
388. Seabed

Noah descended slowly.

Two pairs of wings flapped behind his back and small black circles appeared under his feet as he balanced himself to fly.

Endless darkness surrounded him, Noah wasn't able to see anything, he only knew that he was descending.

'No trace of dragons behind me, it seems that they were restricted to the area above.'

Noah thought as he inspected his surroundings, his mental energy was suppressed and his eyes couldn't help him, he could only rely on his instincts.

'This place should be an area below the labyrinth… Wait, don't tell me that we could have just jumped off the bridge and skip the trials!'

That realization hit Noah's mind as he continued to descend.

The darkness below the labyrinth was a common sight in the trials, many of them featured pits connected to that area.

'This is so strange. Why the ninth trial forced us to escape? Why did the other tests emphasize teamwork? What is the damned aim of the creator of this separate dimension?'