
608. Plundering

A harsh battle was unfolding in the sky over the territory that was once occupied by the lake inhabited by octopuses.

The ground under the lake had crumbled when the winged beasts woke up from their slumber and resurfaced, but the creatures that inhabited it had survived the fall.

That area had become something similar to a large fishing area for the remaining winged beasts though.

The octopuses of the lake were trapped in a deep canyon and couldn't escape the attacks of the more than a hundred creatures that assaulted them.

Even the rank 5 specimen couldn't do much about the situation since there were two rank 5 winged beasts that were attempting to hunt it.

Most of the strongest winged creatures had died in the battle between the rank 6 existences, but some of them still flew in the sky over the piece of Immortal Lands.