

You know this is the second time we are moving this year"

"It's not your decision, so get dressed for school"

"No mum, I don't need to go to that school"

"LEXI KIRA BROWN, go get dressed"

I mumbled as I walked upstairs to get dressed.

"You know that I am in a year so close to my final exams and have to get prepared for university or unless you pay your way to Princeton University, so I hope we don't move again"

My mum didn't respond so I just dressed and put my dirty brown hair into a ponytail, picked up my bag and went downstairs to pick up my phone. As I picked it up from the dining table I then head outside to meet my mum in the car where she was waiting desperately to take me to school so that she could get to work.

"What are you wearing" she says looking at me in a way which made me feel weird.

"What do you mean"

"C'mon, you always dress to impress since you started doing things yourself"

"Mum, I started doing things myself when I was seven, so what's your point"

"Nothing, just nothing"

As we drive off I pick up my phone to chat with my two sisters in our group chat

Me: hey guys first day at another school and mums driving me😞.

Jane: hahaha, can't believe mum hasn't given you a car yet.

Me: still waiting.

Elizabeth: don't worry just relax she'll come through.

Me: well she's taking too long.

Jane: well it's not like we got our cars immediately.

Elizabeth: well Jane, we actually did,dad gave us.

Me: ugh, I can't believe you guy are in the best places you want to be, why don't you just come get me.

Elizabeth: not possible

Jane: I am in university so also not possible

Me: okay, gotta go, looks like mum has found the school