

I walk behind Domenico as he leads me by the hand, slowly, I'm mostly healed now just dealing with the ugly colorful bruises. Being in Italy the last few days has made me realize just how out of touch I was, being back in New York gives me a bitter taste in my mouth. I was so coddled and catered to I didn't really think or deal with the trauma I went through.

Domenico opens the door and the moment I fully step inside I hear loud cheers and confetti pops going off. I tremble as I squeeze Doms hand, he immediately pulls me in and says "It's not a true celebration unless it's with family, Your family is here Mrs Camorra!" I feel a tear drop fall both from the initial fright and the love that's in the air.

I'm immediately snatched from Dom as Gabriella pulls me into a long, tight hug before she pulls back and says "I'm so glad you're okay!" She brushes my hair away to take in the healing damage before continuing in a whisper "You know they're all going to die for this right?" I smile as I say "Yes Gabi, and Ryan is mine to take!" I watch as he eyes go wide, surely she isn't that surprised.

I'm passed around like hors d'oeuvres for awhile all congratulating me on the engagement but none for the pregnancy, I find it strange but I don't simmer on it too long. After I see everyone I go to find Gabi, I know Sofia has stocked the chocolates and I need some right about now. I make my way around to finally find her as I drag her to the kitchen.

She giggles as I pull the container from the fridge, fresh turtles and truffles. To be fair Sofia knows and probably figured she'd stock up. We make small talk mostly about the trip to Italy, she tells me how much she loves and misses it there. I do too, that was the most beautiful place I've ever seen. Dom was the cherry on top, a man whose a teddy bear to the main women in his life yet deadly if you fuck with him.

I hear a stampede heading for the kitchen as I hear Dom leading the way. His thundering voice, he's tipsy and it's cute, I watch as he makes his way to me as I place the Tupperware on the island. Gabi goes to her mom's side and locks and arms with her.

"As many of you know I have asked Coraline to be my wife.. I could not have found a more perfect partner, not only is she going to make an amazing wife but also a mother!" He leans down on one knee as he kisses my stomach, my knees turn to jelly as I hear so much reaction from the family.

Camilla races to me with tear filled eyes as she hugs me tightly, I wince as my side is still a bit sore. I hear her words but everything is slow-mo right now, I still smile and thank her. She turns to Dom and says "Oh son my heart is soar, This is such a blessing honey, are you taking care of her? You know it's hard growing a baby!" He laughs before responding.

We both expel how well he's been, because that is the truth. Dom has been prefect, which given his lifestyle wasn't something I was expecting. I hope I can be everything he wants and need.

The gathering lasts about another hour before everyone starts heading out to go home, before Gabi leaves she let's me know she'll be calling me tomorrow. As the last guest Dom shuts the door behind them as he leans back against it he looks at me, I watch as his eyes darken as they scan my body hanging on the beams. I'm sure he's thinking of the same memory as I am.

I pull back and slowly walk past him grabbing his hand and make my way up the stairs. Leading him into the bedroom then into the bathroom, I start the shower as I turn around and begin to unbutton his shirt. As I finish I get on my toes as place a gentle kiss on his chest, I feel his arms place around my waist as I feel him life me up so effortlessly.

He places me atop the counter as I pull him into a tongue lock, as I sit on the edge feeling his excitement grow along my upper thigh I move my lips down to his collarbone leaving soft kisses all along, hearing groans escape his lips gets me so excited. His fingertips grip my hips tight, I can tell he wants more and he's holding back! He pulls me closer my ass almost completely off of the edge with only his junk there to support me.

His right hand creeping from my hip to my breast squeezing it so tight it stings for a second, I pull back and protest for us to go shower first. He agrees as he let's me down and I lead us to the shower that's obviously warmed up already. We hurriedly wash ourselves but not without a lot of teasing in between, after we finish we dry off terribly as we head for the bed.

I sit him down on the edge as I plant a kiss on his lips, I get down and do what I intended. As I feel his fingers intertwine into my wet hair and grip loosely I hear groans letting me know he's enjoying me. I feel his thrusts get a bit more powerful as my eyes water, a few pumps in he pulls back slowly and out. I hear him growl at me to get up and to get onto the bed.

With glistening eyes I do as I'm told, the throbbing between my legs has me at his mercy. I'm soaked and it's not from the shower. As I lay there in anticipation I watch as he walks to the dresser and comes back with 2 leather bar things with handcuffs built into them.

I've never seen anything like this, I'm hesitant but I know Dom would never hurt me, everything he's done and showed has turned out to bring immense pleasure. He latches the smaller bar to the headboard as he locks my wrist into either cuff. On his knees he trails down my leg leaving kisses all down it he opens my legs locking my ankles into the long bar.

His eyes are eating me up before he looks down and says "Better!" The throbbing between my legs is intensified by the cool breezes, before I feel him position me how he wants me as I lay there bare taking in him admiring me.

I'm bound completely and couldn't be happier, his eyes meet mine and I can't help but long for his, when Ryan's eyes were dark I was scared, with Doms I'm at his mercy. He is mine and I am his for as long as he'll let us. I'm so obsessed with this man.