
Birth of a beauty

"..I was born like this!!..Is this my fault for being ugly?!...Or Is this in my hands to be beautiful or not?!.." Looking at herself in mirror, Li Seulbi sensed a massive feeling of sadness engulfing her heart again. She touched the mirror as she was touching herself and asked "Why are you so ugly?!". She washed her face many times and again looked herself in mirror. She found no difference in her face from before. She shouted" Why?!... Why?! .. Why people hate me because of my appearance?!...Will...Will they love me if i look pretty?!..Will.. they be my friends and not bully me?!...But it is not.. possible". She felt hurt and dissappoinited too. After 5 years - Li Seulbi touched the mirror as tears flowed down from eyes" Is this really me? She is so beautiful to be true. " "This is the result of your hardwork. Now that you are so beautiful and after today you will gain more attention. Are you happy? " " Happy? I would've been very happy that i will jump around like a fool if i was the Li Seulbi 5 years ago, but now the situation is changed, Li Seulbi is changed. It's not only the birth of beauty but Birth of new Li Seulbi." ( This novel is no longer in webnovel. It's continued in another novel platform called ' Hinovel'.)

VXnessa · Geral
Classificações insuficientes
92 Chs

I will protect her

Lu San continued, "I, Lu San, doesn't like fighting and bullying as well everything has a limit, right? I thought they are gonna stop after few times of bullying but i think if someone doesn't stop them , they will never stop and force others into the corners using their superiority.."

"Today this incident has already crossed my bottom line. I am not trying to get attention or want to be a superhero but i am telling the truth. Listen carefully everyone, If anyone bullies her ,she or he should come across me first.From now on I am gonna protect her."

Lu San's eyes were bright as though he was truly determined this time. There was pin drop silence in the classroom. *pat* Mo Xung patted Lu San's shoulder " Bro, I am in." After that the classroom broke out into discussion.

"Oh my gosh, did you see that? They are supporting that out- no no Li Seulbi."

" Yeah looking at Bro San's face he looks truly determined to protect her."

" Do you think Bro San has something going on with *gasp* Li Seulbi?"

" Sshh..keep your voice low..How can you even think like that..look at both of them..she is ugly and fat but our Bro San is.. i can't describe him in one word..He is just awesome..how can you even feel like that?"

" Yeah this seems quite unbelievable.."

" What? quite? it's unbelievable, you got it..he just doesn't like people bullying. He thinks she is just a poor girl suffering so much, so he is helping her. That's all."

" Aww, Bro San is so kind hearted. I really want a boyfriend..no no husband like him..wait i didn't get one thing."

" Me too..Bro Xung is a bully too, isn't he? Then Bro San should hate Bro Xung too, right?"

" Woah..This doesn't make sense. I mean they are best friends right now."

Everyone was so immersed in gossips that they didn't notice change in the scene. Shi Yun who was calmly sitting all this time, stood up and moved forward to Li Seulbi's place. Li Seulbi was the most shocked one in this whole situation.

She couldn't process all this thing in her head so, she was in daze. Lu San saw Shi Yun making her way towards them and became quite alert. ' Will she try to hurt Xiao Seulbi?' He thought.

When he opened his mouth to say something, *smack* A crisp slapping sound echoed in the classroom. The classroom returned to it's pin drop silence. Everyone froze. Lu San also froze , his mouth slightly open as he looked at Shi Yun .

Lanlan looked at Shi Yun with mixed feelings. She touched the red part of her cheeks which was burning with pain.

She gritted her teeth but didn't say anything. Wanwan wanted to say something but was stopped by Shi Yun's harsh glare.

Shi Yun angrily looked at Lanlan " Did i tell you to do this filthy action of yours? I admit that we are a bully, and used to supress others by our powers.."

"..Everyone knows that. But I just wanted them to be scared not to harm them or overdo any action towards them. I, Shi Yun, hasn't harmed personally anyone here, Has anyone seen me harassing physically to any of you?"

Everyone shook their head. They really were telling the truth. They haven't seen Shi Yun taking action like beating and harassing physically to anyone.

Because this kind of wrong work were done by Lanlan and Wanwan on Shi Yun's order. Those who have seen wouldn't dare to raise their head let alone their voices.

Li Seulbi remembered the day when she couldn't give money to Shi Yun and Shi Yun forcefully squezzed her shoulder like she wanted to crush her bones. But Li Seulbi didn't dare to say anything. She stayed silent.

After getting positive response, Shi Yun was happy. She turned towards Lu San and said in a gentle voice " Bro San, I have already punished Lanlan for her actions. I guess you will not blame me for this, Will you?"

Lu San shook his head " No, i wouldn't. But i want you to promise me to stop bothering Li Seulbi. So, promise?" Shi Yun smiled and without any hesitation promised him " I promise."

Lu San was happy to know now Li Seulbi was safe and no one will ever bully her..but unfortunately he couldn't read through other's mind.

' I won't bother or bully her but others will, my dear Bro San. Haha.' Shi Yun thought with an evil grin in her face.