
Black Blood Mage

Stealing mushrooms and drinking urine is the only way many in the underground and Demon-controlled city of Adonia know how to live. In such a world, how could anyone–much less a young boy no older than five-years-old–survive?

Smoogy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

War Part 3


The pressure of Andras' King's Aura was just as heavy as I remember, nearly sending me to my knees once again.

However, this time I was prepared for him. As soon as I felt his King's Aura, I released my own. Mine was weaker than his, but it kept his back enough to allow me to fight.

"D-Demon Pressure? How can you use that? You're just a lowly chimera!"

Confusion turned to rage as Andras charged at me with his swords extended outwards in front of him.

The movement was almost too quick for me to react to, but I was able to sidestep out of the way of his right hand's sword while blocking the other with my scythe.

The force of his strike broke the shaft of my scythe, and nearly both of my arms, while simultaneously sending me flying backwards.

I knocked down a few Beastmen before I broke through the wall of a building. I was injured but not enough to keep me down.

I stepped out of the rubble with my claws out, ready to intercept a counterattack. But none came.

The dust made it hard to see, but I could hear the mocking laughter of the skinny Demon just ahead.

"Hahaha. Donny my old friend, is this all your soldiers have to offer?"

Feeling something hit my foot, I looked down, only to see the heads of my people rolling; their faces stuck in an expression of pure terror.

With each passing second, a new head would roll and bump into the others, causing a gruesome chain reaction akin to a children's game.

'I've failed… As a leader, a warrior, a fath-'

I had nearly given up, seeing the heads of people I had laughed with just earlier today become nothing more than playthings for the monster on the other side of the dust screen.

I thought all was lost, until I thought of my son Emrys. He is a curious child, brought to me by Hefina when she found him alone wandering the old city.

His past didn't matter to me. Seeing him only once made me feel an instant connection to him–something I've never felt before.

His personality is a little rough around the edges, but with proper guidance, he will grow up to be an honorable young man.

I jumped through the dust, barely stopping Andras from killing another Beastman. Grabbing the Demon by a gap between his scales, I threw his smug face into the ground beneath me, mounting his back and clawing at his exposed neck.

Unfortunately, I was only able to leave a single cut before Andras exploded onto his feet, sending me flying once more.

This time, I landed on my feet, using the claws on my hands to slow my backwards movement.

"Even with Demon Pressure, you're still weak. But don't worry, I'll make sure you get a quick death in the Capital after you tell us how you learned that little trick."

Following another mocking smile, Andras disappeared without moving a muscle.