's proclamation was accompanied by the conjuration of a knife, aimed at Asta's shadow.

Another knife followed suspended midair.

The abrupt attack by Julian sparked an amalgam of fear and confusion, only to halt when a figure manifested from Asta's shadow, impaled by Julian's knife.

Simultaneously, the other knife punctured the skull of an enemy Mage, nullifying their invisibility magic.

"Do not be startled; it is anticipated that the enemy may possess knowledge of our plans. Thus, a change of plans is in order...

Rather than waiting for tomorrow, our assault commences at this very moment!

Royal Knights! Pour your hearts into the defense of the Clover Kingdom!"


The air hung heavy with a sense of impending conflict, a palpable tension that seemed to mirror the weight of countless hopes and fears.

Upon the pinnacle of the Wizard King's castle, the rooftop presented an unobstructed view of the kingdom, the stars above reflecting not only the celestial beauty but also the dreams and aspirations that rested upon the shoulders of the Royal Knights.

In this moment of quiet anticipation, Wizard King Julius Novachrono stood at the precipice, his flowing blue robes swaying gently in the night breeze.

The usual warmth of his smile was replaced by a solemn expression, his gaze fixed upon the distant horizon where the formidable forces of the Eye of the Midnight Sun awaited.

As he stood there, a solitary figure lost in contemplation, the sound of measured footsteps broke the silence like a delicate melody.

Turning around, Julius beheld William Vengeance approaching, each step marked with a profound heaviness that mirrored the gravity of the moment.

"It's uncommon to see you between your missions, William. Is something amiss?" Julius inquired his voice a blend of curiosity and concern.

"I wished to express my gratitude to you, Julius," William spoke, his voice a soft, earnest whisper.

A mixture of intrigue and apprehension gleamed in the Wizard King's eyes, yet he allowed the space for William to share his thoughts.

With a deliberate gesture, William removed his mask, revealing a face that had long remained concealed.

"The day you bestowed upon me this mask... the day you extended to me the invitation to the Magic Knights... I made a decision to dedicate my very Grimoire to you. Over the span of eleven years, the intensity of these emotions has not wavered. My respect for you, Julius, knows no bounds," William's words trembled with the depth of his emotions.

A playful lilt touched the Wizard King's voice as he responded, "Well now, this is rather unexpected... I find myself quite flustered."

"Guided by my mana, I meticulously chose individuals for the Golden Dawn, creating one of the most formidable squads as an expression of my gratitude for all that you have done for me, and also for another whom I hold dear. We are comrades who have traversed life's journey together..."

William's voice grew more resolute, laden with intense sentiment.

"But now, we stand at a crossroads, ready to embark upon separate paths. You, and the one I hold close, are both invaluable to me, and so I find myself unable to choose between you... Thus, Julius, I beseech you to make this choice on my behalf."

As William spoke, a transformation began to occur. His scar faded, his hair and ears elongated, intricate patterns materializing upon his visage.

No longer did the face of the esteemed Golden Dawn captain remain, but instead, the countenance of Patry emerged, the orchestrator behind the Eye of the Midnight Sun's intricate web of machinations.

Tears glistened in Patry's eyes as he uttered, "Thank you, my sole human confidant, William."

"Finally, Wizard King Julius Novachrono, our paths converge. I am Patry, the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun, or Licht, as you may prefer."

Instead of wrath, sadness etched itself onto the canvas of the Wizard King's eyes.

"I harbored suspicions... Yet, I yearned for them to remain unfounded," the Wizard King's voice quivered with a note of anguish.

"You possess the remnants of the magic stones, do you not? Once those stones are in my possession, our desire shall finally be fulfilled " Patry's tone remained composed, a facade over the maelstrom within.

A tender smile tugged at the corners of Julius's lips.

"William, you are a soul of kindness... Within you dwelled another, and you cherished him deeply... A struggle between kindnesses, was it not...?"

Tears welled in Julius's eyes as he continued, "It is my duty to put an end to the one you hold so dearly... If you, William, stand as my silent supporter, then I shall emerge victorious."

With a chilling calmness, Patry responded, "You misunderstand, Wizard King. The fate that awaits you today is one of demise."

In the heart of that rooftop, as the revelation resonated between these two formidable figures, the wind itself seemed to carry an eerie whisper—a testament to the gravity of history and the choices that had inexorably led them to this pivotal juncture.

"Within this realm, as the preeminent Magic Knight and Wizard King, you bear the responsibility for the entirety of the Clover Kingdom's inhabitants and their transgressions!"

[Light Magic: Sword of Conviction]

A myriad of light blades materialized in the heavens, hurtling towards the Wizard King.

[Mana Zone: Cronostatis: Grigora]

Yet, before they could breach the distance to Julius, the swords suspended midair, encased in capsules of Time magic.

And so, upon the castle's rooftop, amid the clash of magical forces, against the backdrop of a kingdom on the cusp of war, the battle raged on. Wizard King and Patry stood as embodiments of ideals in discord, locked in a struggle that would shape the very fate of the Clover Kingdom itself.


Author note:

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