
Birthright: In The House Of Ellington

Sold at auction to the highest bidder, Cordelia Banks knows she has no choice but to become a breeder to the Ellington family. In this backwards dystopian dictatorship can she find a way to get along with her new Master or will she die trying to find her freedom?

TheLaceratedBrain · Ficção Científica
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2 Chs

Shitty customer service is shitty


TheLaceratedBrain: Yeah you literally don't allow repeat titles for books?


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TheLaceratedBrain: That's kind of not cool


*** JiaJun joined the chat ***


JiaJun: Then use your creative energy to think up of an alternative title


TheLaceratedBrain: Or not?


TheLaceratedBrain: I really don't want China data mining my shit


TheLaceratedBrain: So I'd prefer my account be deleted


JiaJun: Then just leave


TheLaceratedBrain: I want my account deleted


TheLaceratedBrain: I use this name on other websites I don't want people directed here


JiaJun: As my colleague mentioned, we do not allow deletion of accounts


JiaJun: You can just change your profile name to something else and just go


TheLaceratedBrain: Why don't you allow deletion of accounts?


TheLaceratedBrain: What is the purpose of this site? Like I'm positive you have to be stealing people's stories at this point lol


JiaJun: So that contracted authors can't just delete their works and run off with the money they earn from us


JiaJun: You do realise that we own most of the chinese translated works right?


TheLaceratedBrain: Yeah I'm not contracted


TheLaceratedBrain: I literally just signed up


TheLaceratedBrain: You have paid me nothing


TheLaceratedBrain: I don't want a contract with you either


JiaJun: So?


JiaJun: We don't want a contract with you either


TheLaceratedBrain: Then why would you prevent me from deleting?


JiaJun: With your attitude


JiaJun: It's a blanket ban


JiaJun: It doesn't matter


TheLaceratedBrain: I'm amazed you get anyone to work with you considering how "Friendly" you are


JiaJun: And a quick search on google for your name shows nothing linking back to Webnovel


JiaJun: You can just leave


JiaJun: I'm not here to cater to your ego


TheLaceratedBrain: If there's a way to report this website to literally any higher authority I'll be sure to do that


TheLaceratedBrain: Oh I have no ego


TheLaceratedBrain: I have privacy concerns and concerns of you ripping people off


JiaJun: When you've shown no respect for my colleagues or anyone else for that matter


JiaJun: I can ban you from here if it helps


TheLaceratedBrain: No respect because I asked for my account to be deleted then asked why it couldn't?


TheLaceratedBrain: I just asked questions that's it


JiaJun: You're bashing the website because it's based in China


JiaJun: And only because of that


TheLaceratedBrain: No


TheLaceratedBrain: Because it's shady


TheLaceratedBrain: Your terms of service are weird


JiaJun: As though Facebook and Google aren't doing the same


TheLaceratedBrain: Your UI Is really bad


JiaJun: Ok, tell me what are our terms of service?


TheLaceratedBrain: And you are overly defensive that as I asked WHY it's based in China


TheLaceratedBrain: but you insist everything be in English


TheLaceratedBrain: Then you accuse me of having an ego lol


JiaJun: Because this site is a subsidiary of a China company?


JiaJun: And we don't insist on everything to be English?


TheLaceratedBrain: Your terms of service basically default all author rights/stories back to you to use how you want


JiaJun: Give the exact quote


JiaJun: Where?


TheLaceratedBrain: Look if banning me will also remove my account please ban me


TheLaceratedBrain: Thanks


JiaJun: It doesn't


TheLaceratedBrain: Your customer service is shit too


TheLaceratedBrain: hope whatever supervisor you have is reading this


JiaJun: Well, I match my service with the attitude of the person I'm helping


TheLaceratedBrain: It's a wonder you get ANYONE to work for you probably all new authors who don't know any better


TheLaceratedBrain: You prey on that don't you?


JiaJun: Nah, it's because they know better than you


TheLaceratedBrain: They know better than me? Really?


JiaJun: 60 million users on this site, the potential to earn money is there


JiaJun: If you know how to market it


JiaJun: But you just came here and insist we're shady


JiaJun: Just because China


TheLaceratedBrain: No


JiaJun: Yes


TheLaceratedBrain: Not JUST BECAUSE China


JiaJun: You can't even quote the terms of service


TheLaceratedBrain: Yes because I should have MEMORIZED it for you


TheLaceratedBrain: My bad


JiaJun: Then you're just making it up


TheLaceratedBrain: No


JiaJun: Because you have no idea


TheLaceratedBrain: I read what it said


TheLaceratedBrain: I read it before I even came here


JiaJun: So what did it say?


TheLaceratedBrain: I literally just told you lady


TheLaceratedBrain: And it's not just because China owns this site


TheLaceratedBrain: It's because you won't allow repeat titles


TheLaceratedBrain: Your user interface is weird


TheLaceratedBrain: Your TOS is shady


TheLaceratedBrain: And you're based in China


TheLaceratedBrain: SO yeah like ALL of that


TheLaceratedBrain: Then you play the RACISM card because you don't like this


TheLaceratedBrain: And you're a terrible Customer Service Rep


TheLaceratedBrain: There that's all the reasons


JiaJun: Don't allow repeat titles to avoid book conflicts


JiaJun: User interface is a matter of personal opinion


TheLaceratedBrain: In the real world with real writers and real novels there are many repeat titles


JiaJun: You have no idea what our TOS says


TheLaceratedBrain: I just repeated back to you that it says you own the rights to use the novels how you want


JiaJun: Then go out to the real world and publish


TheLaceratedBrain: I'd be better off because with you guys I wouldn't retain my creative rights and could ONLY post here


TheLaceratedBrain: Which yeah really bad business


TheLaceratedBrain: LOL


JiaJun: That's if you sign a contract


JiaJun: And that's the case for ALL Royalty contract


TheLaceratedBrain: Yeah which was my whole complaint in the first place


JiaJun: That's why you don't see Harry Potter being published by other publishers


TheLaceratedBrain: But yeah pretend it was racism LOL


JiaJun: You literally have no idea what you're talking about


TheLaceratedBrain: No one is writing Harry Potter on this shit website lady


TheLaceratedBrain: I guarantee you that you don't have any best selling authors here


TheLaceratedBrain: Or they wouldn't be here


JiaJun: Because it's under a Royalty contract somewhere else


JiaJun: Oh sure


TheLaceratedBrain: No you literally don't


TheLaceratedBrain: Wattpad has more famous people than this website


JiaJun: Just that our top authors are earning upwards of 10k USD a month


TheLaceratedBrain: lol


TheLaceratedBrain: K


JiaJun: While Wattpad authors are earning? What?


JiaJun: Mmhmm. Nothing, that's what I thought


TheLaceratedBrain: Uh


TheLaceratedBrain: People literally have gotten movie deals and million dollar contracts


TheLaceratedBrain: Via wattpad


TheLaceratedBrain: So....


TheLaceratedBrain: Wrong?


TheLaceratedBrain: LOL


JiaJun: Sure, so do we


TheLaceratedBrain: What movie?


JiaJun: The King's Avatar


TheLaceratedBrain: Never heard of it


JiaJun: Because you're not well read


TheLaceratedBrain: ROFL


TheLaceratedBrain: Dude I can name several Wattpad movies and novels


TheLaceratedBrain: So...shut the fuck up


TheLaceratedBrain: Yeah a google search of this place which I should have done first


TheLaceratedBrain: Tells me that I was right and you have a really bad rep in the writing community


JiaJun: Seriously, just go


JiaJun: No one wants you here


JiaJun: You can go tout about Wattpad


TheLaceratedBrain: I'll be exporting and posting this transcript


TheLaceratedBrain: LOL


JiaJun: And then hope to get a movie deal there


TheLaceratedBrain: Dude you don't even know who I am


TheLaceratedBrain: Or what I've already done


TheLaceratedBrain: You'd be surprised


JiaJun: Where here we are helping even the average author to earn something


JiaJun: I really don't care


TheLaceratedBrain: Yeah you clearly do


TheLaceratedBrain: cause you called me a racist


JiaJun: No really, I don't


TheLaceratedBrain: insisted I had an ego


TheLaceratedBrain: That I'm stupid


TheLaceratedBrain: Like you are so butthurt lady


JiaJun: Never said you're stupid, now you're making things up


TheLaceratedBrain: You said I was not well read


TheLaceratedBrain: AKA Stupid


JiaJun: And you don't even know our TOS


TheLaceratedBrain: Yes I do


JiaJun: Which is actually similar to Youtube's


TheLaceratedBrain: Like I repeated them back to you


TheLaceratedBrain: Whatever lady good luck with your complex about how great your website is cause it made like one anime popular


JiaJun: You do know that Tencent is a shareholder of Wattpad right?


JiaJun: https://company.wattpad.com/blog/2018/1/16/wattpad-raises-51-million-in-funding-from-tencent-bdc-and-other-partners


TheLaceratedBrain: Yeah...so this kind of proves my argument wasn't just "CAUSE CHINA"


TheLaceratedBrain: BUt go off


JiaJun: So technically, we're also funding Wattpad


TheLaceratedBrain: Yet they are somehow better at getting people exposure


TheLaceratedBrain: and you argued against it


TheLaceratedBrain: Interesting


JiaJun: I never said they don't get exposure


TheLaceratedBrain: I said they get BETTER exposure


JiaJun: I said most authors on Wattpad don't earn money


TheLaceratedBrain: and you bragged about one anime no one's ever heard of


TheLaceratedBrain: like that matters


TheLaceratedBrain: Who the hell hired you for this job?


TheLaceratedBrain: How do I get them to hire me


TheLaceratedBrain: I'd love to be paid to be a dick to authors for no reason


TheLaceratedBrain: Can I talk to your manager please?


JiaJun: "No reason"


TheLaceratedBrain: Also Wattpad has paid stories, paid accounts, contracts, contests and things that get way more exposure


JiaJun: Sure


TheLaceratedBrain: Let me speak to your supervisor please


JiaJun: Are you one of them?


TheLaceratedBrain: I'm not telling you who I am at this point


JiaJun: I don't really care who you are


TheLaceratedBrain: Can I talk to your supervisor


JiaJun: Just asking if you are earning through Wattpad


JiaJun: I am my supervisor


TheLaceratedBrain: Can I talk to your supervisor please


TheLaceratedBrain: No you aren't


JiaJun: Get a plane ticket to China then