
Black Cat and Her Doberman Misha

[MATURE CONTENT] Daily updates, 1/day Dual POV Grumpy x Grumpy Zoe Maud, or like her closed ones call her, Mia, has always been different from her family, and not just her looks that she took from her father, while all her six older siblings took theirs from her mother. They were extroverted, she was not. They were blonde, she was not. They were pure sunshine and smiles and living in the moment... she was definately not like them. To make her stand out even more, in a way she wasn't a fan of, she was the youngest and a prodigy who jumped years in high school and went to a prestigeous worldwide university while they were still at school. Her entire life changed when she was 15 years old. the day her favorite person in the world, her father, died to protect her during a bank robbery. She's never been the same, especially not when he died in her arms, while her entire family watched it from television back in Italy. That only drew her more apart from them, even when they all came to university and were around her, she still felt adrift, alone like never before. And through all that chaos, one thing remained unchangeable: her obssession for Grigori Mikhail, or like their family called him, Misha, the son of her parents best friend with whom she grew up around, her sister's best friend, the light in her darkness who... always hated her because he believed she hated him. But he couldn't be more wrong about her feelings. Misha had always stood out from his family, and not just because he had taken the looks of his mother, who passed away when he was little, but because he was different from all of his six siblings. He was the leader of them, the social butterfly, the smartest, and he was used to being followed and glorified by all of his siblings and the children of his father's best friends with whom he grew up with. To him there was only one problem: Zoe Maud. She was two years younger than him, so how come she was smarter? How come she went to college first? How come she didn't follow him around or even looked at him in the eyes? How come she messed with his mind and awakened the dark part of himself that he refused to show to anybody else? How could she not shed tears or smile? Why didn't she play with them? What was wrong for that girl to only like black and red, pomegranates and strawberries, and be closed in her bedroom during christmas when she was 10, planning how she was going to get into all the most prestigeous universities of the world? Why was she so... unsettling and different? He didn't understand her, she always got on his nerves because she never looked at him, she never spared her time for him, she never cared. Everybody cared but not her? He couldn't accept that, so, he did everything in his power to become the best in everything he could, so she would have no choice but to acknowledge him. Little after both graduated from MIT, her for the second time, they went back to Italy, after all, her mother and his father were about to ger remarried to each other, both widows who were best friends since childhood, their families uniting in more than one way, given how many of their children were together. Making them have to stay together in the villa for the entire summer. To make it even worse for Mia, Misha decided to date her sister Emma, his best friend, forcing her to have to confront her feelings for him once and for all. Feelings that he thought to be hatred. ======= English is not my first language, sorry for any grammer mistakes. Disclaimer: All brands and artistis mentioned are purely for fictional purpose.

itsokayimokay · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

007. Such a Heart-Breaking Misunderstanding [1]

Special mass release for the novel's launch, 07/20.




Inhaling deeply, trying to control my emotions, I turned, "What do you want?''

As he skated towards me, came the part 'Does he knows where your heart lies? Where it truly lies?' and I felt like cursing the universe. Because, damn it.

Why did it had to be like this?

Why did he had to see me as kid?

Fuck, I'm more accomplished than all fourteen of us, I've been carrying more responsibilities than all of them, and he still sees me as a kid? I have the body of a grown women, and by how many guys and girls hit on me back in college, I know I am very attractive. That is, if he's into brunettes.

If he's into blondes like my sister Emma… I will have no chance at all.

"Don't go, yet," he told me as he came to the walls at the sides of the ice rink, then, he held on the door that was at the size of half my body. "Hand me the blades cover, please," he pointed at it, near the seat where he had left his phone, slippers, a bottle of water, and a bar of chocolate identical to the ones I used to buy for him and send with the letters.

Holding my shit together, I put my things on the opposite edge of the large seat, picked it up and handed it to him. He quickly put them on and walked out of the ice rink, towering over me, as I'm with no heels I don't even reach his shoulders.

But don't you dare to call me short.

Misha is 2.07m tall, alright?!

He sat down on his side of the seat and changed from the black skates to the Versace black slippers, putting the skates on the bag he had also brought with him. Then, he picked the bottle and began to drink from it, and I couldn't help but to stare at it, at how his Adam apple moved, at how much he drank, even though I have no idea what he's drinking. And when his foxy ocean blue eyes turned to me, I instantly averted my gaze.

"Sit down, Mia, no need to stay standing like that," he pointed to the seat and to the space at his side, but I sat as far from him as possible, not trusting myself near this man. "Do you hate me, Mia?"

Frowning, I turned to him, "What?" Where the hell did he get that from?

I literally love him.

I'm absolutely obsessed, damn it.

"Do you hate me?" He asked again, a puzzled look on his face.

I blinked, stunned, "Why would you think that?"

"You clearly hate me. You always did, didn't you? I mean, you can be honest with me, we're siblings-in-law now and we'll be step-siblings in a month. I've always asked myself why you hated me," he leaned back on his side. "You don't talk to me, you don't look at me, when I'm near you go to the opposite direction, you get furious easily with what I say, and your avoid me as if I was some kind of plague. I don't want to press it, but now that we'll live in the same place, I think it's better to know what I did to you. Did I offend you?"

What the fuck is he talking about?

What the hell?


He tilted his head, "Leo didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" I hissed.

"Me and Emma are dating," he grinned. "Finally."

Oh, I feel like dying.

"What do you mean, dating? What do you mean?" Emma is a lesbian, I'm fucking sure of it. She dates Rosalia. What the hell is he talking about? And what's with the 'finally'?

Was he really in love with her?

Shit. I feel like crying.

Don't tell she's been bisexual the whole time.

Sigh, "That's what I'm talking about, Mia. You exhales hatred when you are near me. I mean, are you overprotective of Emma? You were never that close, so I don't know, and you only seem to have a problem with me. I mean, we would become in-laws one way or another, no? Since you're in love with Leo."

My eyes almost popped up, "I am what? With whom?"

He blinked confused, "In love with Leo. My younger brother. You don't need to pretend, Mia, we all know," he avoided my eyes and leaned closer to his front, clenching his jaw. "Is it because you look down on me or something? I mean, sure, you are the prodigy of our famiglias, but I never did anything against you."

I stood up, feeling like I'm hyperventilating and he turned to me, questions on his blue eyes, "I am not in love with you brother, you fucking idiot," I yelled. "I never was, he's not my type, he's a brother to me. Have you gone fucking mad? He isn't the one that I," I swallowed the words in the middle, clenching my fists. "I can't believe you are so stupid not to know your own brother's preference, Grigori Mikhail, seriously," I scoffed bitterly.

His eyes darkened and he frowned, "Excuse me?"

"Leo is dating. He's been dating for years," I hissed. "I've simply been protecting him, since his own siblings were too busy with mine to even look at him and notice what was going on."

Misha stood up, making me feel like a kid, "What? What do you mean?"

"I shouldn't even be saying this, fuck. It's his secret to keep. You will know when he's ready to tell you, since he trusts me more than he does you," I scoffed bitterly. "Dating Emma, huh? Of course, you are. Of course. How fucking predictable, how fucking amazing. What? You're also going to say you've been in love with her for more than ten years and only got the guts to make a move now?"

Hold it.

Don't cry.

Don't you fucking cry.

Not in front of him.

Special Mass Release, 07/20

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