
black clover as mew

Other than mc every thing doesn't belong tome

shadowleage · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


<black void>

At a far distance in an endless void, there seems to be a rainbow color dot shining

it seems to struck in that place without any motion "Why is it all dark here and why can't I able to move "said the rainbow ball.

"That's because this is space, And you are under the gravitation force of the black hole in the center of the milky way galaxy" Said the voice of the bigger light ball which is golden in color.

'where did this light ball come from I didn't notice it up until now' thought the rainbow.

"Who are you, what do you mean I am under gravitation force, Do you know where we are" said the rainbow ball.

.....(after a second of silence)

" I will explain your situation in 3 sentences.

From a distant galaxy there has been a collision between two supermassive stars case a nova explosion that destroyed your solar system in one go.

All the souls from Earth are moved to hell or haven according to their life

But you are the only one who is left behind.

so now I am here to take care of you" said golden ball of light

'here I thought I am dead, I think I should wake up any second now' thought rainbow ball.

"You are not dreaming, and what a I said is true" said golden ball.

"Then who are you and why are you explaining it to me" said rainbow ball.

"They call me soul guider which guides the soul to hell, heaven, or parallel universe. so Roy tell me to which parallel universe you want to go" said the golden light

"you mean the anime world which I enjoy is real" said Roy.

"Yes those worlds are real. writers of those stories are reincarnations of those people of those worlds" said soul guide.

"then that means the main story of those worlds is over" said Roy.

"That won't be the case, every parallel universe has the same kind of world near infinite amount. which has been the same for every universe. So even though the main story is over it will repeat itself again so it's no big deal " said the soul guide.

"ok so can i choose any world" asked Roy.

"First choose a world and i will tell you availability of the world" said the soul guide.

"what availability of the world" Roy "That's complicated because the people of Earth died under the nova explosion so the dead souls are divided into three groups which are good, bad, and neutral. a good soul is sent to heaven, a bad soul to hell, and those who are neutral have another chance to live in a different world. because you are under the gravitation pull of the black hole all the antimatter from the dead solar system formed after the nova explosion formed a ball with you as a core"

"I don't understand" Roy" There is no need for you to understand. Due to antimatter, my subordinates can't pull you out so i came myself to deal with you" soul guide

" so you mean i am a neutral guy so you will reincarnation me" Roy" No and Yes, firstly you comes under the category of a good soul. but it is too late the geat of heaven is closed for good so no more soul can enter inside from your earth. so the only option is to reincarnate you. I am sorry for the mistake" said Soul guider.

"oh, I get it now. please don't mind me asking. You know I like reincarnation more than going to heaven right" said Roy

"hahaha you earthlings are so simple-minded you guys think heaven is just a simple Gurden with endless happiness. let me tell you some facts Heaven is a place of endless possibilities.

let me show you how heaven looks like"

< A square screen martialize in the empty space before Roy>

Roy was excited to see what heaven Looks like in real life, But out of nowhere the screen just passed through him like a bullet leveeing him surprised.

"what just happened" Roy asked" Oppes sorry Roy while talking to you i forgot we are still moving at a speed of 200 kilometers per second in Milkyway, here let me fix it for you" said

soul guider.

"WHATTT WHY ARE WE MOVING 200KM\S SPEED" asked Rob in high voice.

" I already told you are under the gravitational effect of a black hole in the Milkyway galaxy, And i forgot to tell you are trapped in dark matter the size of the sun that's why. Here i fixed the motion problem" soul guide.

< the same square screen appeared>

Inside the screen, he sees the soul which is in human shape glowing in dim yellow color light, and all the souls standing in the same position.

Roy asks "Why are all of the standing still". "All the souls all living lives, that they desire" said soul guider.

"bu." "Before you ask questions let me explain clearly

1. they are living the life they desire in the dream.

2. they glow yellow due to they are taking the energy from heaven

And there done"said soul guider.

"ehhh what done "Roy asked

" your soul is removed from the dark matter let's make it quick I am less in time. I will give 3 wishes with some restriction" said soul guider.

" ok is pokemon world available" Roy asks.

"no it currently full"

"then how about black clover" Roy asks with anticipation.

" well because of it's new story there were a few people going there. so you can go there" said the soul guider.

"thanks' i will go there for my first wish can i have mew templet with infinite growth"

asked Roy.

"No there are restriction I will give you two oppositions 1. choose only one legendary Pokemon other than areceus ,creation trio,and weather trio.

2. no legendary pokemon with asone ability."

"what is asone ability "asked Roy.

"it's an ablility that makes every pokemon can maintain power equally mean if make mew strong with training other pokemon will also become as strong as how much you train. where from option one you have to increase power one by one" said soul guider.

" I will choose option 2 please, for second wish can i have great sage in a rotoam phone," said Roy.

"that can be done. but you can only communicate externally" said the soul guider.

"ok. for my third i want to transmigrate into strong magic region with a sustainable house along with a barrier around the house, which is in my control" asked Roy.

"the strong magic region will fade away in a span of 10 years and you should use of most of it. You will be transmigrated into a boy who dead in strong magic region near the house so be redy to battle at your arrival" said soul guider

"ehhhh can i know what should i deal with"asked Ron.

"It is mutated slime with water attribute so be ready transform in to voltrob and roll into your house as fast as you can" soul guider

"Thanks for guiding me to until now"said Roy while bowing.

< a portal appeared in the space>