
Chapter 14: Deal

The next day, at night, the bad guys announced their search for a translator to work for them—well just another but different form of slavery. Everyone was quiet, cause why would anyone wanna work directly under the main villains? Only a fool would volunteer. Well here I am, I am that fool. I volunteer and for a second, everyone is shocked, even the bad guys. But then they take me along with them.

Beneath the curtains of the dark but magically illuminated night, I walked away from my friends and from scalvus urbs. And thus a new journey starts for me. On our way to wherever they were taking me, I noticed the moon was out. It's usually always paying hide and seek with me. But I guess now that I am truly alone, the solitary moon decided to be my company, I guess it was feeling friendly tonight. It was so bright, the sky almost seemed blue, the dark deep sea blue, the one that makes you wanna drown in it—not because you are suicidal but simply because it's so beautiful, you wanna wrap yourself in that dark, comfortable and pure blanket of nature. I hear the wind howling, whispering sweet nothings in my ear and caressing my body and although I'm nervous and afraid, I feel at peace and brave too.

The bad guys in their signature black clothes keep a close eye on me even though I was already handcuffed. And then after what seemed like a ten minute walk through the woods, we got into an old model but fancy looking car and I noticed, 'Is that a 1969 mustang?!'

I don't know much about cars but I still know a bit about them because of Jay (he's crazy about cars and ironically, 1969 mustang is his favorite and I was getting the chance to ride in one, although under very concerning circumstances). It's kind of exciting but in a deadly kind of way. I really need to get my act together. I could very well be heading to the angel of death and here I am, excited about riding a luxurious looking car.

But why'd they send such a grand car to pick up a slave?

I don't know how far we traveled but we came upon a building, a beautiful and luxurious looking building, it almost looked like a mansion. Burnt umber coloured building and vines of greenery climbing it turning it into something out of an enchanted forest. I was mesmerized by its mysterious beauty. Why do villains get to enjoy such luxuries?

It turns out this is the headquarters of their organization (in this region, cause they have other branches everywhere) and it's very close to the main city of Lorath. We enter and I'm guided to the office of someone named, 'Maurin'. I've heard that name before. From the way these guys speak of him I can tell everyone fears and respects him. He's probably the boss around here or something.

We enter the room and it's a room brimming with earthy tones. The walls and furniture are rich chocolate and elegant caramel coloured. It gives a warm and cozy vibe. And between the room, at the end of it, just behind the desk stands the beautiful, glass windows for doors to the balcony, wide open, welcoming the gentle breeze. The view is ethereal. The moon is shining its silver light, surrounded by a sea of stars. I hadn't noticed how beautiful the sky looked tonight till now.

And I find it unfair. Why do the villains get to enjoy the most beautiful views?

Amidst all the beautiful things stands the devil. And as he turns around to look at me, a smile creeps up his face which bursts into hysterical laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" He laughed in the same way as he did the night he made me kill Eve.

So, he's 'Maurin'.

"I have to say, I was not expecting to meet YOU again, dear!" He spreads his arms as if to give someone a welcome hug, with a grin which bares all his teeth. "And I am delighted to see you, Adrenaline!"

"My name is not Adrenaline." I speak, unamused. I hate the way he's given me a nickname all on his own.

"I couldn't care less about what your name is, love. Besides, this sounds much more fun." He lifts his eyebrows. "So, let's get to business." He motions the two men who escorted me here to leave. "You are the translator? I heard you volunteered to work for me." I can see he seems amused by that fact.

"I have to say, I didn't realize I had charmed you to the point you'd come to me all on your own." He smiles as he leans backwards to sit on the edge of the desk.

"What!? No—I wasn't charme…"I try to speak, dumbfounded by his ridiculous remarks but he cuts me mid sentence.

"It's alright, love. Nothing to be embarrassed about. I know anyone would be charmed by me. You've got to accept that."

Is he serious?! He's got quite the narcissistic personality. Sure he's got good looks—messy raven hair, fair skin, emerald eyes, and a sharp jawline but all of it goes to waste thanks to his nasty personality. Truly, what a waste of man!

"You actually think I'd be charmed by someone who turned me into a murderer overnight?" My voice tone, dead and flat.

"I'm here because I saw an opportunity and I took it."

"And what exactly are you hoping for? The only thing I need is someone who speaks Japanese or more languages."

"I can speak exactly twelve different languages, including japanese." He looks impressed. "But I'll work for you under some conditions."

"Quite the confidence you got there. Well, let's hear them out." He walks behind his desk and sits on the elaborately carved chair. "But if it's freedom for you and your friends, I ain't granting that."

"I'm aware. I didn't expect you to let us be free either. So instead, I want power, some status preferably. Just enough to be able to provide my friends and the slaves some support. Like some better living conditions."

"And you expect me to believe that you aren't here to get revenge on me for making you murder that friend of yours? What was her name again? Mmm, something like…Eve. Did I get that right?" He chuckles.

And It instantly makes my blood boil and he sees my rage in my eyes. "Do NOT speak her name so casually!"

"So you do hold hostility towards me. But then again, everyone does."

"I'll be honest, I do want revenge but I'm also aware that I'm not capable of killing you or anything. So instead, I'll choose this path instead. Besides, I'm sick of living like a slave…I know I'll still be a slave but it's probably better this way."

"You sure are honest. You didn't even try to hide your true feelings." He places his arms on the desk and rests his jaw on the back of his hands.

"I'm not good at beating around the bush. I'd rather talk straightforwardly and get it over with."

"But why would I keep someone who could stab me in the back?"

"Because I have something you need. And with your personality, I'm sure you're no stranger to being stabbed in the back. You could deal with me too."

"Ha! You got that right but I can always find another translator."

"I've got 'Pandora's list'." As soon as I utter those four words, his smile fades away and a silent murderous look takes its place on that face. Even the cozy atmosphere of the room turns cold. And I instantly wonder if this was a mistake after all. (Pandora's list was the letter I got from 'mister' at claret. It was something of utter importance to the terrorists.)

"You got me there." He stands up. "Pandora's list isn't something a mere slave would know about, so I'm sure you know something. Hand it over!" He orders, his voice rough and threatening and I almost gave in to his order.

"No! I want you to fulfill my conditions in exchange for letting me work for you and Pandora's list. Only then, I'll hand it over."

"How do I know if you actually have the Pandora's list or that you will hand it to me? And I could simply take it by force."

I hand him the envelope, I notice a flicker of something like—hope in his eyes, he checks it and it's empty. "Where's the actual letter?" He asks.

"Oh I'm not stupid enough to give you the letter so easily. You wanted proof that I have Pandora's list, well this envelope with the seal that looks like Medusa is proof enough, isn't it?!" I try to sound convincing and unfazed by the gravity of the deal I was making here.

"You know an awful lot about Pandora's list. Did you also know anyone who knew about it was killed? I could simply kill you right here and right now." He steps forward and now he's just two meters away from me.

"You can't kill me. Because if you do, you'll lose Pandora's list, and that is valuable information to you. And I am the only one who knows where the rest of the letter is." I lift my head slightly and straighten my posture, trying to show him, I'm not afraid. "You can torture me to get that information out of me but let me tell you, I won't speak."

"HAHAHAHA! Ahhh" he sighs. "You sure came prepared and I can also see you aren't simply bluffing, you are quite ready to die for this, aren't you!" He pushes back his hair. "I don't know if you are dangerously smart or just recklessly stupid."

"Probably both." I roll my eyes.

"Adrenaline, you never fail to entertain me and thus, I'll accept your crazy conditions. Just make them clear to me once again, will you, darling." He's back to sitting on the edge of the desk.

"I'll work for you as long as you need me to. I'll stay by your side. In return, I want you to provide me with enough power to provide for sclavus urbs and climb the social ladder. In short, I want power and money, enough to be able to live on my own."

"Alright, I'll grant you all of it. But you will have to earn that power and money. I'm not simply gonna throw it in your lap just because you have Pandora's list. And because it will be fun having you on my side. And once you have enough power. You WILL give me that ridiculous list."

"Then for the first job you offer me, I already have something I want. We can start there." I propose.

"And what's that?" He asks, intrigued.

"I want the river." His face lights up with surprise and excitement. "Make it so that the slaves have full access to it. I want clean water, so give me the river!"

"You sure know what you want. Alrighty, do your job well and you'll have it!" He says, and just like that, we had our deal.