
Black Clover: The Demon Eyes

In a world of magic the strings of fate are suddenly broken. With the emergence of a second magicless person, the future has become uncertain. How will Deimos survive in this world of magic and chaos, relying solely on his Demon Eyes and his monstrous physique. --------------------------------------------------------------- Author here, a couple things of note. One, this is based in the black clover world, but the MC is not a reincarnater and just an OC. Two, this is not a harem, but there will be 'romance'. Three, he is also an orphan growing up in Haje village and the same age as Asta and Yuno. But don't worry it's not gonna just follow canon without any changes, for one the MC will join a different magic knight squad, so that will bring new adventures and new characters. Four, The Demon Eyes are basically like Aizawa's Erasure quirk, but for magic instead of quirks. They will be evolvable in the future, though that won't be happening anytime soon. You could say he is similar to Asta in power but that was not intentional, he will be different with different ambitions and personality. DISCLAIMER: This will have a slow upload schedule, as I'm only able to post one chapter a week.

InvisibleInvisible · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter One

In a world where magic dictates how far you go, one unlucky boy, not having a trace of magic, was born. Or so that's what was supposed to happen. Predestined fate becomes scrambled and chaotic, all because of the presence of one newborn baby.

Another baby was born with the same fate, having no magic at all.

Whilst one was meant to be, the other was not. Born into this world and yet somehow foreign.

Coincidentally both magicless babies were abandoned at the same door of a rundown church in a small village located in the Forsaken realm. Accompanied by another baby, one with which an abundance of magic resided within. It's as if the gods were playing a cruel trick on these two, taunting them with what they lack.

As these three babies were in their separate baskets a middle-aged man took notice of them. Spotting them through one of the windows of the church, he looked on in pity and sadness, reaching for the door to welcome three new members to his family.

As he looked on at the three babies he had brought back inside, he contemplated their origins.

"Are they triplets? Hmm, nah I don't think so." He concluded after inspecting them a little bit. Likely concluding because of their differing appearances. One baby had grey spiky hair, whilst another had black silky smooth hair, but the last was the most unique, reminding him of the famous Vermilion family, though he had never actually seen one in person. His mind wandered to them because of the baby's unique blood-red hair.

Clearing his mind of useless thoughts, he looked at them and sighed, tiredness already creeping onto his face. One baby was overly energetic and another was mischievous, even at his young age. Looking at the black-haired boy as his last hope he began to say,

"You are my only hope for a quiet life..." and then remembered he still didn't know their names, so he looked to see if there was one anywhere. And low and behold, he found a name for every baby, sewn into their clothes with neat precision.

"Yuno," he said reading the black-haired baby's name, now known as Yuno.

Then he looked to the child next to Yuno, the overly energetic grey-haired child. "So your name is Asta, huh? And that just leaves you." He looked at the last child, a bit of resentment in his eyes, remembering back to some minutes prior.

As he was trying to get the rowdy babies to sleep, he first decided to make sure they were clean. The first two he checked with no problem, cleaning them with swift precision, showing his many years of experience with dealing with babies, but the last, the last was a sadistic demon. Though maybe exaggerated, that is what he felt the moment it happened.

He was ready to clean him up ready for bed, but he was happily surprised to find no mess, but just as he was about to redress the baby, that's when he struck. Peeing right in his face, followed by the biggest grin and menacing giggles. If not for his cute face you would have thought of him as the anti-christ.

"So your name is Deimos, I have a feeling I'll be shouting this name a lot in the future," he said as he rubbed his head, having a headache just thinking about it.

"Well, that's in the future."

"Future, future, future, future," as he said those words the reader suddenly heard the word 'future' over and over again in their head, getting quieter and quieter, almost like an echo, forewarning to a potential time skip.

Fifteen years later

On this day many gather in both excitement and nervousness, it's not exaggerated to say this is the most important day of their lives, as today is the day they get their Grimoires.

A Grimoire is a magical book that everybody gets when they are fifteen, and the size of this book correlates with the amount of magic power they have. An amount that does not change once since their birth. This book does not only help to control this magic but also enables the owner to use powerful techniques. A very valuable thing for almost any job, but one in particular outranks every over one.

The Magic Knights, the aspirations of any seeking Glory, Fame and Honour. A thing of adoration, protecting the citizens of its nation, filled to the brim with powerful mages.

On such a day three boys gathered in preparation for the Grimoire acceptance ceremony, all with contrasting appearances and expressions.

One boy had messy grey hair and a short stature, having a lean build with compact muscles, making for a slightly weird sight if you looked hard enough. He was also exuding nervousness, his slightly shaking hands giving him away.

Another of the boys had black hair and a tall stature, with a stoic face and fairly attractive features, he gave off a somewhat noble aura, contrasting greatly with his clothes.

And last but not least, a red-haired boy, standing at a similar height as the black-haired boy, with long red hair flowing freely down his body. He had feminine eyelashes and deep dark eyes, looking like an abyss, and you know what they say about abysses. You could also see his shark-like teeth from his ever-present grin.

These three boys are Asta, Yuno and Deimos, respectively, and they have come to the Grimoire Tower for the Grimoire acceptance ceremony.

"I'll finally be able to use magic, come on Yuno, Deimos, let's hurry in!" Asta shouted out in enthusiasm, rushing towards the entrance of the grimoire tower.

"You don't have to shout we are right next to you," Yuno said with exasperation, but it seemed Asta couldn't hear him as he had already run away.

"Chill out Yuno, let him have his moment, cus soon I'm sure he'll fall into despair hehe," Deimos said with a sadistic grin.

"What do you mean by that?" Yuno asked, confused by what this sadist meant.

"Well he has no magic, so how could he get a grimoire? Just thinking about his face when he doesn't get it is hilarious." Deimos said whilst trying to stop laughter, covering his mouth with his hand.

"It really shouldn't be funny to you of all people, because if what you said is true, then you won't get one either," Yuno said with seriousness, the total opposite of Deimos.

"I don't need magic, I've got these," Deimos said while pointing to his eyes.

Yuno just grumbled and then followed after Asta, leaving Deimos behind.

"Hahaha, what a sore loser, it seems he still can't accept his defeat." Deimos roared with laughter, and then quickly ran to catch up with the others. Leaving a bunch of people staring in his wake with weirded-out expressions.

"Asta and Deimos are causing trouble again." A young boy said as he led a group of people, walking slowly with the crowd, differently from the three boys who ran ahead.

"Yep you know how they are, I still wonder how they can all be so different." An old man with grey hair in a priest's robe said, having a perpetual look of tiredness.

The Grimoire Tower began to fill up with many eager young teens, ambitions high, and expectations higher. A recipe for disaster.

As all the youths gathered in the middle and the family and friends gathered around the edge, the acceptance ceremony finally began.

"Welcome, young men and women." A voice boomed, catching everyone's attention, coming from skywards.

As the voice continued to boom, a flying carpet fell from the sky, revealing an old man with a big white fluffy beard, looking like a true wizard.

"I am the master of this grimoire tower." He introduced himself.

And then he began to trail off, awkwardness in his voice, "We've never had a Wizard King from this area, not anyone who's achieved greatness in the Magic Knights. I sincerely hope that one of you will become the Wizard King someday."

"No, Really! Seriously!" He suddenly screamed out, and silence filled the tower. This silence was deafening and filled the tower with awkwardness, making most internally cringe.

Before the silence could get worse, the old man coughed and began to speak once again.

"Now it's time for the awarding... of the Grimoires!" He commenced the beginning of the grimoire acceptance ceremony and began a truly magical sight.

Glowing books, known as grimoires, began to float in the air, going towards the group of youths. Enthusiasm filled everyone's eyes, looking at all the grimoires and guessing which one was theirs.

As more and more people got their grimoire, one person seemed to stand out, mainly because of his loud shouting.

"Umm... My Grimoire's not coming!" Asta shouted out in panic and confusion, attracting everyone's attention to him.

"Er... Try again next year." The master of the grimoire tower said in an unsure tone, looking on with equal confusion.

"WHAAT?!" Asta shouted.

"Hahahaha *cough* *cough* hahaha, it's... even better than I imagined." Deimos laughed as hard as he could, only stopping because of lack of breath.

"What are you laughing about? It's not like you got a Grimoire either!" Asta shouted at Deimos, frustrated with his mocking when he didn't even get a grimoire himself.

Because of their shouting, everyone heard their argument and became aware of both of their lack of Grimoire, and almost everyone began to laugh, snickering and making jokes, mocking them.

The thing that changed everyone's attention was something even more shocking than someone not receiving a grimoire, it was the legendary four-leaf clover grimoire.

You see, this is the clover kingdom, and on each grimoire, there is a clover leaf symbol, and all three leaves have a meaning. The first leaf represents faith, the second hope and the third love. Within the fourth leaf dwells good luck. But what most do not know, is that there is a fifth leaf, and in that leaf dwells the Devil.

1675 words.

Chapter one over, you can expect a similar length chapter as this going forward. I hope you enjoyed, bye.

InvisibleInvisiblecreators' thoughts