
Not a comparison, they were other times...

-Oh! Do not exaggerate either, that award already has its reserved and remember that it is up to mother Alondra to decide. What I can do is give you a hint: What do you offer? Will you buy the shoes in Dubai !?

"Oh!" Voucher! What do you know? What does Aunt Alondra need? Said Fredy.

—She, as you understand: her emotional state has caused her slight diabetes and she is trying hard to know the whereabouts of the daughters she gave up for adoption in exchange for the parole of her husband, Uncle Jack Latro. Both, very young, could not afford these expenses, nor were they allowed to leave the country with children born in the surroundings of the White Island. To date: Alondra, her daughter, must already be a professional in journalism, since that was the agreement with her sponsored and therefore they were given a fund to cover said expenses. Nalexa, you must already be an Environmental Engineer. Uncle Latro has kept the information confidential due to the sensitivity of the matter. Said Katty Latro.

She waits… so there are two: twins or twins? Answered Fredy Latro admiringly, "adding: One journalist and the other an environmental engineer." They stayed in Peru. Right: In Chimbote Bay, is it easy?

"As cousin, do you know anything about it?" Said Katty.

-Of course!

"It seems to you if we talk to each other tonight," Cousin Fredy: "I'm going to ask Aunt Alondra right now about her dress; I already have a couple of family favors and I think I can access the financial audience and get family privileges.

"Aunt, you can get a financial hearing with a family pass." Katty said.

-Granted! —Answered: Alondra de Latro. Vice President of BitCoin Corp.

- Maybe: do you want to know the color of the quinceañera dress? Look, I have more than five millionaire proposals in this regard. You could even get married the next day… "She said, as it was her customs to get straight to the point. And don't fuss. Less with her favorite niece.

"Aunt, Alondra, for God's sake." Let me travel, meet someone interesting, How did you do?

—Not a comparison, they were other times, now it is necessary to preserve the label, the Latro surname and the presence of the Latro executives on all five continents. And in you, my dear; I have all my wishes reversed ... Soon he showed up: a sheik, a film director or some deviant cousin ...

"On the family level, it's the matter: Aunt Alondra."

—Don't tell me… You already have me restless! It is clear that you have learned a lot from that gift on your 14th anniversary. Let's see: Of what? Or who is it? —Aunt Alondra de Latro said, already more open to dialogue.

—Aunt: Alondra. First: the color of the dress?

-Good. I'll tell you. Said Aunt Alondra, "calling the corporate secretary; for some reason she preferred men in her service and not women, as they reminded her of the absence of her daughters.

—Please give him the file: 'Fifteen Katty'; and close the offers, at once. Aunt Alondra ordered.

—Now: Katty Latro… I'm all ears. You have 15 minutes. If you don't convince me to marry you the day after your fifteenth birthday, said Aunt Alondra.

—Aunt Alondra: it's about your daughters, my cousins ​​Alondra and Nalexa. We already know where they are!

"Oh my God, daughter!" Say it ... Better wait, let's talk to that source together. Cancel, Mr. Corporate Secretary: the agenda in the next 24 hours at the next notice.

This story is the continuation of the saga: 'White Sea School':


The above story is: BitLove: (WPC # 160) https://www.webnovel.com/book/bitlove_19277591006022105

KeiSky (Co-Star) / DJKarma.

(English version) https://www.webnovel.com/book/7-creator-games_19366455705122805

Bierny (Star) / Nalexa.

(Spanish version) https://www.webnovel.com/book/el-creador-de-7-juegos_19366871205123905

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