

Well, I really didn't have anything to do after introducing myself because I wasn't actually going to class and I must tell you that my experience here was very dull and I didn't expect anything, my opponents gave up after seeing me using my Gate of Babylon... well I haven't really had a real battle yet just mock battles to test out the humans of this world

So I really didn't do much and a certain feeling slowly crept into my soul, the feeling of being invincible... well at least in this world

While feeling invincible is great it brings another feeling and that is boredom

With me being bored I started to play with my opponents... and while that gave me a little fun it wasn't enough and that made me realize the original Gilgamesh's feelings

I couldn't imagine being so bored for a long period of time... so this made me that thank god even more because I have an inexhaustible amount of places to go to relieve me of my boredom, but since I'm here I started thinking about places to go and other things such as how dumb it was for Shirou Emiya to be able to beat Archer and even though he gained his future self's memories he didn't have the body strength of his future self

I mean fighting over and over again will make you stronger not just mentally but physically but I don't know if you could get physically stronger being a guardian, correct me if I'm wrong

Since I will probably go to every anime soon or later I should choose which ones I want to go to in the near future I have a few ones already such as Testament of Sister New Devil after all being someone who has literally met god I feel like I should help him by stopping that taboo from being in existence and that's totally the only reason

But I have other ideas on animes to go to such as Infinite Stratos because I have to rid the world of that oblivious trash

Like literally how oblivious can you be when there is literally no shortage of hot girls around you, even his sister is hot damn it, I hate that guy and not because I'm jealous after all I am perfect in every way but his obliviousness goes to the point where it surpasses my arrogance

I swear I will save those girls from that guy and then I will erase his very existence in the most painful way possible but that is in the future

Well since I have to do something I might as well start to improve my relationship with Stella so in order to do that I decided to go to the mall

I walked around in the mall looking for a certain place and I found it

"Can I join you guys"

"Wait what are you doing here," Said Shizuku

"Aww don't say it like that, it sounds like you don't want to see me"

"I don't," Said Shizuku

"How can you say that to your dear brother after all you haven't seen me for a long time, anyway where can I sit"

"You can sit here" Said Stella

"So why are you two girls sitting alone"

"We aren't big brother is in the bathroom," said Shizuku defensively

"Yeah Yeah, Anyway do you like this school"

"I do, so I'm not going back home," Said Shizuku

"Don't be like that I'm not trying to get you to go back home I'm just asking to make conversation"

'Yeah right, I know you never do anything without a reason, and trying to make conversation is not a reason, so tell me why are you here I doubt you didn't know that we were here so tell me the real reason why you came here" said Shizuku

"fine you caught me, I'm here because I wanted to talk to Ikki and this beautiful woman right next to me"

"Wait are you talking about me," said Stella with a small blush on her face

"Yes is there another beautiful woman next to me," I said this with a cheeky smile on my face

"Not really, anyway what did you want to talk about with me," said Stella

"I wanted to warn you"

"What do you want to warn me about?" Asked Stella

"I noticed that you have a 'certain' interest in my brother and I wanted to warn you not to fall in love with him because he could never love you back because he will only want to accomplish his dream of graduating and that will be his only priority" I whispered this in her ear

"That's not true" Yelled Stella

"It is true and I believe you've already noticed this"

"Why did you want to tell me this?" Asked Stella

"I told you this simply because I would never want to see a beautiful girl like you be sad... Anyway I'm going to go look for Ikki I had something to say to him"

Like that, I left looking for the bathrooms while knowing the incident that will happen very soon


is my grammar ok I would like to know because I rarely check for mistakes and i would like to know if that is becoming a problem

Also, I would like to mention that I don't plan ahead so when I don't think of what I'm going to write until when I write it so if some things don't make sense then that is the reason

I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

SevenHeavenlySinscreators' thoughts