
Black clover: black bulls' prodigy (rewrite in progress)

set in the world of black clover, an adventurous teen journeys through the Clover kingdom. this is my first fanfiction please give advice where you see fit,

Lgknight · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

magic knight exams


while the captains were wondering what kids Yami decided to pick up, Yami and his squad made it up to the captain's section. Cain and Tessia then noticed that most of the captains except for one were looking at them.

''hey stop looking at my new members you perverts'' Yami shouted at them which didn't stop them from starting at the teens that were behind them.

''ke ke ke Yami are they any fun'' Jack said with his tongue out to the side

'' they're a whole lot of trouble, well except that one'' as yami says this he points at Tess.

tess smile and waves at the captains, while Cain just gives Yami a hundred-yard stare.

Finril just starts to laugh awkwardly in the background from the comic skit that is going on inform of him.

''well as amusing as this is, I say that we get back to what is at task. wiliam if you will please.'',arx said Polity to get the group's attention away from the black bulls

'' well said Marx. attention all magic knight candidates. sorry to keep you all occupied for the moment, but the exam will be commencing shortly. for the first exam, I will be child this exam.'' Willam says as he pulls out his grimoire and flips through pages and lands on one in the middle of the book.

''magic tree, descend!'' William declares. when he starts this his grimoire glows a gorgeous green color. the sky starts to darken and a giant hurricane starts from above the examiners. through the eyes f the storm, there is a bright green and yellow light that breaks through the darkness that hangs above the stadium. the winds that are summoned are ranging around everything it can explore around.

as the glow in the sky gets brighter a root starts to emerge from the eye as it grows more and matures into a giant root of a world tree in the sky. while this is happing Cain and Tess are impressed with the amount of magic they can feel off of William. Tess is more inspired to create more spells from her magic.

''the amount of times I see it and my opinion still stays the same.'' Finril stats at the obscurity that is informed of him.

as the more the tree descended the branches of the roots started to form a broom and hand it to every participant.

as everyone grabs their magic broom, Willaim then closes his book and a smile on his face.'' we will now bring the magic knight entrance exam''

''we will now have you all take several tests, in which we will evaluate your performance using your magical abilities. if you magne to impress one of the magic knight captains before you. if one chooses you, you will automatically join that squad. if more than one choice then you will decide where you go. however, if you are not picked by a captain then you do not have the qualifications to join the magic knights.

for your first exam, we will have you get on the brooms that were given to you earlier.'' William says

''you will fly with them by supplying it with your magical powers,'' he said

''I've never done that before'' Contestian 1 said

'' I barely have any magic control'' number 2 said

'' ha at least you have a decent amount of magic I can barely get off the ground'' another one says

a member of the golden dawn then floats behind him and Willaim then provides to talk more about the exam.

'' a mage that can control their magic instinctively are more valuable because it is one of the easiest ways to travel,'' he said giving some clarity to the participants.

The captain was all silently looking at the contestants. Cain and Tess figured it out why they are looking at all the people on the broom. The reason why is that you can tell the amount of magic power and the control of their mana by observing the height and the way they use said broom. all the captains are looking at each and every participant with a critical eye. yami on the other hand is looking at them with disinterest. in all onisty their doesn't;t seem to have anyone that stands out.

as the participants start the trail that is coming up next marx tries to greet the new magic knight.

'' hello my name is Marx captain of the grey deers, it seems that Yami picked up some new members. what might be your name if you don't mind,'' he said with a pleasant smile trying to get the teen to feel welcome. this got some of the more curious magic knights to look and overhear the conversation that is happening.

''no problem, the name is Cain'' Cain said with a grin on his face. tess on the other hand rolled her eyes and then turn to the captain of the grey deers, and with a form that suits a noble started to introduce herself.

''I apologise for his rudeness, but my name is Tessia and it is a pleasure to meet you, captain,'' she said with a pleasant smile on her face. this surprised the noble and royal magic knight because she sure has no last name but everything that she just portrayed is what is to be expected of a noble.

'' there's nothing to worry about, but thank you. if you also don't mind what might your magics be,'' he asked

''mine would be nature magic, and it seems that it is very similar to the Captain of the Golden Dawns world tree magic,'' Tess explained. William seemed surprised while the other wondered if she could do the same thing that Willaim could do in the future.

''And you Cain'' Marx asked wondering what he could be

''it's sword magic,'' Cain stated that it was walking in the breeze. this got the magic knights and their captains to be surprised because that is an extremely rare magic and the lower magic knight has never even heard of it. William, on the other hand, had his eye widened to an extreme size but quickly calmed his sleeve down.

'' well Yami it seems you got yourself two powerhouses in the future'' Marx said to the captain that seemed like he didn't want to be there,

'' ya their strong, but can we hurry up this thing I have to take a shit and soon,'' Yami said. marx and tess sweet dropped, while Cain started to laugh. Nozel had a downcast expression wanting to kill the foreigner in front of him, while the others looked at him in shame.

as the rest of the exam ended the captain started to pick who they wanted. in no surprise when Yami didn't raise his hand no one picks his sword. this was to be expected because their reputation was as horrible as anything could be. cain found that to be comical, which ticked off Yami.

at the end of the day, there were no new members for the squad, Tess and Cain found it interesting. Finril then oped the portal up for the rest of them and Yami disappeared saying that he need to take a shit. cain and Tess found it assuming but then disappeared into their room.

pov willaim

'those new members that Yami got were interesting weren't they' Willaim said to himself in s head. but something answered him back

' yes, it was a surprise to see that nature magic but seeing sword magic for the second time in forever was news to my ears' the mysterious person said.

' are they also reincarnated elfs' Willaim asks

' the boy I'm sure of it. he could also be his son if I'm correct. if I am then we only need to find the other one. the same that he didn't join this squad. the other one is definitely an elf but not a reincarnation.' he said

'What I thought your race died out 500 years ago!' willaim stated in suprise

'I know that is what is intriguing me. I might have to meet her in person to find that out

'what does matter is we found another user of sword magic.' he said; it was also nice to see his face and voice again even if it was the same it was almost identical the vice thought to himself

'well, I need to get back to my duties' Willaim said to the voice in his head.

' yes ill leave you to do that while I think of a way to get those two.'